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Everything posted by NevesOma

  1. If Asuki doesn't mind, I'll insert a link to the interlude version for those who need it.
  2. Hero visual effect for Interlude


  3. Mod from @Asuki for High Five and Gracia chronicles. Some users wanted this mod for interlude. I made it for interlude. For glow color you can replace the textures that are already attached in the archive, or you can change the color of the glow in the ENV.int file, everything is at your discretion. I also changed the size of the secondary glow a little, as it seemed to me it was a little big. Download link: Download
  4. Gold Anakim Agathion & Blue Anakim agathion


  5. Example of custom animated wings with effects and sounds


  6. Flying Valakas Wings Animated, effects, sounds


  7. Yes, indeed I have these effects. He already wrote to me. :)
  8. As I know they use file encryption. How can we check this without a file? Do you think we can tell you without checking the file? Please upload the file of this npc, we will see.
  9. Added Discord server with Client Mods: https://discord.gg/SpnkNB

    There will gradually be laid out, too, fresh works and you from among the first can download free modifications from me.


  10. Lineage 2 Hero Click, unique and fresh click style for Lineage 2.


  11. Happy to help. :) Can I close the topic? UPD: Locked. Reason: solved.
  12. Training dummy ( Improved, animated, all platforms )


  13. Hello, better to use not l2encdec but mxencdec ( new version ), it's the same but more easy for people. Link: If the file is encrypted with a smart crypt for example or another crypt, it will not be very easy to remove the crypt. Try for first to decrypt it with default decryptor.
  14. Yes, youre right. Is it easier to recompile a whole package than just create a new one without changing the default one? :) ... It's not surprising that if someone has already added skills there, then you may not be able to decompile the files, because the content are created in another editor. And in this case we will end with the fact that in this case you will not be able to save the skills that you had before. So where is easier and more elegant?
  15. All new skills must be added manually into the file LineageSkillEffect.u
  16. Really? What do you mean? I myself need to look for this patch to see if there is protection there or not, or what?! Or does someone think that if the topicstarter has attached a screenshot in the first message, then we will decide everything from the screenshot? What nonsense? People must learn to ask questions correctly. According to its description ( without attached file..... ), the file is protected. If someone wants to be helped, he initially describes all the actions that he took, and also uploads the file So that people can download it, analyze it and give an answer! The answer is exactly in what style the question is asked.
  17. Try to decompile it and compile after changes. You can check on MXC for compilers, or try to use hex editor and maybe it will works.
  18. Tyrannosaurus mount for Lineage 2, attack actions, sounds, saddle, unique mount by NevesOma



  19. Halloween Event skill, any chronicles, example of work


  20. Unique Zaken Agathions with effects, two styles: Fire and Night


  21. L2REVOLUTION COSTUMES FOR ALL CHRONICLES Lineage 2, Unique work, check my profile.


  22.   Improved Newbie helper styles for C4, Interlude, H5, Gracia, etc like Lineage Classic


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