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Everything posted by Ayami-

  1. passed till 3rd stage... then said fuck that shit :P
  2. Oh ok, doesnt first method use a bigger resource? (just newbie on java, i would go with the method i posted)
  3. + + @Override + public void onDieInside(final L2Character character) + { + if (character instanceof L2PcInstance) + { + final L2PcInstance activeChar = ((L2PcInstance) character); + if(revive) + { + ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() + { + @Override + public void run() + { + activeChar.doRevive(); + heal(activeChar); + int[] loc = spawn_loc[Rnd.get(spawn_loc.length)]; + activeChar.teleToLocation(loc[0]+Rnd.get(-radius,radius), loc[1]+Rnd.get(-radius,radius), loc[2]); + } + },revive_delay*1000); + } + } + } + Vampir thread really doesnt stops also here?
  4. well , you open so fast and your site isnt ready ... we dont know the features also... eh... dont expect so many people even without a forum.. But i guess it will be something good
  5. well basicly, pks are now forbitten haha if you own a server you will see that they cry when they get pked.. and they ask to punish pkers through ban... Awkward community
  6. who said farm is hard who said it must be only 1 cp on each kill, it might be 30 PvP servers are for pew pew Farm will take about 30 mins and you can pvp with or without pvp enchance i ve played something similar in the past and had population, i dont see something good these days
  7. I just read so many threads about Non custom/custom features and that admins got no motivation, or player dont want to play something different. Well today i will be a "player" and express an opinion about a imagination for a non custom server. Max level 80 and prefering instant level up (since it is a pvp , actually fully pvp) Safe enchants: 3 Max enchants : Unlimited Now, i dont want to pew pew so fast so...Lets think about something Begin with full a grades (Free on your back , sell price 0 ) (A grades will be with money on shop) Now , S grades should be sealed. <- here is the fun part (You can unseal it with (Armor Key and ancient adenas) Oh let me guess, usefull catacombs and much of pvp there Ok, got the S grades, lets have some pew pew NOT! Actually you can add a PvP Merchant and for example on 10PvP tokens/tickets/Points i dont care and some Ancient Adenas + a rare material through a daily boss (1 or even more) you can enchance your armor to a PvP armor that gives +2% physicalDmg or mPhysicDmg depends... Ok, so i got the PvP Armor lets have some pew pew NOTTTTT! S grade weapons can be free but.... lets enchant them too , PvP Weapons (current abiities + some debuffing with not overpowered chances) for example Duel Weakness or something Ok, so i got the PvP Weapons lets go for some pew pew? Yes , but please .. No more RB jewls through votes or free.... Just raid killing And i prefer to kill custom bosses and got them instead of the retail ones... Ok, so i got the PvP weapons,armor and basicly shits... go for some pew pew? Yeaaa Now 1 pvp = 1 cp pot, dont make nobless useless and delete summon cp pots, only way from pvp kills :D Events... Automatic Korean Style PvP events and just a LMS No TvTs,Deathmatch and so on.. Final feature that i would like to see? APC zone 2 guardians and 1 boss 2 guardians are really aggressive when you get near them they will just jump to fuck you up, when you kill them boss appears these boss drops Lifestones and SUPERPOWER potion , for 30 mins you got +5% hp/cp/mp and so on. Respawn (you decide) Killstreak system, yeaaa getting only hero aura till restart its boring so change that effect with something else. Buff slots, prefering 24 or 26 Buffers? I prefer not but people will just cry... Augments? Delete them or 1/1 thats my pov....
  8. Damn i dont usually listen to that type of music Thanks for your kind words, yes we wait topzone/hopzone and we hope for at least more people. I like to develop that even with low amount of people so i would just keep it and try for it
  9. Hello, a team just invited me to create a project with them (something as private sources + custom gameplay) So, my ideas were this: Increased max level to 99 but not hard to get (Unique ultimate learn on final level for every class) 1 New hero skill that will be depending race: for example (Dark elf , Shillens Power , increasing for 10 seconds all stats + 3 seconds invisibility) <- this actually wont be implemented, just an example No custom armors/weapons (Just raidboss weapons will be just a little better than the usual) Custom cloaks (giving only extra run speed) Accesory (Each will give a boost of 2/3 % on stats or even base stats) Some unique gameplay zones, like effect zone* , War Zone * Not crazy enchant rates but hard to be achieved a lot of currency complex to achieve top gear , effects on armor through max enchant Effect Zone*= Farm zone/ cool drops but... A debuff will be on your debuff slots that will reduce some speed/accuracy/casting etc so it makes a little more harder War Zone* = Full of APC guards, you need to kill them all to achieve the leader. So ? Opinions, features request and so on
  10. What does this phrase mean :D
  11. SERVER SUCKS!!! not! seems awesome
  12. tryskell was clear.. Add those ids to the reffered xml
  13. loled on this... SO HARD :happyforever: :happyforever:
  14. Hitler was on greece too i guess :/ :(
  15. seriously you think i am japanese? And yes no army , just buttons :happyforever: i am not offensive for greeks but for greek kids let me fix my title too
  16. seriously there are exceptions, but their behavior just drives me crazy... GREEKS USED TO BE THE SMARTEST RACE.. WTF HAPPEND
  17. A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A GREEK :not bad: nice fail anncoumets noob i join to your server and i destroy them with hack w8 me
  18. well dont compare weed with ciggarete, if you are too tired got plenty to do yea.. dont smoke weed but if you are happy and need also to relax get some.. You greeks smoke that shit even when you are about to die :D You obviously got logic, most of here got some logic.... i expect many more to get that logic..
  19. of course, i love greeks, got also plenty of friends .... And it is just makes me sad, yea not all are on this.. Also , about weed.. Yea i smoke too some shits but damn you guys start from morning till the next morning :P maybe thats the problem hahaha
  20. honestly, i am on a paid but i have this year free (cause i passed some exams) They left FROM A PAID!! thats why i flame greeks, no money, no respect on their family and shitty minds... thats why!
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