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Everything posted by Stev0

  1. sto bluff ri8mizis to power <set name="power" val="75"/> (to 75 simvolizi to % dld exi 75% pi8anotites na piasi to bluff) kai ama 8es na to kanis na kratai pio poli ora ri8mizis afto edo <effect name="Stun" time="5" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="Stun"/> (to 5 simvolizi ta seconds) blinding blow apo oti ksero afto molis to kanis ston adipalo s dini speed kai exi pi8anotites gia lethal. afto p boris na ri8misis sto blinding blow ine i pi8anotites gia lethal dld afro edo: <set name="lethal1" val="5"/> (to 5 logika ine 5% pi8anotites na piasi) <effect self="1" name="Buff" time="12" val="0" stackOrder="40" stackType="speed_up_special"> (to 12 ine ta 12 sec p kratai to speed buff) <add order="0x40" stat="runSpd" val="40"/> (to 40 ine poso speed s dini to speed buff) kai ego newbie ime elpizo na voi8isa me tis liges gnosis p exo :P
  2. so could you explain me how to do it since im a newbie (i have learned a lot those 2 months but you know still a lot to learn)
  3. you just broke my hopes and dreams for this zone :y u no?: anyways so i have to search for another zone or to use my source to apply a code (i tried it but i got many errors im no good when it comes to eclipse) i thought to make hunter village a pvp zone or is it a bad idea? dunno i just dont like primeval isle as a pvp zone :forever alone like a boss:
  4. i tried but nothing happened :/ still searching for a way to make the pvp zone!!!
  5. works for me :) nice share :P
  6. no its not normal.. you should fix the skill xml im not sure how to do it in a H5 pack but in interlude you go to stats/skills find the skill open the xml and fix the #power numbers and after that the #ench1Power, #ench2Power or maybe in configs you have the blow dmg to high search for physics.properties at least thats how i fixed the blow dmg in my server "l2jfrozen interlude" dunno if its the same in H5. p.s i told you this cause you said you have problem in l2j l2off and l2j are 2 different things maybe you wrote this in a wrong section dunno anyways i told you everything i know about blow dmgs (since im a newbie i dont know much) good luck :happyforever:
  7. ah i forgot to say thanks for the interlude adapt i really like it i just hope it doesnt lag when many players are online
  8. ok i will try when i get home thanks for the advice
  9. like what? any ideas ?
  10. i tried to do it but for some reason still it spawns me in goddard i tried it in a different place like in dion i copied some codes from primeval isle added em in dion's code and "vuala" works but when i do it i fritezza for some reason its not working :S
  11. i just tested it shilen's animations lags and starts over for some reason you know her hair is moving then stops and starts over (when i set her as L2Monster she dont have animations for attack like xxxxxownerproxxxxx said) beleths is perfect. p.s thanks for the share ;)
  12. i dont have any experience with java,eclipse i think is possible to do it in zone.xml try and explain me what i should do maybe i can make it work :)
  13. Bump
  14. we are waiting for v.1.1 :)
  15. BUMP
  16. how is this going to help me i dont understand :S (im kinda noob)
  17. isnt it possible to do it without java codes?? i have the zone.xml <!-- Boss zone Frintezza --> <zone id='12016' type='Town' shape='Cuboid' minZ='-6130' maxZ='-3000'> <stat name='name' val='pvp zone'/> <stat name='townId' val='19'/> <stat name='taxById' val='8'/> <stat name='noPeace' val='true'/> <spawn X='10918' Y='-24641' Z='-3645'/> <spawn X='9730' Y='-22180' Z='-3698'/> <spawn X='8038' Y='-22936' Z='-3719'/> </zone> isnt it possible to edit it here???
  18. Bump!!!!
  19. No one can help me ? :/
  20. nah mine is l2j forzen c6 i just said maybe its the same when you buy the weapon you get your weapon enchanted but in the shop it doesnt show the enchant
  21. Hello guys i need some help : i would like to make this place a pvp zone: i would like to make it when some1 dies there and press "To Village" to respawn there again in different spots each time. (its a big place and a closed area so there is no escape routes so i guess its a good pvp zone) ALSO i'd like to make when some1 dies in my farm zone and press "To village" to spawn in my main town which is Giran and not to the closest town. if some1 can help i would appreciate it :) Thanks for your time. I use l2j frozen interlude
  22. maybe it just doesn show the enchant in the shop but when you buy the weapons the weapons get enchanted automatically or at least thats how it works to me and i have it like this: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list maintainEnchantment="true"> <!-- thrower--> <item id="1"> <ingredient id="5572" count="1000"/> <ingredient id="5570" count="1000"/> <ingredient id="5574" count="800"/> <production id="16005" count="1" enchant="17"/> </item>
  23. please can you adapt it??? i really like this version of giran :) i downloaded the interlude install and i got the original files you needed here they are: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sli4iucbed3z6vy/original+files+you+need.zip i hope you can adapt it i will appreciate it :)
  24. is it possible to make this for interlude?? if yes can you please share it ? Thanks p.s nice work i like it :)
  25. to problima ine sto itemname-e.dat bori to id ton items p exis vali na ine poli megalo i to id ton items na iparxi idi sto itemname kai na vgazi error (dn boris na exis to idio id gia 2 diaforetika items) des se pio item ksekinai to error kai dior8oseto p.x anikse to itemname-e.dat kai des pio ine to proto items p exi name noitemname px exis ta eksis id/items 151515 dark crystal breastplate (as poume pos afto to item sto dixni kanonika name ola opos prepi) 171516 dark crystal leather brestplate (kai afto edo sto lei noitemname) 151517 dark crystal tunic (tote ka iafto edo 8a sto lei noitemname) 121518 tallum blade (episis kai afto kai ola ta ipoli items p exis parakato) opote i prospa8is na lisis to problima me to item p s vgazi proto to eror dld na alaksis id i tpt tetio i an dn to xriazese to sigekrimeno item dld dn prokite na to xrisimopiisis ston server tot apla diagrapseto. afta ta liga ksero m exi tixi poles fores afto to problima kai apla diagrafa to item p m evgaze to erro (sta tattoo m simveni sini8os) elpizo na voi8isa.
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