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Everything posted by Ayami-

  1. As mentioned and my reply got deleted, on a copy of mxc forum site the admin sells it
  2. Well thats why he sells packs on marketplace ::troll::
  3. Iq over 90000Killing Nevermore system: Sweets is on a rampage!
  4. It was a spam ... just op sponsored server.. but ok as you wish master
  5. yes i know but... why reputation? Some good posts are having reputation as a thanks, thats corrupt :P
  6. ofc it is important to me Lets all share bugged files and say thanks :D
  7. Imagine. Didnt even dwnled it.I can share too shits on golden plate, gimmi reputatione?
  8. Rework all balance issues no more bd/titan ownage , all classes have been rework. Nerfed tevisk boosted amethyst drop
  9. Add some more words. Like,Destruction of mind is the power of l2j. Having a sentence us a name make you more succesfull
  10. Great share..Poorly coded unsecured and so on. And +1? I will start sharing backdoors to get reputation lmfao
  11. actually he is clever , good motivation and perfect client dev @icarus dont mess with him :P
  12. you need to make the hero aura on an unused abnormal effect and then call it from core with specific ids, i cant think something better
  13. go to the corners and get the coordinates then create id on zones xml and put them as peacezone if klays method isnt helpfull
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