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Solomun last won the day on May 8 2017

Solomun had the most liked content!


About Solomun

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    Boom Beach/Clash Royale, Computer Science Engineering (CSE),House/Tech Music

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  1. Decent server. community slowly growing!
  2. Is good server actually.
  3. This server is really like you live in 2014. For me, it is super playable. The server has decent balance and very good economy when it comes to farm/enchant/raid bla bla.... The only problem is that its community is low for now, but I saw admin trying hard to make changes daily and fixes things Good luck to this server!
  4. I didn't say good or bad. In retail, there are multiple boxes. All I am saying is that you cannot clan "100%" retail and "no dual box" at the same time. My opinion. Good luck to this server and all the other servers out there. :)
  5. 100% Retail game-play with few changes on the economy and balance Dual boxes were part of retail
  6. Yes there are issues. Olympiad. Freya olympiad studiums are different than High five. If player plays from High Five, he cant play olympiad in Freya.
  7. Bumping a 2014 post...Is there any server in 2k21?
  8. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/218384/what-is-a-nullpointerexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it
  9. And now the question....What is better than this name? The domain l2malakas.eu
  10. Please mark the answer that helped you solve the problem as "Correct" .
  11. Για τι pack μιλάμε?
  12. How much time did you give it?
  13. People expected?
  14. I think, smartguard.
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