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Everything posted by iGroparu

  1. Is it going to open anytime soon?
  2. Hey i want to buy a key with paysafecard if u can help me.
  3. Up still looking !!
  4. Do you also have webmoney?
  5. As title says im giving 10E psc for a l2adrenaline key or 9.15E on webmoney to buy the key.
  6. Looking for an l2 adrenaline key can give 10E psc.
  7. Looking for a fast psc to webmoney exchange !!!
  8. Could someone send me the site to buy l2adrenaline at 8E
  9. Hello , im looking to buy an l2 adrenaline unlimited windouws key for 1 month , if all ok i will renew after.
  10. If u accept also steam gifts / cs go skins maybe we can do a trade :D
  11. No GmShop / Buffer ?? It's summer 2015 mate , ur server will fail cause lots of boots and no FUN.
  12. I would like to buy a DC set and Arcana Mace w/o Acu , tell me the price
  13. Well anything with a 2gb nvidia card and i7 would do just fine ;) I think u can get a nice 17" with that money i bought mines 2 years ago and i've payd 900E. Becouse it's a costum made.
  14. So im guessing il end up lvl max with no adena to buy items is that ur economy system? Have u even level'd up a char and tryed the features or u just made them and expect us to join and test them...
  15. Can you add a skype name?
  16. Check my topic i sell / give a l2bot that bypass all servers but u will have to give me something in exchange for it if not $$$.
  17. The only bot, which bypass all advanced protections, including: LameGuard, Frost, hGuard, Gameguard - this will let you bot freely on 95% of Privs and all Offs.I sell it as lifetime there are no month sub's or stuff like this oance you buy it its your's forever. Features Powerful scripting engine Self heal / buff, using any skill or item Party heal / buff with priority settings Full party automation: Accept / Send invites Assist MA, wait for attack Smart follow Protect party members Easy to customize farm area Pickup with complex filters Fishing / Crafting Configurable handling of 15+ events. And many more. I can give a preview of the bot on skype. And i accept paysafecard and also paypal , prices will be negociated on skype.
  18. I think the old l2pride just started again i saw it today on hopzone here u go www.l2pride.us its gracia final .
  19. L2Penatus or L2Release ? Nvm they both down
  20. Is it down ?
  21. Just get a golf 4 and you will be fine
  22. How's the server goin?
  23. Nice feature's at last something new and fresh , atleast on the eu servers :) . If the server get's populated also then with those feature's it will rock but you will need at least 1k+ players to sustain them .
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