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Everything posted by Frank

  1. 7777, 2106, 9014 and if you want to host a website or a forum you must open port 80 too.
  2. Suggestion: L2JFree. I prefer it from all the other teams.
  3. L2JFree. But you must have some knowledge on development if you want to do smth good.
  4. You still don't know what you should import in your title. Anyway, I modified it for you. Next time read THIS BTW, Site works fine and it's a cool website in general. Gratz
  5. Great guide man. I really appreciate your job in general. Thanks for that.
  6. Το τόπικ καθαρίστηκε από spam posts και οι "παραβάτες" τιμωρήθηκαν με -1 karma. Σου προτείνω να το ξαναδοκιμάσεις και αν πάλι συναντάς πρόβλημα τότε λογικά το έφτιαξαν στο συγκεκριμένο server. Εσύ νομίζεις ότι μας νοιάζει τι κάνει ο Dimis και ο κάθε Dimis? Αν είναι δυνατόν δηλαδή, το forum για αυτό υπάρχει, για να κάνουμε share πράγματα...Αν ο Dimis και ο κάθε Dimis ξέρει να το φτιάξει τότε μαγκιά του και μπράβο του! Και επίσης δεν χρειάζεται να αυξήσουμε τα stats του forum, είναι ήδη αυξημένα όπως μπορείς να δεις και μόνος σου.
  7. You agree with a wipe but what about the whole server? We have some donators and some players that are playing for months. It is not fair to make a wipe and no one can ensure us that after wipe server will be better (we may loose all our community).
  8. I will lock this topic to avoid wars (do not unlock it, there is no reason to exist)
  9. Please fix your topic's title. Is server an official or a java one? Mention that in your title too. Thx.
  10. Anyway, I am talking generally and not for the killer's pack.
  11. It wasn't imba, it was just the easiest pack and the worst too! Full of "black holes".... *Black Holes are the -beep-ed up files. For example, while you were running the server it suddenly crashed without a reason and the only thing that you were able to do was to make a roll back!
  12. Agree. But I guess that the new theme will not be the default theme of forum so we will be able to change themes and set the one that we like the most. For example, you may hate the new theme but I will like it so you will be able to have THIS (the theme that we have now) theme and I will be able to change to the new one ;)
  13. Who the -_- stickied this topic? /unstickied About topic's subject, every man in the world want to test new things. Some people may are not Developers, or they don't know a shit about developing, but they want to open a private server. Is it bad? Let me give you an example, Do you remember my first servers? L2GreekGodz? La2GS? L2Kapsimo? L2CursedWorld? ... As you can see I started as a total noob (FdLp. can tell you more ;)) My first servers was a total failure, too many bugs, lags, exploits, I remember that I used Killer's_007 pack! Oh God! Haha :D Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I started those noobs servers because I wanted to see what is an Administrator and a GameMaster...Then I tested many things, I learnt some too and finally I opened L2DeathWhisper which was in top10 l2 servers (Hopzone) for 2 months, which had 552 players online (2009-03-21). So, please don't critise new servers (noob servers) because you don't know what is going to happen...If you don't like a server with a ucoz site, or a server with full bugs, just leave and let them learn, if they don't then it is their problem and not yours. Sorry, If I was boring but I tried to explain you my thoughts.
  14. @FiX, Fakoykas is not L2Moderator anymore, so I guess that you're mistaken and maybe you've just copied and pasted this from another person's post.
  15. Κατά τη γνώμη ένα πολύ καλό (ίσως το καλύτερο) και ταυτόχρονα "ελαφρύ" λογισμικό για τον Η/Υ σου είναι το AVG Professional Edition Και τονίζω το Professional γιατί δεν είναι free και έχει τεράστιες διαφορές από το free.
  16. VBulletin of course. It's the best software for forums. SMF is quite easy to configure and open, but it doesn't have so many mods, packages etc as the VBulletin one. Also don't forget that VBulletin is NOT free and SMF is Free (that means something)
  17. Of course not. There is no reason to do that at the moment.
  18. Nice! The guides of Blane are doing amazing things!
  19. Sport, you know Pro Evolution Soccer 9.... Actually I like RPG games too ^^
  20. Iron Maiden - The Number of the beast
  21. Εφόσον δεν ξέρεις να στρίβεις τότε δεν το συζητάμε, παίρνε έτοιμα τσιγάρα. Πάντως το στριφτό είναι πολύ καλύτερο και πιο ωραίο, αλλά όπως είπες και εσύ ποιος κάθεται να στρίβει ειδικά όταν έχει αέρα κτλ κτλ.
  22. As I can see it is a mistake! But we need someone who is a player of the official server to help us! :P
  23. That's really cool. Nice share Stef it's nice and fresh! Keep it up!
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