recommended way: install a c-l-e-a-n epilogue client... fully update it.. then make a backup of the system folder.. name it like "system - updated clean".. so now u have 2 folders.. "system" and "system - updated clean" that are the same.. now download my universal patcher and unrar the exe inside the "system" folder.. run it.. w8 till the patching completes and ur almost done.. now just download an unpacked l2.exe and gameguard killer from fyyre's website and add to the system.
wildcard_epilogue.rar - - Gracia: Epilogue, only <-- gameguard killer
ct2pt4_l2.rar (update: 10.01.2010, #2) - - unpacked l2.bin for Gracia: Epilogue <-- unpacked l2.exe