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Everything posted by Stev0

  1. Hello guys im searching for a good scheme buffer like this one i downloaded this buffer but it doesnt work on my pack (l2jfrozen interlude) i really need a good buffer :/ if any1 can share a nice scheme buffer it would be nice . Thanks :alone: (and sorry if i posted in a wrong section i didnt know where to make this topic) Edited: also is it possible to put 2 different effect on the same weapon ---weapongrp? LineageEffect.c_u008 LineageEffect.el_prominence_ca
  2. Gia sas pedia ! xriazome ligo help me to TVT , CTF ston server m lipon 8elo na alakso ta meri p ginode ta event ala den ksero pos.. px to tvt 8elo na ginete sto Ruins of Despair. dn ksero omos ta coordinates... px paw se ena simio kai patao /loc ala m dixni ta coordinates tou sigekrimenou simiou p exo ton char m.. pos boro na vro ta coordinates olis tis perioxis??? (episis epsaksa kai sto zone.xml ala dn vrika to ruins of despair) 8elo omos kai sta event p 8a ginode i players na pernoun pvp :P (san ton pride, oste ta event na ine pio active) bori kapios na m eksigisi pos ginete olo afto?? Xrisimopio L2jFrozen rev=946 (interlude) Elpizo na bori kapios na me help :happyforever:
  3. bump
  4. bump
  5. Hello guys so i want to make an aio item you know when i click on it to open a panel which contains Gatekeeper,Augamenter,dye manager. i really dont know anything about eclipse and such things but i will try to make it work with your help xD and if i cant do it alone i hope someone will be kind enough to use teamviewer to help me :) and is it possible to make tradeable augmented weapons (with skills or without) ??? if yes.. how? i use l2jfrozen rev=946 (interlude) Thanks for your time! also how can i make when players kill each other in a Event to get pvp kills??
  6. [gr] euxaristw file mou ef8igramismena ine ola apla i pics p traviksa ine ligo komenes
  7. bump Choose a pic and make me a cool signature xD
  8. i had the same problem but with animes i started going to gym met new friends and now im sitting on my pc for about 3-5 hours (before was like when i come back from school playing l2 watch anime till 2 am when i go to sleep so 12hours) so the best choice is to find a hobby like soccer,basketball anything you like meet new friends and at some point you wont need your pc for anything except to kill time (when you dont have plans with your friends) we all know that games like lineage2 are addicted so most of the ppl who play games like l2 know your pain. (you are not alone) :forever alone like a boss:
  9. i diadikasia tou "install" ston ipologisti p nikiasa ine diskoli dld ego p 8a to kanw proti fora 8a ta katafero ?? :S
  10. gia sas pedia 8a i8ela na kano kapies erotisis.. 1) pos boro na vgalo ta lefta p exo sto account m stn paysafe se metrita ??? 2) sxetika me tis eteries p leme "Dedicated server" gia na sikoso enan server se eteria dino to pack mou stin eteria? pos ginete akrivos olo afto?? 3) exete kamia kali(ftini) eteria na protinete ?? na exi pano apo 8gb ram? (sto pc m exo 8gb kai ine sta 3gb molis valo geodata pai sta 5.6-6.3) 4) p boro n vro ena kalo vote reward gia l2jfrozen (interlude) ?? elpizo na m apadisi kapios gt exo poles apories os newbie.. :happyforever:
  11. Bump
  12. money makes the world go around! the truth about everything...
  13. this is really helpful thanks ! GJ ! ;)
  14. Thanks :)
  15. if any1 else wants to try to make a signature for me i will gladly accept it :P if i get many signatures i will have a lot to choose from and you will be able to show you skills in PS xD
  16. thats what i tried to do, make it simple for a retail interlude server :P when i learn how to import pics into a html code i will make better ones (im still learning) :P
  17. i just want it for human male xD
  18. i gave my account to my bro he played for about 1 month he got bored and tried to sell his char via forums and he got banned... what im trying to tell you is that selling chars in pride is a bad idea and you might regret it.(that why i like this server active gms and rules you must not break) xD
  19. it kinda reminds me of l2 e-global Good luck mate xD
  20. sto l2jfrozen iparxi ena arxio p legete olympiad.properties (mesa sta configs) mesa sto arxio prepi na iprxi afto edo: # Restrict specified items in Olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. 1,200,350) AltOlyRestrictedItems = an iparxi tote vale ta id ton items p dn 8es na boroun na forane i ali stin oly kai ise koble. dn ksero an iparxi sto l2j ala aksizi i prospa8ia elpizo na voi8isa.
  21. if you get an error when you put the code in the itemname or weapongrp always let a space below the code like that so from this you got to 9141 Cupid's Bow - Event Use Shoots love arrows at pigs. -1 0 0 0 this 9141 Cupid's Bow - Event Use Shoots love arrows at pigs. -1 0 0 0 you see a left a space below the code and then save it as 413 if that doesnt work then probably you already have an item with the same ID in your itemname/weapongrp (thats what i learned from my experience)
  22. ama bori kapios na helpari 8a to ektimousa poli : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/175089-request-goku-costume/ xD
  23. thanks! i just wanted one with the gintoki character and an another one with any character you like so i can choose from the two you made :P
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