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Jojo_ last won the day on April 11 2017

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    Modeling stuff / research.

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  1. Eheheheh that picture. For now I have trouble to make it work :X I updated with new dll and .ini but it just ''log'' over CacheD with some log blue line when I log my character :X Maybe I compiled old files I will recheck properly, also I carefully checked my table and yes it is there :) Was it :) Would it be possible to have a ''black list'' feature? Like being unable to send mail to a certain character ? Forbid an user to send an mail ? (I would personally use it to forbid one character to receive mail, the one I use just to send Dimensional Item. Also the way your dbo.post is made I could convert my script to this system to send birthday gift etc through php or any other method to execute your sql.) For now I will test it and tell you if I find any quack :)
  2. Pretty neat :) If you more than this one feel free to share any time ~
  3. I agree what an helpful person, I totally recommend him !
  4. Hi, Seem it use Delphi and same source than I based mine of (I converted source from Delphi 7 to Rad studio 10.1) you could try to change few options to make it much better here my suggestion :) 1 : Disable ''Transparent'' over black or any color that just ugly. (see next suggestion why) https://i.imgur.com/thYodPe.png 2 : Enable GlassFrame (It allow PNG to have Alpha !) https://i.imgur.com/urmBbeE.jpg 3 : Option button put it few pixel to left with some margin from the Close button (Mistake can easly happen) 4 : In Game Settings Add 2 Buttons for Apply and Close that weird to have clickable text only :) 5 : If you do use 1 & 2 in png add a shadow so it look prettier :D (Here that a personal view !) 6 : If you want to rock on every others launcher make a skin for each chronicle and trust me you will have feedback ;) Now I have tiny question, do you plan to re-share fixed sources or accept helps ? so we can help you making it even better than you did now :) If you want to talk about over skype tell me and I pm you name over here :)
  5. Hi, I have seen you have made some change about mail system, do you accept suggestion about it ? If yes check spoiler :
  6. Well tonight for me (in around 3/4 hours) i will make a proper UKX/UTX with this editor and show the result :) And I will provide both ukx/utx and critical here so you will be able get what wrong I hope :)
  7. hm, What is that ''tool''? I can not seem to find it when I search for elfocrush in this forum ^^ edit : Ah I think I found it, it was elfocrash and not crush :)
  8. Hi, I come ask because maybe I just miss something really oblivious. When I try to save UTX/UKX with L2Editor it does save properly but it became unreadable by the game. Also when I create material, like TexEnvMap it just crash UnrealEngine is this normal or something is wrong with my download L2Editor ? I am using Lineage 2 - Epilogue client and it was doing the same on Gracia Final. Thank you for you help it would help me to save ton of time :) PS : I tried to encrypt with encdec but it seem to do the same
  9. Hi, I can't seem to make it work with UKX/UTX Do they have to be saved then encrypted in any method? Right now I used an unreal engine that would save it directly fine with Gildor patch (just not open) What I try to achieve is to load a UKX add a mesh and save and there it just wont load in game same for utx. So I tried to encrypt it but same it does not load. (why I do not want to use gildor is that I have to redo all animation notify each time I open my UKX D: )
  10. Ah yes seem my header.txt was present and listed in classes.txt but empty. I might have skipped that part somehow. Thank you :)
  11. I have tiny big issue with splited AI 11/13/2017 15:00:37.821, Loading Split AI: Can't load file aiai_adiantum_skilluse\adiantum_skilluse.txt And this for all classes. Yes I do have splited AI folder with txt etc. I did it with make.py all you provided some post again in a .tar what make me think there is something wrong is that "aiai_" after Loading Split AI: Can't load file .... It seem to miss a back slash in to assume it as path (ai\ai_ ) Did I fail somewhere ? Pfff do not mind me I am stupid really. That in Classes.txt ... Now when do fix classes.txt it show that error and for all : 11/13/2017 15:12:32.116, Fail to load. Reset the AI. Line[0] 11/13/2017 15:12:32.157, Cannot find AI class[farm_maker] 11/13/2017 15:12:32.158, Maker[oren15_azit_teleporter01] doesn't have ai handler. cannot set the ai parameter[CastleID] I will try to find why :)
  12. Hi, Some region (and well known) have quite random critical error. Time to time players receive such error : But that not always the case time to time with luck no error and they can get npc. Anyway just to say I have checked several time client and it seem to be perfectly fine on another server Could such been related to AI.obj? I ask because that the only file I do not really know in /script/ and that the only one that remain the one from gracia final 83 leak. Thank you if you give any tips or help that quite frustrating ^^" Actually as surprising as it seem that related to client. That fail with new drivers. If any have a proper solution feel free to contribute here :)
  13. Can you try that an tell if that right ? (I can not check i do not have working primeshop working for Gracia Final.) Go in "Lin2World" then in "user_point" Search for your desired character by ID I row point type search id 0 of your desired character (I suggest that for test you use your builder account.) And in count if that 0 change it to something else so you can see that change in game. If that does not change it be sure to reload character. If that still not work try to add different Point type ID (ID 6 = Pc cafe point), all other I have no idea yet sorry.) It does Not require server reboot when you give point. If after sometime you still have not found it I suggest to contact Advext and ask them some documentation after all you should have payed for their files :) When I read their SQL it seem point id is 0 check bellow after "@account_id" :) CREATE PROCEDURE lin_AddPointsJob ( @account_id INT, @points INT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO dbo.user_pending_job (account_id, job_type, job_param, job_create_time) VALUES (@account_id, 0, @points, GETDATE()) go
  14. Maybe that an error in my side. Also unsure about it on Epilogue but when you sell, buy and refund it should close that window, to let the NPC speak. Beisde it, it seem to work pretty fine.
  15. That is maintly why I will try to switch on epilogue to see if this bug remain. I will report later if it does or not work :) I confirm epilogue does not have this issue. So I will make a tiny ''upgrade'' epilogue-> gracia final with just gracia final feature :)
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