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Everything posted by eressea

  1. Correct order is any order where base classes are before classes that extend them. For example default_npc must be before citizen and citizen must be before merchant. If you're not sure how to do it, just keep the order that was in ai.obj
  2. What do you think about this? https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/12123944d5706367ef9eab786f87024c4cb8216f?at=epilogue-support
  3. What exactly do you mean by "premium effect" and what are you exactly trying to achieve?
  4. Hi, firstly DON'T USE UNPATCHED GRACIA FINAL. It's full of bugs - duplicating stackable items, duplicating adena, one packet to crash the server (RequestSkillEnchant with enchant type > 3), base stat (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIT/MEN) stacking up to 99 through augmentation bug, lot of bugs with hide skill, trading untradable items via private store and lot of more :) As for npc class count over (MAX=10000) - you need to increase max index. Every extender out there is able to do this. Your data is 100% NOT original because with original data it runs well. As for Undefined NPC[scribe_leandro] - it's missing in npc_pch.txt As for Undefined MOVE_TYPE[MoveSuperPoint_FollowRail] - it's missing in manual_pch.txt As for Undefined precompiled name[bunch of names, mostly SEALs] - again something missing in _pch.txt files As for Bit flag Index overflow - it's the max index again. You should get some extender + some good data. One of possibilities is getting AdvExt64 Gracia Final (or Epilogue) demo (for free) and running the data with MyExt64 https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public :)
  5. Themida is a problem? Really? I've already made "some changes" (complete custom antibot + some fixes/tweaks) in Epilogue 152 client and Themida won't stop me :)
  6. It still looks like you're using different l2server/l2npc - I've extended some structures that are shared between these two so you need to use the very same dll with both Also try it with my exes: http://download.l2shrine.com/L2ServerMyExt64.exe http://download.l2shrine.com/L2NPCMyExt64.exe Use this DLL: https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/raw/21ef97893c17dfe1d4a6c177bb9bd83dcd690f54/server/MyExt64.dll If still crashing, then please: 1. delete all previous logs (whole log directory in both server and npc directory) 2. start l2server and wait until it loads/starts fully, start l2npc 3. make a screenshot of l2server already running and l2npc starting 4. send me screenshot and all logs (compress both log directories and both lin2error.txt files) Thanks!
  7. If there are at least three people that need this, I'm willing to implement it as optional feature ;)
  8. Send LinError.txt BTW I extend both l2server and l2npc, do you have both them patched to use MyExt64.dll?
  9. Pure evil... I'm thinking about leaving it as it is (which was at least right previously, unlike some guessed formula that was never right)
  10. Hi, as you may know, I'm developing Epilogue extender. I've found this info on legacy.lineage2.com: The formula used to determine damaged inflicted on monsters level 78+ has changed slightly. The amount of damage inflicted on monsters will be lower if your character is 2 or more levels below that of the level 78+ monster. Damage will not decrease if player is same or higher level of the monster they are attacking. In case of a servitor or a pet, damage will be based on owner's level and not the pet's level. Decreased damage amounts apply for all types of attacks (weapons, skill, etc.). This change does not apply to PVP. The formula used to determine resistance against magic inflicted on monsters level 78+ has changed slightly. When a character's level is 3 or more levels lower than that of a monsters level the chance that the monster will be able to resist a magic spell will increase. Items that used to affect the chance of a creature resisting a magic attack has changed.The chance of monsters resisting magic spells will be based on character's level rather than stats used to boost the chance to hit a monster. This change does not apply to PVP. Does anyone here know how exactly should inflicted damage/magic resistance change with level difference? Thanks in advance!
  11. I've already started working on Epilogue support (in a separate branch), currently I'm able to parse skilldata.txt, itemdata.txt and skillacquire.txt for Epilogue - last commit is here https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/1b1735c2959a6d14b11c00083692933af0182d68 Skilldata will still need some work (for example implementing target_type = enemy_not) and it definitely needs some testing, but we're on the way :) I've just done support for skill transfer (EtcSkillType 7, 8 and 9), you can see some screenshots on our forum https://forum.l2shrine.com/topic/1194-small-update-on-hard-work-on-epilogue/
  12. Just hook function void CPet::GiveAllItemToMaster(bool) and make it cancel the trade just before it starts moving items to pet owner's inventory :)
  13. Hi, it's there because it changes server behaviour and there really may be someone who wants genuine Official Server feeling (this bug is still there - see http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=291191). In other extenders it's configurable (Vanganth has SpiritShotExtension, AdvExt64 has NON_DB_SOULSHOT). Also see this comment http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/207258-interlude-project/?p=2590370
  14. Hi, you can use l2server_l2off_gracia_final_83 https://www.4shared.com/archive/MSxwxKnXce/l2server_l2off_gracia_final_83.html or data from AdvExt64 Gracia Final
  15. SQL? Is it really l2off? In l2off, just remove appropriate lines from npcpos.txt. In l2j it will be some DELETE FROM some_table_with_npc_spawns WHERE some_column_like_npc_id IN (SELECT id FROM table_with_npcs WHERE level<40); but I really don't know table and column names...
  16. I wouldn't recommend Kimsufi unless it's just for testing purposes. We had some servers there (not for L2) and had some problem and it took them more than 24 hours to fix the issue... Worst tech support ever (also it's french). Where do you need the server to be physically located? Where will the players be from? If it's for Europe, I would recommend https://www.masterdc.com/configurator/?&g=DEDICATED - they have brand new datacenter and you don't have to care about DDoS attacks if you get Radware DefensePro. But it will cost 100-150 eur/month if you get 32 GB RAM variant with 2x 300 GB SSD... And price of Radware is individual.
  17. How did you create the pet item? //create_pet (correct) or //summon (incorrect - doesn't create pet, only item)
  18. So I've investigated further and it's not necessary to do any changes in extender - you can change this by editing itemdata.txt and setting drop_period to different value (0 = disable, anything higher than 0 is minutes)
  19. When Kim Dotcom was born (1974), Dennis Ritchie had already created C language (1969~1973) which allowed UNIX to be rewritten to higher level language from assembler (1972). When Kim was 9, Richard Stallman announced start of GNU project (1983). I don't think you can compare Kim to these guys. Buying bunch of servers and making big online storage for users doesn't make you a hacker...
  20. Just split it to UTF-8 files and list them in correct order in ai\classes.txt file
  21. There are two types of chests, "good" chests and "bad" chests. "Good" chests can be killed by one hit, but in that case they drop nothing at all (and give you some damage), the only proper way how to get reward from it is to open it with key or unlock skill. "Bad" chests are like normal mobs, you usually don't kill them with one hit and even if you do, their drop is similar to normal mob drop, no big chance for enchants. I don't think there's any problem with it except the fact you can easily distinguish between "good" and "bad" chests (they have different IDs) This is very easy change, just go through it and change all these and change price (in this case 100000) to zero: telposlist_begin Position {"Talking Island Village"; -84169; 244693; -3729; 100000; 0 } telposlist_end Also I'd recommend you getting decompiled AI and using compiler (already present in l2npc.exe and myext64.dll) for bigger changes in AI. Also it's much easier when you use our "Split AI" feature...
  22. That should be pretty easy Maybe I don't understand, disable treasure chest spawning? That can be easily done in data That can be done easily in AI That can be done easily with builder commands (see //set_quick_siege and //set_siege) Shouldn't be hard to change them to blue You're welcome & thanks for suggestions, number 1 is definitely worth doing and number 5 would be nice to have :)
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