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Everything posted by BAN_L2JDev

  1. and i found them lost here This is what I wanted, I had already removed Code and another packageThis is what I wanted, I had already removed Code and another package thanks for helping I leave it here as I managed to solve
  2. it's possible ? my idea would be create an event With all that I have already managed to remove the player without a clan from the Zone Inside My Custom Zone more how could i add a check, at teleport time And inside the Zone thanks for nothing!
  3. what a very well written content. congratulations you really and the guy. have any more hidden in that SSD? HAHA...
  4. Venho ate vocês apresentar nosso projeto. L2-JDev Informações do Projeto Private L2JDev - Interlude XP 1x SP 1x ADENA 1x Bosses: Tanto os Raid quanto os Grand Bosses todos foram testados e estão funcionando. "Grand Bosses" Quest Retail. Siege: Todos os Castles funcionando normalmente e todas as funcionalidades 100%. "GuardSiege" Funcional. Siege Hall: Todos os Siege Hall estão funcionando como no L2OFF perfeitamente. Fortress: Funcionando como L2OFF perfeitamente. Olympiad: Retail completamente funcional. ServerSings: Sings e suas Quest/Drops para Lilith Funcional como L2OFF Dimension Rift: Todas foram testados e funciona perfeitamente como L2OFF Four Sepulchers: Foram testados e funciona Perfeitamente como L2OFF Instance/Catacombs/Necropolis: Todas suas Quest Drops Funcional e teleports. como L2OFF Loteria/Pescaria: Todos funcionando como no L2OFF perfeitamente. Herbs: Todos os Drop em Monster Reconfigurados ate os de Primavel Isle como L2OFF Npc's Walker: Todos os Npc's Walker com rotas e dialogos corridos. Pet's Todos os Pets e Summon Items Funcionando como L2OFF Player Level: Todos os Levels Corrigidos com suas % corretas em all Class. Balance: Todos as class foram refeitas, a L2OFF perfeitamente. Skills: Todas as Skills das Class funcionando como no L2OFF perfeitamente. Hennas: Todas as Hennas foram testadas Levels e Status. All/Class Soul Crystal: Drops Chance Mods foram reicritos com base L2OFF Buffers: Todos os Buffer foram refeitos com status e tempo corrigidos. como no L2OFF NewBieBuff: Todos os newbie Buffer Testados. como L2OFF Augments: Todos os Skills Passive/Active foram testados e estão funcionado. Augments Stat: Todos Stats Foram refeitos e seus Levels concertados. Armor/Jewels/Weapon: Todas as passivas dos Set's/Jewels e seus status enchantados foram refeitos. Recipes: Todos os recipes funcionando do No-Grade ate Grade-S Spell Books: Todos os Spell Books Funcional como L2OFF Symbols/Tatto's: Foram refeito todos valores das Symbol Dex Con Int Wit Str Multisell: Tanto Multisell/BuyList foram reicrito ultilizando metodos funcional. com quantidade maxima na compra CheckItems Npc's: Quest/Monster Foram relocados para Spwan Status Skills como no L2OFF ClanSkills: ID's Level e valor foram efeitos como no L2OFF EnchantSkill: Todas as Skill foram testada ao serem enchantadas e seus valores seguem padrao L2OFF "Foram comparadas" por Dias Zones: Todas as Zonas foram refeitas e suas Geogine. Funcional all Zones/Towns. Teleports: Todos os Teleports original com Spwan e valores corrigos como no L2OFF Door's: Todos os Door Corrigidos e Seus HP/P.def/M.Def como no L2OFF Informações Engines/Protecões Color White: Funcionando Color Blue: Epicos Color Red: Fix Color Yellow: Em breve Color Purple: Populares - Chaotic Zone : Player Is FlagZone, Nobles, No-Class Healer, Messagen Enter Zone. - Resurrection time : Res Time 4 Segunds e 5 - Trade/Sell/Drop Argument Players.propriets - Clan Item : Give 1k Reputation + All Skils and Lv 8 - Noble Item : Give Status Noblessed + Tiara - Party Farm : Config/PartyFarm.propriets Start Event //ptfarm Admin Command Lv8 - Retunr Cancel Buff Time 10 Seconds. - Protect Heal Instance RaidBoss/GradBoss - Tournament : Config/Tournament.ini 1vs1 from 10vs10 - VoicedCommandHander .online .raidinfo .disable from Skin-System - Hero Item 7 Days - NPC SchemerBuffer - EnchantSystem - AlternativeSkillDuration - Fix PcInventory adjustAvailableItem - Fix This is transmitted to the clients this localhost online. - Olympiad CrystalType A Grade - Olympiad Hiwd IP's Protect - Oly Custom End Period Announcer Enter World for isNoble - Oly Custom Period Settings - Oly RestrictedItems List - Oly Booleam Removal Effects: Buff and ClanSkills HeroSkills Cubics - Oly Enable Disable: Soulshot and Blessed Soulshot - Oly Restricted Argument Skills - Announcer PvP and PK - BypassToServer Command _teleport ins Htm Teleport "bypass - h _teleport LocX, LocY, LocZ, 0, Prince" - Dlg System Start Olympiad Register - Check Farm PvP and Pk To For Hwid IP Protection - Premium System Rankings Lv One, two, three. - Config Npc.propriets DonateItemId Item Prince Premium System - Implemented system of skins configuration in SkinData.xml - Implemented Config doRespawn() Instance Monster Defalt: 600 Segunds Npc.propriets - Hiwd Tournament Manager - Add Multisell Enchant ++ Interface.u <list maintainEnchantment="true"> and production enchantmentLevel="4" - Add Buttom Buy Augmentation Skill All In One - Add Buttom Augmentation Weapon Passive/Active All In One - Add BypassToServer Command _multisell ins Htm "bypass - h _multisell MultisellID" - Add StartNewPlayer Manager - Add Buy Arguments Stat All In One Manager - Add Days List All in One Manager - Add Zone Create //zone - Add Soe Return Main Town - Add Frintezza Quest - Add Chaotic Zone All Bosses - Add Fix Spawn Monster ServenSings - Add Send Info Drops Npcs CommandHander .info - Add RetrunHomeRaidZone.xml isRaidBoss && isMinios Retrun SpwanLoc - Add Team Vs Team : TvT - Add DlgSystem Team Vs Team : Start Event - Add Send Protocol Revison Min: Max: Protocol System - Add Hwid Protect Loguin DualBox - Add Announcer Devil's Isle door is now opened! - Add Trade Offline Shop - Add Exclusive Item ID Cannot Pickup Automatic - Add Fix Frintezza Quest + Respawn - Add Community Bord Custom: Shop's - Teleport's - Buffer's - Visual Skins - Menu Config - Info Character - Add Protect Ant-Buffer - Add Fix Party Refusal Community Command - Add Fix Trade Refusal Community Command - Add Fix Grand Boss Status Community Bord info isLive onDeath - Add Fix Ant Buffer Shield Command Community Bord - Add Fix Skins For Premium Free Use not premium nop Use - Add Fix Teleport Community Bord + DlgSystem Comfirme Teleport - Add Config Infinity SS and Arrows - Add Fix // CTRL is not needed if both are in a PVP CHAOTIC BATLLE/ARENA_EVENT area - Add Fix Messagen Sulcesyfull enchant Community Bord - Add Fix Command Community Bord Select Buffer Prince=1000 "bypass _bbsbuff 1204 2 1000" BufferId 1204 BufferLv 2 Prince 1000 - Add Fix All Community Bord from Use Town's - Add Booleam BossZone "InsideChaoticZone = "True" - Add PlayerStatus Max Attack Speed and Casting Speed - Add Balance DeBuff- Skills - Add Magic Critical Config - Add Fix Auto Farm Command .farm ON/OFF - Add Auto Potion this Auto Farm MP/CP - Add Community Bord Active/Desatived Auto Potion Character Menu - Add AutoLoot Exclusive ItemId 57,3740,1724.... - Add Phantoms Player - Add Fix Phantoms - Armor | Weapons | Jewels | Buffer | Hair's - Add Fix Phantom SOULTAKER Chance Summon + Transfer Pain - Add Fix Phantom ADVENTURER Foce Attack Lethal - Add New Tournament For Party Battler 1x1 2x2 4x4 9x9 is Premium Doble Reward - Add Fix Command Auto Farm For Player .farm - Phantom Class Fix ################################## MYSTIC_MUSE DOMINATOR SOULTAKER ################################## GHOST_SENTINEL SAGGITARIUS MOONLIGHT_SENTINEL ################################## - Add Weapons Shadown NO/SA and S/A Weapons Fatality Buy Shop Admin - Rework Tattos Left and Right Fix 10% and 15% - Add Dungeon Event Instance Manager - Add Implemente Admin Command //dungeon Start Event - Add Fix Disconecte Player is tournament Battle - Add Fix Tournament DlgAnswer Enable Box: Teleport Tournament Zone. Start Event - Add DlgAnswer Enable Box: Starting Event Dungeon OK? Teleport To Npc Gatekkeper Event Spawn. Items Serviços Clan Item Noble Item Hero Item Nobless Scrolls Weapons/Armor/Jewels Premium Account Book Abstrac Item Skin Npc's Serviços Class Master Weddin Scheme Buffer Tournament All in One - Shop / Teleport / Buy Premium Shop Print Screen Premium Book complete content at L2JDev thanks, thanks, thanks....
  5. I say I wanted to create a voicedcommand cache cleaner remove skill effects || this I already found methods remove effect soushot remove aura hero understand what I mean
  6. eu queria muito saber onde eu brincava com os efeitos dentro dos sedpackts
  7. hello everyone how can i just leave adena in auto lot ultilizo aCis 398 does anyone have this part of the code?
  8. thank you I saw you tomorrow tomorrow I will come back and from my UP vote
  9. I wish you the greatest support, this community here is very big and good. despite members with extreme arrogance. I say that I can work with only 2 bones and do "RAD" well done. Although sitting down able will give you trouble. haha or not
  10. Hello Elf, could you tell me how to get this private void in ACC 398. private void physicalAttack() { if (!(player.getTarget() instanceof Monster)) { return; } var target = (Monster) player.getTarget(); if (target.getCast().isCastingNow(player)) { if (GeoEngine.getInstance().canSeeTarget(player, target)) { if (player.getAI().getCurrentIntention().getType() != IntentionType.ACTIVE) player.getCast().isCastingNow(); } } else { player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); if (GeoEngine.getInstance().canSeeTarget(player, target)) player.getAI().tryToAttack(target); } } only Fight is working
  11. hello everyone, I've been looking for Commando to automatically get "AutoLoot" or in .menu or stat command.
  12. aCis 398 I don't find Olympiad Items and Block and Dual Box
  13. Hello, how are you. if i want to block some items in olympiad how would the right place be?
  14. Hello everyone. Well, previously he used Mobios and there he uses Java 14 in his projects. However when you save with "Ctrl + S" it removes unused items and adds the ones you would use if the call is correct. is there any way to configure if the imports come alone or and just using java 14 it already has this automatic tool. sorry for the translation you are the best
  15. In quotes let's say I get an aCis l2jserver and I want to add, this key system from l2jserver with, license. Is there any diff or Patch that is available? @Elfocrash @Elfocrash_old
  16. do any of you know where i can change the maximum amount of adena
  17. its programming language and very strong. Tell me how to contribute more?
  18. @Xtellia very good job I'm using Client interlude without problems. I know I was done for the newer chronicles, I redid the patch using your system even with protocol 216 and I managed to log in, I am very beautiful haha
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