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Everything posted by death77777

  1. well done downloading hope this game is good has it looks
  2. what i would like to ask some 1 that has been playing the game for a bit now can it be played for hrs without getting repetative. getting a bit tired of L2 right now and looking for something that is just has good is this game worthy of it. i know some will say try and see but would really like to get a feed back
  3. well if you look at it yes graphic power is ps3 but game play and online play well simply 360 i know for a fact that sony online is not ready like 360 and that is why i pick 360 over p23 many might argue but all in all games has evolve to online play now that is where it is at it is not like the old system time has changed and online is where it is at now so 360 until ps3 show me other wise will stay 360.
  4. well i just can't w8 play it going to spend most of my time on that hope it still keep the good old game with some new aspect to it
  5. well let hope it will be has good has it looks hope this don't mean i will have to get a whole new pc just to handle the new stuff that is coming and i hope they fix the damn tanks every class get something good except the tanks a bit more accuracy will be nice
  6. rise of nations is good but can very hard at times age of empire oldy but goody warcraft
  7. it all depends on what you plan on playing for l2 is alot more pvp based and wow is a bit more of the grind lots of quest lots of things to do it depends i play both so it hard to choose they both have their up's and down
  8. there is only 3 for me souls, R&B and rap and it depends on the Rock song not really a heavy metal type
  9. both games are fun to play but in the end cod4 is by far better the online play the rewards to unlock new weapons it is just by far better
  10. well i don't know if there is nothing out there right now that some of the older and much wiser players haven't tried just when you think you have something figured out some beat you to it
  11. yes a very good list but it will take some serious time to check out all these
  12. thx alot for the share really appreciate the roms site
  13. i play both games i like l2 but i also like wow.Wow have more quest l2 not so much but the l2 graphics is better too me it is a close call on both it is wht u r looking in the games but l2 has the edge so L2 for me
  14. jermaineff77@hotmail.com
  15. sry that should not even be a topic of course most wanted is better by far by the things u can do i have more fun playing the game when the cops are chasing than actually trying to beat the game
  16. all i can say it is useless battle for them with the internet and the exchange of information going and coming so fast it is finding a needle in a hay stack but i guess they need to show a front that they r doing something about it
  17. there was no one like this villian ever to me he tops the list for me and wanted to be like him sepiroth from the final Fantasy
  18. Call of duty's, Counter Strike, Halo all of them, going back a bit like games like Golden Eye , N64 and Perfect Dark
  19. man i wold have to say resident evil sometimes the things just jump out right on u and they keep the lighting just low enough for u not to see everything but not so low that u don't see it all Half life was good also well has u can see i really don't get much into the scary genre but those 2 that i played really got me at times
  20. 1 of my all time favourite is the Fugitive starring Harrison Ford 2. and of course it would have to be scarface the great 1 himself Alpacino 3. the God Father all of them 4. and of course 1 of my favorite Actor Anorld kill a everyone from commando to the terminator he is just the man
  21. Gran Turismo Nfs forza motor sports
  22. hmm that is a good 1 and so hard to pic i would have to say probably raise of nation gave me a warm time then there was the C&C Starcraft and warcraft was also very good
  23. i will have agree with Hal pc gives u the most of the variety of them all i have 360 wii and most of the other system that r out except for ps3
  24. gys u will just have to have some patience eventually there will be a crack but in the mean time u can just pay for the card
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