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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. You just proved us that you don't know L2. Casting speed means the casting time of each skill. Reuse delay means the reuse delay of each skill. Better use google to learn what cast and what reuse is.
  2. The topic creator, Frank.
  3. The feeling is nice talking via bot account but it's ok to me. I am just asking for that "special" thing that we can't find.
  4. Give us the new meta you want, and we will make it true.
  5. Seems really nice. Supported, gl.
  6. Waitin' for G.O! I hope for the best result and a good server to play.
  7. .donate command, seriously? I hope to balanced donations otherwise I won't join.
  8. Still on but zero action. Waitin' to pm me with your main.
  9. It's closed :/ Btw, post with your main account next time please! :)
  10. Εσύ θες για παράδειγμα 3 active να stuckaroun; Αν ναι, θέλεις κώδικα.
  11. You don't need database. You pick dress whenever you like.
  12. Stop spamming dude, project is on the way. This topic it's a simple advertise. Anarchy is away for exams, after June project will be alive better than ever. This topic shows an upcoming server, when the grand opening will be announced the mass-advertise will begin.
  13. gameserver/network/clientpackets RequestActionUse.java case 19 remove these lines else if (pet.isAttackingNow() || pet.isInCombat()) activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.PET_CANNOT_SENT_BACK_DURING_BATTLE);
  14. Just don't cry again if you get scammed, be careful before you do an exchange.
  15. I have seen that app and I have to say that worths a lot. Good luck with your sales.
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