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Everything posted by death77777

  1. glad very nice in oly
  2. probably that is why they stopped it with direct 10 out and all why not just stop and and go after the technology that is coming out right now so you have better graphic and effects maybe it is a good move on valve part all we can do is just w8 and see
  3. i have 1 question for those that have played it is it worthy of playing for couple of hrs
  4. well thank you guy for the feed back on the game wanted to play it the vids for the game looked good but reading your opinion has change my mind from playing this now guess i will stick to old faithful L2
  5. very nice vid going on google right now to check and see if they have a website up for it
  6. well all i can say is that you will enjoy bot part of KOTOR 1 and 2 and it is not like most rpg this gives you the element to choose either good or evil and the ending depends on what path you choose so choose carefully pattawan
  7. i had it for the xbox never finished playing but a very nice game love the pig in it he was funny
  8. yes the names is not something all that attractive like the meaning of what they mean and the and the place where is comes from is very nice touch thank for the share though
  9. looks very hard been trying to find some good of late to try out will give it and try and see how it fairs
  10. i would suggest like most either go titan and frenzy to death with healer or go with a friend and use 2 titan frenzy with healer that should do the trick that is what me and a friend did to take out orfen and trust it was a bit hard with the damn guards attacking
  11. pretty much the same for me on
  12. death77777

    ANIME !!

    going with 2 one is the classic Dragon Ball Series and Bleach also just love Nauruto
  13. thank man i can say i truly can see the difference in the browsing speed tried it on page that usually takes awhile to bring up and see the difference now thanks a lot for the share
  14. well reading about it sounds good can't w8 for the release to come out just to try my hands on it hope they just make it world wide and done
  15. thank you very much for such a very informative guide on summon have a warlock i play never put too much time with him but now reading this guide going to res him back to live and give it try off your guide thank you very much
  16. xioxio i like the idea of destroyer playing tank it is fun a bit different and a new change of twist for the role thank again for the info
  17. Simply Put the one and only is GodOfDeath
  18. i agree in pvp i would go with the imp set over tallum becuase if you rooted you can say good night but for pve the extra speed is better you kill faster and that means more exp and more money
  19. tanks can manage any archer of the same lv and a bit higher than them they have great p.def the have a skill to block arrows, the run speed sucks and accuracy but stun is great pal or DA is good choice you really can't go wrong with it
  20. guys nothing wrong all he was just simply asking was if there is a server anything like that out and nothing is wrong with him asking
  21. 1 vs 1 i would go for the necro with a pet summon sharing hp and hit them with 2 debuff skill and it is over for most warrior
  22. thanks alot for the info very informative so many changes and i know this is just the tip of the iceberg will look into most of them now
  23. thx alot for the info very informative needed that info on how to obtain the stuff for getting clan skill thank alot
  24. like some of the new features they put into play like the stones and magic power and augment the armour can't w8 till garcia comes out but there is not much we can say on l2 right it just is l2
  25. it has a different theme than most mmorpg like the theme with the merchants,thief,and bodyguards that in it self makes it fun to play the grind is a bit hard but can be fun too a nice game to play or try out
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