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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Oh God you fucked it up again. That was the end. I lock this topic to avoid wars and spam. Devon thanks for info but as you can see no one can discuss things that are different from his thoughs. So keep believing in your God and keep this opinion about Satan and hate Satanists. Locked.
  2. [GR] Εδώ έχεις άδικο. Υπονοείς κάτι για την Rock μουσική δηλαδή? Anyway, to be honest, I was reading this story again. (I've already did it on google.com before some weeks) I have nothing to say, this man was following his master. He has different thoughts than the most of you (and me maybe) but why you critise him? Because he is like a demon? He is wearing black clothes, his eyes are black, he has a sword on his hand, generally he is a BLACK METAL guy, SO WHAT? What's the problem people? Because he is different? Because he is awful to your eyes?
  3. Επίσης αν θες να βρεις από που είναι αυτή η IP και κάποια παραπάνω στοιχεία δεν έχεις παρά να χρησιμοποιήσεις αυτό
  4. Δεν υπάρχει λόγος να ονομάσω servers κτλ. Στόχος μου δεν είναι να κάνω κακό στους servers ονομάζοντας τους. Μην ξεχνάς πως έτσι τους διαφημίζω κιόλας.
  5. Good job man. It is your first share and it's really cool. Keep it up ;)
  6. Όταν κάποιος βρίζει και μάλιστα πιο χοντρά τότε ΚΑΚΩΣ δεν τιμωρήθηκε αλλά προφανώς δεν θα το είδαμε. Αν έχεις κάποιο τέτοιο topic στο μυαλό θα ήμουν ο πρώτος που θα έδινα -1.
  7. Amazing work. I would give you karma but Morian already did! Keep it up.
  8. Aha..You had to mention that, because everybody could go and install 3 antivirus and let them work together...So his PC would crash.
  9. You're using 3 different antivirus programs? Your PC will crash soon! Before some months I tried to install AVG and NOD32 on my PC and when the installation was over it crashed and I had to uninstall one of them from Safe Mode.
  10. Ίσως άλλαξε η IP σου (αν δεν έχεις στατική ΙΡ φυσικά)
  11. Black Jack? What is that? Maybe you should give more info about what you're looking for.
  12. Στο patch βάζεις σωστά την NO-IP σου?
  13. AVG Of course. But try to find the professional one. It's the best. Especially the last version..
  14. Ο καθένας έχει την άποψη του και την δική του γνώμη. Το forum δεν έχει σκοπό θρησκευτικό ή κάτι παρόμοιο. Ξεφύγατε και αρχίζετε να μαλώνετε. Επίσης δεν είναι καλό να χρησιμοποιούνται φράσεις όπως "Οι σατανιστές δεν επιτρέπονται σε αυτό το τόπικ" κτλ, γιατί έτσι δείχνετε στοιχεία ρατσισμού πράγμα που απαγορεύεται στο forum. Locked.
  15. Since I just ordered Omnia, there is no reason to discuss it anymore... BTW, Samsung should give "μίζες" to WebM0nst3r...ax0axa0axxa0 Locked.
  16. I phone is cool but only for its design. I mean its features are not so good as the other mobiles. I am close to Omnia...
  17. Hello dudes, I am looking for a new mobile phone. You know, I don't buy a mobile phone every day :P...(I have Sony Ericsson S500i for 2 years now) so I would like something new... I can spend 500-700 euros. I searched and I asked some guys who are experts on these things and they suggested me the following: Nokia N96 Samsung Omnia I-Phone So I would like to see your opinion about those mobiles and which one you suggest me. If you have any other mobile phone on your mind don't hesitate to post it below. Thanks
  18. Good luck with this tournament. I used to play CS 1.6 before 1 year but now I am a total newbie xD so I am not able to participate. Anyway gratz to WebM0nster for this PS "gift" it's amazing!
  19. Now it's ok. Anyway, try not to be offtopic. Here we're not talking about DeathWhisper. Thx
  20. Are you using a static IP or a Dynamic from NO-IP?
  21. Frank


    I would meet my girlfriend's best friend to see what she thinks about me! ^^
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