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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. You need to compile the files. :-\ [TUTORIAL] - How compile l2jMobius Server with Eclipse
  2. I would recomment to download the full client from our development forum. It is latest Ertheia client, system included. Might take you some time to download, but totaly worths it.
  3. Revision 600! https://www.assembla.com/code/l2jmobius/subversion/commits
  4. There is a patch for IO support developed by GameFighter if you want to check it out. http://l2jmobius.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=438
  5. Revision 500! Woot! Visit our forum for latest Ertheia Client and geodata.
  6. I am uploading an updated translation. It includes Korean NPC voices. :D
  7. The spawn system may be good, but most of the spawns are not spawned by zone. So it is no better than having them in static sql spawns.
  8. Added a new step on Setting Up the Server after latest update. You will now need to make sure that you have applied the sql files at tools\sql\classic folder.
  9. Classic is like C1 but with Ertheia client. Most changes are on the datapack.
  10. I think I made myself clear for what I did on the Classic post. What do you mean by "Why"? Ertheia and Classic have the same packets.
  11. How to setup my pack to work with the Classic client. Download the Classic client. https://mega.nz/#F!hldgSAZa!586I_OTFhX2hZC9NkMO6fg Setting Up the Server Step 1: Download my pack and compile it. http://l2jmobius.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=29 Step 2: Make sure you selected "Classic Install" when installing the database. Step 3: Change the following Server.properties setting to enable Classic support. ServerListType = Classic
  12. Thanks for the info, but as a solution I still use a combination of L2 in debug mode + a macro recorder + cheat engine to automate the process.
  13. Thats what I'm saying. But is there an easier way to get collision values from client?
  14. This post is ment to be used for server development, but due to it's content I think it is more suitable to be posted at the client section. I want to update collision radius and height value for all the NPC templates. Currently I can get the values by enter the client in dev mode, see what they are and write then down manually. I work on Ertheia and it seems that height values are now calculated only on client side. But as I am doing a big npc rework, I would like to have those retail values, even if not used (in case they are used again on a future game update). So! To all you guys that are familiar on how the client works. Is there an easier way to get NPC collision radius and height values from the client?
  15. I have already fixed some issues. But I haven't shared at L2jServer, because they will never be commited. Maybe one day L2J will fix them properly, till then my pack works with some hacks and code magic :) For me the most anoying part to do is the new pet system, skills and player clones. When those +datapack are done these files will be better than our old russian code based branch. @sakusuki04 I have seen that before, I think it worked after deleting META-INF folder from the jar file using winrar. Not recommended to do tho. Otherwise re-install JDK 1.8, set JAVA_HOME, re-install Eclipse.
  16. I am not "glad" if you went full private. But as you mentioned I am used to work alone. Good luck with that. I would like to thank Sdw, UnAfraid and NosBit for what they have shared so far as former members of the L2jServer Team. It really helped me. About my project. My project is my hobby, I do it for free on my free time. If people contribute development goes faster, if not slower. I'd rather not start mentioning other private project names. But, in general, private projects brag about their "retailness" and "quality code". In the last four years I have actually seen four of the most known private project sources. Compared to their code, I am really happy that I switched to L2jServer. The current project misses mostly datapack stuff, those in due time they will be added, shared by other people or not. The good thing is that I switched to L2jServer and finally have a core that actually worths spending time with. So far syncing with L2jServer provides me with cool core updates. Thanks to Zoey for keeping the project alive.
  17. Sdw wants to point that I am also known as Pandragon to hurt me or something, it doesn't. It actually flatters me. If Mobius was available on L2J forum, I would have asked Zoey to change my forum name (as he did for NosBit and HorridoJoho). Unfortunately it is already taken. I do not have private svns of my work. You can see the timeline and see that I am still working on things. Still using whatever free information is on the internet to move forward, either it is called aCis, L2J-frozen, L2jServer, L2JTW or whatever. You may call me copycat or whatever, but re-inventing the wheel was never my thing.
  18. There are leaked retail files on this very forum, compare them to any java pack and see which is closer to retail. ;) From what I've known L2jServer has made great progress on how skills works on High Five branch. There are changes that are pretty important compared to branches prior to High Five. -Melerix fixed a lot of the broken formulas based on retail. -Zoey76 totaly reworked the whole skill and effect engine. -And latest Zealar is polishing whatever skills need to be reworked to match retail. When the above changes occurred of course there were glitches and take my word players will be unhappy even if you use retail files, saying this on retail was working like that, etc. I have seen many sources during the years including L2Universe, L2JS, L2-Scripts, L2J-Frozen, aCis, L2DC and GodWorld. L2jServer has the most retail skill engine so far.
  19. There has been a lot of changes since we first switched to L2J (January 1st). We always need people to improve htmls, items, skills. If you want to help us, visit the new forum at www.l2jmobius.com
  20. I asked many times people to write retail htmls, sadly it seems that most are bored by the process or don't care. :(
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