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Everything posted by Frank

  1. This comes from your genius mind like all your results until now? ^_^
  2. Then it's perfect that I have 25/29 asian matches won, isn't it?
  3. No, you're wrong. I am selling information, I am not obliged to tell my source's name, but I am obliged to tell the right information. As you can see 25/29 asian matches won, proove that the information are real and are working, even you believe that they come from my mind.
  4. Well, after asking more than 5 guys about NOT OMGG, all of them told me that he has nothing to do with Mathew. I want to ask sorry and apologise for this guy, since I have 5 vouches for him and 1 against him. I am still not sure but since he said nothing against me while we were working together, I have to say sorry NOT OMGG and approved him back to my services. The guy who told me that NOT OMGG is mathew and that he asked for my personal information is: Pauler (sorry buddy, I have nothing against you but since you didn't give me the logs and you don't have enough proofs against 5 guys who are claiming the opposite I had to give your name) One more time: sorry NOT OMGG, i ask it in public just to solve the case. Please understand that Pauler is a trusted guy here, so I believed him (which was my mistake finally) About my source, sorry but I won't tell more about him. I can show you some e-mails if you want but that will not change anything since you want a name.
  5. Since when I am obliged to give my sources' names? If it's true, then ask everyone who is selling something about his sources. If you want to have a clear point of view, read again my topic about those matches or use swab for your ears. It's not my fault if someone's uses his balance with the wrong way. I give the information, 25/29 matches won, so it's not my fault if someone bet all his money in one of the 4 lost games. Anyway, I am not going to talk further about this. I really don't give a shit, I am betting and my subscribers are betting as well. So, no reason for everything. About the guy you claimed i scammed, well as I said this guy asked for my personal information in order to find me. I don't give matches to blackmailers who threaten me. Mathew is NOT OMG, simple as that.
  6. Topic junked since I scammed other guys for 25 euros? Do you have proof for this? Look at the junked topic and see all the won matches, I didn't scam anyone. Nice choice, as I said I don't give a -beep- about the topic. My subscribers are still getting matches in skype. PS: Your job is to take care of flaming/blaming as well and not only accusing someone without proofs as well. But as we can see you don't working good, and we all know that no one is gonna do something for this.
  7. Hello, Since some of the staffers prefer to ignore me and actually do nothing about this situation. I will make a report topic, for everybody to be able to see what is really going on. Now please take a look at those posts: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=277195.msg2621491#msg2621491 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=277195.msg2621493#msg2621493 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=277195.msg2621494#msg2621494 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=277195.msg2621508#msg2621508 4 posts in a raw with insults/blames for my name and my services and no one is doing nothing? Why is this happening guys? I sent a PM to WeirdSituation, and he told me that he need 2-3 days more to see what he will do and that I should learn to be right in order to be right himself as well. Is this a joke? I am and I was always right in this forum, and btw, it's his responsibility to clear the topics and act on blamers/flamers even if he likes me even if he doesn't. Anyway, I am not reporting WeirdSituation, it's Maxtor's business (nice choice braw), I'm reporting DASK for his actions/activities in public against me. Thanks
  8. I suggest Zemaitis to upload some screenshots with skype logs (not c/p) and e-mails maybe from this company's support center. Everything he said that happened in logs/records/pictures, by this way you can accuse someone a scammer. PS: Since you paid with paypal, you can easily chargeback
  9. bump WTB any paysafecard you have.
  10. just added the l2rebellion skype...if you have another one feel free to send it here or post it
  11. Or make us rich. Do or die my friend :P
  12. Hello, I want 70euro paysafecards for paypal! Fast please! Only trust members with proofs. Thanks
  13. Μπράβο σε αυτόν που τον χτύπησε! Πολλά μπράβο! Είτε είναι Έλληνας είτε είναι Πακιστανός είτε είναι αριστερός είτε δεξιός είτε κεντρικός είτε τερματοφύλακας
  14. Navicat -> Gameservers τι σου έχει?
  15. Frank


    1) Δηλώνεις τον λογαριασμό σου IBAN ή την προπληρωμένη σου, σε χρεώνει η paypal 1,5 ευρώ και σου ζητάει ένα κωδικό συναλλαγής που μπορείς να τον δεις μέσω e-banking η να ρωτήσεις στην τράπεζα να στον δώσουν. Μετά απλά βάζεις τον αριθμό στο λογαριασμό σου. Επίσης ίσως χρειαστεί να στείλεις φωτογραφία της ταυτότητας σου 2) Όχι 3) Verified = επικυρωμένο/επιβεβαιωμένο μέλος, οπότε καταλαβαίνεις. 4) Υπάρχουν limits, το κάθε account έχει διαφορετικό limit αλλά μπορείς να το αυξήσεις στέλνοντας ένα email. 5) Αν δεν κάνω λάθος είναι 4-6 ευρώ 6) Ναι, πρέπει να είναι στο ίδιο όνομα.
  16. He says how you can call your project great since you haven't develop anything yet and you haven't found any developer
  17. Justice and FighterBoss Couldn't decide between Justice and Zake although
  18. Η καλοσύνη πέθανε...:D Καλή συνέχεια
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