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Everything posted by takhs7

  1. :/ r u trying to open a renamed dat file? and if u can open but cant save a file then its 4 sure something wrong with the syntax of the lines u add.
  2. no the red sky is shown only to the died player..
  3. hi there.. well this is my first java share.. nothing special really ::).. but personaly i like it. on EnterWorld.java add these into the imports(duh!) import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExRedSky; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound; find and remove - // Set dead status if applies - if (activeChar.getCurrentHp() < 0.5) - activeChar.setIsDead(true); and add these somewhere close to the end of the file.. i added after this L2ClassMasterInstance.showQuestionMark(activeChar); + // Set dead status if applies + if (activeChar.getCurrentHp() < 0.5) + { + activeChar.setIsDead(true); + + // Make Sky Red For 7 Seconds. + ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(7); + sendPacket(packet); + // Play Custom Game Over Music + PlaySound death_music = new PlaySound(1, "Game_Over", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + sendPacket(death_music); + } on L2PcInstance.java (imports again..) import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExRedSky; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound; find public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) { add after + + // Play Custom Game Over Music + PlaySound death_music = new PlaySound(1, "Game_Over", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + sendPacket(death_music); + // Make Sky Red For 5 Seconds. + ExRedSky packet = new ExRedSky(5); + sendPacket(packet); + what does this do ? well simply when u die the sky turns red (like when a demonic sword appears only not earthquake) and u can hear a custom music. oh and here is the music im using on my server if u want.. http://www.mediafire.com/?lqo4ygodz1g (its from ffx soundtrack if ur wondering) opinions are always welcome.. bad or good ;) (btw sorry for the "messy" post but my files are sooo modified and messy... and i cant make diff file. its a small share anyway.)
  4. apoklietai... :/ dokimase na kaneis drag n drop mia ikona sto ps anti na pas sto open.
  5. green! o.O :P btw this is funny........ la2base steals from mxc and now mxc steals from la2base :P .. hah.. my opinion is.. share smt only if u did it yourself.. or atleast adapted or smt. anyway..
  6. sure.. u must learn 3ds max (or similar 3d app. like maya, c4d etc) very well to do this... plus u will need gildor's ukx convert program (he sells its). gl
  7. yea thats true.. i guess
  8. yeah not a bad idea but.. for example i can open 20 windows and vote every time.. server will be restarting all day if i want to :/ .. i mean its not a good idea for players to have such control over the server.. i would just add auto-restart :/
  9. hmm looks cool but one question.. isnt # for party ? :/ gonna try it later..
  10. http://www.l2jserver.com/ ? >.<! gimme a break..
  11. wrong section............ ><
  12. who said they commited it anyway? its a temp fix that drhouse posted on l2j forums.. maybe it doesnt even work (well it should since its drhouse's but nobody seems have tested it.. least nobody posted some feedback)
  13. well u can try systemmsg-e.dat, sysstring-e.dat... but u can only put english characters there (atleast in a north american client i cant add something else)... so if u want some other than these... ur pretty much out of luck......
  14. ur a huge looser yes?.. no reason?.. do u even listen to yourself? did u or did u not spam/swear the whole forum with your rachism and your bad-idiotic language (for no reason at all just 4 fun)? (even here u talk about greeks and sh1t..) and AFTER than u got your ban... no reason yeah?... get a life.. AND a pack of new brainz.. u didnt got banned coz of your lame NAZI.. i dont care about that....
  15. well.. just take a line from a working stackable item from etcitemgrp.dat and use this to change the scrolls etc .. but something tells me that the problem is not client side mate... i mean u probably changed the item in the database but i dont think thats just it..
  16. he probably said he wants to create a new grade in java mate.. (fore example S85).. this needs both client AND java.. so why move it here? :/
  17. nice one.. gj btw.. removing the lines would kinda sux.. would be cool to add other effects instead..
  18. thats coz u need to use one of fyyre's unpacked executables dude... :/ http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ well thats what happens when ppl share patched systems all the time.. and now all newbies got lazy and they cant figure anything out... great.. would be 300x times better to make a 5min guide on how to patch a system than post ready sh1t. anyway.. im saying this coz i got another 2 pms about that.. <.<
  19. hhmmm... sorry for the question but doesnt l2j includes floodprotection like this one :S ?
  20. well guys.. i didnt noticed at first but ... the 100lvl thingy makes all mage characters to do sux dmg when they are attacking a lvl 100 char.... >< anyone has any idea why? :/ i remember that also was the case long ago (maybe still even know)when mages was attacking a lvl 99 mob they was doing 1dmg (fighters are ok).
  21. well an easy way to fix this (even though i dont believe it can increase the traffic in a lvl where u gonna have problems :/) would be to store the character's ip in a custom column in the database when he logins... so the pvp check will read the ip from there..
  22. i have this for my own server... maxtor seems forgot (maybe on purpose maybe not..) a liiiiiiittle detail btw.. well my server has around 400+ online max and i got around 1200gb used from the 2000... so if ur gonna have more ppl u will have to pay the aditional 14,90 € probably more than one time... and btw i just saw that hetzner is giving windows too now.. with atitional 20euro/month.. special order? and ur giving it for 200e? :/ ok lol i wont comment on that.. and really.. i loled like hell when i saw the 10k thing .. and he edited to 4k later.. LOL.... whatever! edit again... ::)
  23. probably u cant find those here.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=109420.0 fresh upload..atleast i can see the armor in the screenshots..
  24. :S did u saved localization.ini with 413 header instead of 111 maybe? but still that wouldnt give korean :/
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