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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Sorry for everyone who contacted me and got no reply. I had a very serious issue with my network card and I couldn't login through my main PC. I will reply you all back the soonest I can. Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, First of all you post it in a wrong section. It's L2J tool as you said, and there is a section for L2J development and tools. Secondly, I have to say that it's a very useful tool, and give you congratulations for this share. Unfortunately I didn't download it yet, so I haven't test it to give you my full point of view, but as a first sight it looks really cool. I have only one question to ask, is it only for a specific chronicle, or it can be used in every chronicle it is wanted? Thanks and keep it up!
  3. Well, I believe that you're taking a risk with this project. People might love it or hate it. It's something totally unusual but I like your ideas, it's something different at least. I wanna wish you good luck with this project, I know you will work on this and I hope you're not waste your working time. PS: The thing with castles/sieges is amazing, honestly.
  4. Depends on the person and the work he will do. But yes, I can negotiate about a prize for this guy. Thanks
  5. My scamming? I never scammed anyone. My subscribers are still getting information from me. Sorry for disappointed you with this.
  6. Oh, where is Pauler? I can't see him...
  7. Δεν ζήτησα ποτέ την IP σου. Το skype σου ζήτησα για να σε κάνω delete/block αν σε έχω.
  8. Hello, As the title says, Im looking for skilled lineage2 players! What I mean skilled? Players who have played lineage2 H5 in different rates and know almost everything about the game! I am not going to play in a server, I need skilled players to work in the economy/balancement/gaming enviroment of a private project. No programming knowledge required, only experience in H5 servers! Requirements: - Professionalism (Business need it. You won't play a game, you will help in building it) - Experience (At least 6 months of playing in H5 servers + recent activity on H5 servers) - Will and Certainty (You must want to work and be sure for your answer) - Working Activity (You must be online at least 4 hours per day) - English Knowledge (Be able to speak English) - Skype / Jabber account Attention, if you were not playing lineage for the last 1 year do not reply at all! Post below or send me a PM with your application. Thanks
  9. That's ma buddy. Good luck with your choice Fanky.
  10. I'm sorry but I can't see something really cool on this. If you consider yourself as a developer you probably have a lot of stuff to show us.
  11. You were developing l2j files the last 5 years? oO Can we see your work?
  12. There is already a topic about this server. Someone lock it.
  13. pfff, why you still talking about me? 1. It's not your business, if you find my IP in any attack, report me to the police. 2. I am doing a favour for a friend, trying to find some customers. /end
  14. So pauler let me understand you're saying this: - I got 25 euros from NOT OMG (for the services) - I paid you xxx euros for telling me that it's NOT OMG telling those things. Why? Where is my profit from this transaction? You're genious as well as we can see. Good job, are you working on your programs/projects with the same mind or you're changing it in every situation?
  15. Sorry but the logs are in greek and I am so bored to translate all of them :D
  16. Here is the picture you ask from me
  17. I paid you? So now it is proven that you are a total idiot. How did I pay you? Paypal? Bank deposit? Paysafecard? Show us proofs. If it was just luck, I should go and play joker. I would have millions. 25/29 won in almost 2 months of those services? Anyway, I accept your opinion, since it might be luck as well, but we will see in the future :)
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