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Everything posted by sunhaq

  1. Old but still nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbVtbc_XzrI
  2. Currently? TF2. But if you ask for my all time favourite that would be Tribes 2. That one is free these days, i just wish there were more people playing it >.<
  3. It's not killing music, it only kills the distributors that can't adapt to todays reality. Who wants to pay EUR 20+ for a DRM protected CD that he's can't listen on his PC when there's free music on the net everywhere :P
  4. Bad idea to compare apples with pears. But Lineage 2 rules anyway (;
  5. sunhaq

    ANIME !!

    Saikano was pretty twisted.
  6. Worked for me on the interlude L2j that I play on. Thanks.
  7. Thanks, just tried it and it works.
  8. What version of walker is it? I am using Vista 64 and it works quite smooth with Walker 1.79 on the Interlude server I play on atm. Just need to use the admin mode thingy or otherwise it won't start L2. Got older version that I could try too.
  9. I took a quick look onto the Cleric script and it looks nice. You even handled deaths on the mob killing parts. Nice share. Thanks.
  10. What Windows version are you using? If it's vista you might want to try to run l2walker as Administrator.
  11. Could you post a screen + features or something? I planned to write my own syntax highlightning for walker/superman scripts with a new language file for NotePad++ (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/UserLanguageDefineSystem-HOWTO.php) and now wonder if I should throw it away since there's already something good. thx
  12. Botted a Kamael Soul Breaker to 6x on retail and can't say it's weak. The 50% heals penality is the biggest problem I ran into. Solo pvp was a bit tricky sometimes but in a group I never felt useless :P
  13. No, why would it? Did you read what the post was about?
  14. Scanning on jotti.virusscan.org didn't show anything special: File: xzCrk.zip Status: POSSIBLY INFECTED/MALWARE MD5: ce459aeb1f69b990b2fb24c9ae25bff2 AntiVir Found HEUR/CryptedArcaVir Found nothing Avast Found nothing AVG Antivirus Found nothing BitDefender Found nothing ClamAV Found nothing CPsecure Found nothing Dr.Web Found nothing F-Prot Antivirus Found Possibly a new variant of W32/Backdoor-based F-Secure Anti-Virus Found nothing Fortinet Found nothing Ikarus Found nothing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Found nothing NOD32 Found nothing Norman Virus Control Found nothing Panda Antivirus Found nothing Rising Antivirus Found nothing Sophos Antivirus Found nothing VirusBuster Found nothing VBA32 Found nothing
  15. Errr. whole forum is in english. Forum is hosted on .com domain. Tons of posts are in english too. I wouldn't call that a "greek forum" just because it's run by (a) greek(s). So what exactly is the problem with non greek visitors asking for a translation if it's a posting from greeks that can't or don't want to speak english?
  16. I don't see anything really new with the race. I just subbed one on retail and use the same botting profiles that i also used for daggers/archers - of course with changed skill names. It just takes a little longer to bot duos since heals only have 50% effiency. Imo it would have been a better idea to spend the time they spent on the new race which is mostly like the old ones to balance the game a little more
  17. My favourite game ever was Tribes 2. These days my favourite games are Lineage 2 (for 3 years now) and lately also Enemy Territory : Quake Wars.
  18. Nothing keeps you from printing that stuff if you really think paper will help you ;D The rest will just read it on the screen and save some trees for the future generations ::)
  19. You played it, too? xD
  20. Happy New Year!
  21. 03/03/19xx
  22. it's fun when you get forced to use Vista at work and you realize how much it brakes your work out
  23. Happy New Year!
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