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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. Thank you, skipping the part I wrote to share any source, proves me 100% correct. Images to prove my point: I will no further flood your topic. At the end of the day... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWv9fZokqaU
  2. I don't want to sound bad but you asked for it... I am not threatened by your project. Why should I? Who would use a pre-compiled project? The only changes I see at your project is refactored/renamed folders. You don't share source because there are no actual differences from my project (you sync all of our commits), and maybe hope to get people start working on your project. And that is all bad, because you give false hopes to people that look for projects to work on. If I am wrong share your sources, even an old source, to prove that you do not just copy/paste.
  3. We have made some progress with the Ertheia client. http://mobius.great-forum.com/t174p90-ertheia-client-support#2128
  4. I do not mind that you use my project as base. But, at least do not copy my changes and post them as your own at your changelogs. Post your actual changes, even if they are a few, so I can steal them more easily. :)
  5. Updated first post with some basic project features/changes information. Fixed all code warnings. Indented style format for all java code. Indented style format for all XML code. Removed/Refactored a lot of junk code. Dropped useless libraries. Updated project to Java 8. Translated Russian text to English. Merged item XMLs to one folder. Many htmls cleaned. Added some useful admin commands. New admin menu. New shift+click for admins and players. New GM-Shop. Character access levels stored in SQL. Sayune jump system. Beauty Shop. Dragon Weapons. Newbie Helpers. Appearence stones. Reworked events. PvP Community board. Custom service npcs. Removed double spawns. Added many new GoD spawns. Many GoD skill fixes. GoD Skill combos. GoD Hennas. All class change quests up to Awakening. Pet fatigue animations. R Grade Armors and Weapons. Ye Sagira Ruins quests. Kartia Instances and quests.
  6. You can help by joining our forum at http://mobius.great-forum.com/
  7. Servers running with Mobius files. http://mobius.great-forum.com/f5-mobius-servers
  8. Project keeps on going... Reached revision 510 :) You can see all the latest changes from our timeline at https://code.google.com/p/mobius-source/source/list
  9. Forum is available. http://www.l2jserver.com/forum
  10. Pack is moving in a good direction, but we need to push a step further. We look for people experienced with Java programming, that are interested in reworking and cleaning up code or developing and fixing already existing features. If you are interested in helping, send me a message.
  11. Torrent URL http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/10934073
  12. Torrent URL http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/10934073
  13. Found a system after all. :P I will share with full updated client when I upload it.
  14. Found a system after all. :P I will share with full updated client when I upload it.
  15. Many changes have been done in the last weeks. More changes will come too. Some people even started to use our project for live servers. :) As for Ertheia is nice, but for now it would be better if we still to Lindvior or maybe Valliance. If someone wants to involve with Valliance development try http://mobius.great-forum.com/t232-valiance-client-support to post any related information about it.
  16. Thats the idea behind my project, we take what we have and try to move on the next step. It's community driven and free ;)
  17. I have this Valiance system, updated just before Ertheia went live, but it's not patched (can't edit dat files). zippyshare.com/v/25708022/file.html Anyone can share a patched Valiance system folder? Or maybe patch this one?
  18. Anyone can share a patched Valliance system?
  19. Visit our forum, register and login, there are posts about it there.
  20. It has been a busy week. :D Dropped some useless libraries. Added/Parsed a lot of items, skills and npcs info. Worked on missing admin commands, like reduce level support and remove all skills. Reworked Kartia instances and daily quests. More English translations.
  21. As you can see in the last revs I focused on code reworks. I am looking for people that can help with code cleanup, data parsing etc. If you are interested in helping make an account at http://mobius.great-forum.com/
  22. I guess, a PvP server would be viable. Give it a try and tell me what you think about it.
  23. I would not recomend for low rate servers. Biggest problem now is that we have issues working with 3rd and 4th class transfer.
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