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Everything posted by takhs7

  1. nai swsto.. alla ama den mporei na anoiksei apo to open menu.. oute me drag n drop.. oute me deksi click stin ikona kai anoigma me ps.. tote den nmz na na tou anoiksei kanontas click sto gri ;D
  2. katevase to photoshop cs4 (extented edition)... afou tou peraseis crack kai serial klp gia na ton energopiiseis anikse to kai ..kanonika.. prepei na deis afto... an sou anoigei apo mono to "new image" tote den kserw ti ftaiei alla den einai fisiologiko... :/
  3. and i sell my pants for 32,48 EUR!!.. pm me if ur interested <.< ... lolz.. if u dont share something then dont post here! (least not in this section....) reported
  4. ena apo afta prepei na einai o xronos k den nomizw na ginetai na to kaneis ligotero apo 1 second :/ apoklietai vsk... edit: me ligo piramatismo vlepw oti o xronos einai to 3o noumero.. paradigma 5 0 6 0 0 afto simenei oti to minima tha to dixnei gia 6 seconds.. ama to valeis 0 to dixnei gia mia stigmh mono.. opote valto 1 i 0 ... (to proto noumero (5) einai i thesh tou minimatos.. apo 0 mexri 8 mporeis na to valeis an thimame kala. px sto kentro.. pano aristera.. pano kentro.. kato deksia.. klp.. piramatisou)
  5. i tryed and didnt worked for me :s
  6. well if u change in env.int the red ones to very high numbers it reduces the fog .. but if u zoom out too much it suddenly appears again :/ thats all i have find.. if u find a solution plz post here coz im interested in this too.
  7. xaxax re tin loulou ;D den eida pouthena na anevazeis p.def ??? otan vreis "epic gear" k weapon ston the17heroes ela na mas to peis gt den eiparxei "epic" gear ston server ;D ........... 1: ta buffakia twn pet kratane guro sto 1 min.. opote esu profanos tha eisai me to pet sto f1 etc? ok fine by me.. 2: me tetia gear k stats p exeis me to pou pas ff k under coli tha kanoune panigiri oi paiktes sta spawn kills.. ;D 3: pairne pk sto lvl area k dikse mas poso paiktaras eisai XD 4: an eixes gear k ikseres na paizeis ston server tha egrafes pragmatika bugs pou eiparxoune k oxi kotsanes :P
  8. yes ofc.. but i said "actual" difference.. anyway :)
  9. thats how it works i think D:
  10. i know what u said... :/ changes something?
  11. what u didnt understand?.. create an image! how else can i say this :S find an image u like (sounds better?) and then import it to a utx with unrealed... too many guides for that.. i think ur lazy and u dont search :/
  12. nice one!.. but the only actual difference from the other pvp color engines is that u can add as many "levels" as u want.. instead of having 10 levels in the configs. correct? (not that u cant add as many levels as u want in the other engines but u need to edit the core.. in this just the database.)
  13. create an image and import it in a utx (millions guides about that so dont ask how) and in the html of the npc add smth like this <tr><td><img src="NameOfUTX.imagenameblabla" width=256 height=155></tr></td> done
  14. nothing to do with client modding so wrong section :/ reported
  15. it does absolutely nothing... if ur looking to change the login port client side the only (known) way is with this http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/projects/authport.rar its not just copy-paste-n-ready tho.. u willl need to add the dll in l2.exe's imports.
  16. 1) wrong sectionnn ... if just for one damn day i dont see a topic in wrong section then i will go and become a monk or something >.> i promise that... 2) it wont do u any good to request something like that here.. if its not on fyyre's website then u just wont find it.
  17. recommended way: install a c-l-e-a-n epilogue client... fully update it.. then make a backup of the system folder.. name it like "system - updated clean".. so now u have 2 folders.. "system" and "system - updated clean" that are the same.. now download my universal patcher and unrar the exe inside the "system" folder.. run it.. w8 till the patching completes and ur almost done.. now just download an unpacked l2.exe and gameguard killer from fyyre's website and add to the system. http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ wildcard_epilogue.rar - - Gracia: Epilogue, only <-- gameguard killer ct2pt4_l2.rar (update: 10.01.2010, #2) - - unpacked l2.bin for Gracia: Epilogue <-- unpacked l2.exe
  18. drop texture? :/ Chandy is showing the icon bug thingy not drop texture..
  19. lol u think i cant make a guide or what? :/ look who is talking anyway.. dude if u dont like others to criticise you and u expect only "nice share" "gj man!" "thanks nice!" "+1 !" kind of comments (even if your share is actually bad!) then u better not post anything again.. and stop being lame will ya? is anything of what i posted wrong? if so then do tell me :S grow up... ::) i was only trying to make u improve your guide(s) .....
  20. well u need to extract the meshes from the game (different for every armor so we are talking about aloooot of work here) edit in 3ds max as u like.. make huge boobs .. tight asses w/e lol.. then use actorx plugin to extract from 3ds max.. and use unrealed and gildor's tool to create ukx.. edit armorgrp, chargrp etc to read the new meshes. helped a bit now?
  21. yes now its way better... min time between restars plus ip list and this can be actually used.
  22. well i have to say that this guide is pretty bad... 1) your english needs improving...... 2) ur sending ppl to read other guides from others and thats kinda confusing.. especialy for newbies 3) ur saying to export as tga and then ur saying to download plugin needed for dds only lol.. again just confusing 4) as i can see ur importing the image and compress as dxt3.. that looks bugged ingame when u drag the icon.. for icons u must use always dxt1.. i rate it 1.5/10 (the .5 coz im good person :P)
  23. ehh.. they kill (disable) gameguard ? ;d
  24. 1: wrong section..... 2: what is l2fe ;d ?
  25. u kinda can.. just make it like this or something xD edit: no no that wont work.. my bad
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