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Everything posted by Galanty

  1. i've been trying with some keyloggers for a long time.... just tell me if your keylogger get passowrds even if GameGuard is working? i could't baypass that part.... always i got AAAAAA AAAAAAA as login and passowrd.... anyway to get GG off in your enemys PC?:p or you are just scaming in servers where to connect you need to deleted GG ?
  2. this server is best :D see you ingame Jake ;d
  3. any confirmed servers where this works ?
  4. you did not try because l2pride now is diffrent gracia server so stop spaming.
  5. only the problem is "There is 1 online players atm" xD
  6. zangetsu has all kinds of weapon + max XD i know him ;p
  7. this is one of the best server i have ever played.... unfortunately i broke twice weapons going +41... XD how many ppl online now there ?
  8. just stolen name form the best server ever... not worth to download patch...server sax
  9. hello, http://war-of-races.com here we have a server where something with trade items is buged, it is confirmed a lot of items has been stolen... but noone knows how someone use this exploit, GM set a prize for getting this trade buger.... anyone know anything about trade bug or program to scam trade? server is very good protected to l2phx...
  10. just for 10 days, even with entering a key it stoped working...
  11. no you are downloading them at your own risk.
  12. name : dron70 key : 000015-CDF6V7-4C4XXP-8VJYYE-17KPKP-H18BKN-9HWXCZ-MZENYH-CEX362-J34YWQ but when you write it... it says key accepted... and program dont work any more... any1 knows why!!?
  13. guyz i have a problem with all l2control programs... i had l2control and it was working for 10 days... i have entered the licens code and it doesnt work ! i tryind all version of l2control and nothing ... why it stoped working?
  14. sniffer doesnt work there...
  15. i was trying to do it...but dont know... not working for me.. make better guid or tell what server did you test it?
  16. make l2 Extreme !!! the faking old times!! i will love you then and i am sure that you will get community as fast as you cant even imagine! the oldest c3 Extreme server .... without CP :D with self seed of water and nuking blizard... lovely economy everybody shouted "WTS/T SB+16" " SA with a stones.... main town - Heine... bugs for c speed^^ that was time....
  17. i am just trying to say that sps/ee can be not that char that you think it is...i know if from my own experience... better go necro/pp fullbufed summon with stun, you with full mages resistance + elemental protection + mystic immunity do their job.
  18. and how you gonna kill simlpy HE/pp for example ? with hiting him for 300 (1200 with critict) ?> you are for one hit if you choose sps/ee
  19. yes it was nice server.. ;p now there isint any good 1+1 server...
  20. varka...more ppl there = more fun ;p
  21. well... best option for me is... play hard go pro :D i dont think much and i enchant fast and crazy... ;p this is my best metode
  22. as c.dmg of course but about armor... if it is possible try to get maja light + dragonik light make macros with puting on both sets, because fg. if you are fighting with a mage you dont need stun resist...but v DA you will die in a second with a dragonik
  23. everything nice...but there isint any ppl online...
  24. HE is stronger than PR so if you have full party with support and bishop you can go PR but for solo or solo+buffs HE is best... most HP, balanced critical rate/power DASH and hawk eye which can be useful if you know how to use it... about SR he doesnt have pasive "critical power" as i remember so his critics sax ;p he has highest atak speed so you can easy and fast stun others and nice evasion is usefull but imo all of archers are good and no compareable... we cant say which one is this best one...
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