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Everything posted by aneos

  1. nice share m8 ;) gotta try it with my warlock
  2. nice share m8, with a second bot with a spoiler and a healer it'll be even better :P
  3. at laaaaast, I've been looking for that for over 2 weeks!!
  4. works on vista?? :/
  5. nice share m8, at last I can let the bot do its job and go to sleep... (I couldn't till now 'cause i have vista...)
  6. does it work on vista?? it gets me a weird error :P
  7. nice share m8 keep up the good work...! :P
  8. i think the link is broken... couldn't open the file... ;/
  9. didn't work for me either... nice share anyway...
  10. nice share m8, i wanna do it while i'm in a raid boss or something :P
  11. nice share, i'll try it ;)
  12. haha, nice job m8! :P
  13. yeah, ok but when will you re-upload them?
  14. TOO EASY... :D If you are a warlock... 1st stand next to the door of scholomance... 2nd Life tap until you are at about 300-400 hp... 3rd hellfire till you die... 4th come back as a ghost and get through the door... 5th resurrect and get in :D If you are not a warlock... 1st get a friend with you... 2nd duel with your friend, near the entrance where dueling is allowed... 3rd let your friend get you to 500hp BUT NOT KILL YOU... 4th get to the highest spot of the tower... 5th get your friend to finish you off... 6th jump down... 7th DIE... 8th come back as a ghost and enter the instance... 9th resurrect... 10th just get inside...
  15. nice share m8 ;)
  16. it also works in official servers... I tried it and it DID work :D
  17. come on, I tried it at Battle.net and i got really disapointed... :/
  18. aneos

    [Exploit] Archi and Azg

    m8 does it still work on 3.0.2??
  19. I tried it, and it didn't work for me. do you have to enter the instance the time he starts tranquility, the time it's about to finish, or while it's channelling?? :/
  20. guys are these guides really as good as they are described to be? BTW you must DEFINITELY add Zygor's Leveling guide. It's by far the best 1-80 lvling guide of all times :P
  21. lol m8, say you're on a in Hellfire Peninsula and a dozen of mobs are after you, you can use this to HS while running...?
  22. m8 the video has been removed... :/
  23. I tried this and actually got onto this ledge (yeeaaah :D) but I couldn't get up the other wall. :/ what's more I think it's kinda useless to go there because it possibly has NOTHING... AND you're not going to find anyone else... :P
  24. but actually, despite tha fact that you'll get 0 honor, and probably get banned, you will get revenge on those twink pricks who pwn everyone all the time! :P
  25. Guys I just did it on Official and earned 1000g (I only had 700g at the beginning so...) here's a simple way to do it. 1st create an account with a username "sdfgjsffsafk" or something similar. 2nd tell a friend of yours to log this account, create a char and log in. then he must log in YOUR character and get all the money. 3rd he buys anything he needs from the AH 4th then he can sell them at a more expensive price! :D 5th wait a few hours. 6th log in and tell a GM that someone hacked you, and stole your money 7th wait for the GM to give you the money! the thing here is that since someone logged in with an accout like fjjafjasjfjsaf he will understand that it's a scammer. and since your friend will have logged from a different IP the GM could think that it's a hacker or someone who saw your account password anyway. so he will refund you, but he won't get the items back from the other account.
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