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Everything posted by takhs7

  1. well from what u say one thing is for sure.. its a server side problem.. means something wrong in the weapon (or custom_weapon) table.. or in xml.. maybe u added the weapons 2 times in both weapon and custom_weapon tables ? :/... if not then like Cloud said check for same IDs .. it would also help u if u see what error gives u when the server is loading.. not only when u try to create the items.
  2. u cant.. u have to create the utx all over... but let me ask u a question that maybe will save u from alooot of trouble.. what u want to do with l2font-e.utx ? if u just wanna change the loading screen then there is no need to touch l2font-e at all.. just create a new utx with the loading screen.. and edit localization.ini... English_LoadingTexture=L2Font-e.loading02-e .. to your texture... oh but i forgot... for some reason this doesnt work for gracia final on some systems.. i dunno why it always worked before.. but give it a try.
  3. to export textures from a utx u should always use umodel... what else could u use anyway? the bugged-half-working utxfixer + UTPT ? :/ http://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel#files add your utx inside same folder as umodel and create a .bat file with something like this umodel -export blabla.utx this will export all textures from the utx
  4. looks like u have messed up the alpha channel.. but i cant be sure just by screenshot.. upload utx
  5. ........ ur driving me crazy ... i challenge u then to connect to raidfight WITHOUT using their system.. just change your l2.ini.. their ip is and login port 2667 ... u cant connect no matter what just by changing l2.ini man >.> edit(!): ok looks like the legendary fyyre saved us again (long ago..) http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ go here and download authport.rar .. instruction inside the rar ... so see Ave? u cant make it with l2.ini no matter how much u pray for it ;D ( :P)
  6. ........ sure.. well think again :P... we are talking about the login port here... and not that 7777 port in the l2.ini tha does nothing.
  7. lmao!!!!!!... i updated the client and checked.. it works JUST FINE :S what in the world are u guys talking about?? probably ur trying to open files without patching the system >.< gosh!!!! u freaking scared me! i thought i had to do the ddfs files again >.< gimme a break....................
  8. atleast somebody said thanks and didnt reply only when he has problem.. well when i released this there was no update... i will check and see if i can update the fileedit for the new update... for now just use a non updated epilogue client... simple
  9. nice looking image! but the black loading "line" at the bottom shouldnt be interlude style (i dont like it square)... and btw edit your title.. ct2.3 is gracia final.. ct3 is what u wanna add.
  10. raidfight u say? kay i will download their patch and do some testing.. it has to be some exe/dll im afraid.. edit: its the l2.exe they are using.. its a launcher that executes l2.bin with special parameters (custom port).. so the question is.. how can we make a launcher like this. edit2: hmm no its not the l2.exe .. i deleted it and executed the l2.bin alone (with a bat file) and i connected just fine. then i copyed the l2.bin to another system .. tryed to run it again with the bat.. and l2 doesnt start at all :-\ .. hmm.. i wonder how they did it. interesting edit3: i replaced the l2.bin with a clean one and it runs just fine.. so its not l2.bin either.. it has to be some dll they edited .. cant explain it otherwise
  11. :S thats impossible to get more! ur wrong.. probably ur confusing euro to usd :/ edit: actually if ur exchanging less than 50 euro it shows u this.. "The total value of your vouchers is less than 50. The additional service fee of 10% will be charged" so u loose even more actually! there is no way u get more.
  12. wrong section indeed.. its becoming a bit too annoying to see everyday posts in client section when they are totaly server side ... reported.. and let me answer your question anyway.. in you gameserver/data folder u will see a file named summon_items.csv (i hope it is named like that on interlude ;S) open it with notepad and u will see something like that.. #Wyvern 8663;12621;2 the first part (in my case 8663) is the id of the item for wyvern. im 100% sure that on interlude is other id than 8663 so dont try that.
  13. okay for starters.. who told u can talk your dirty language to me? show some respect to your superiors(u bet i am :P) a mod should dekarma u... secondly.. ofc u SHOULD read the replies! lmao dude do u even know what a forum is?.. and actually even if there wasnt any replies what u posted doesnt help at all and doesnt answer the question! only shows u understand nothing of what Albion™ asked.. now buy some brainz.. lal
  14. lol... replying without reading the other replyes first = a failed post :/
  15. this port=7777 thing does nothing... tested years ago :p and its not on wrong section lalz <.< least i know what Albion™ is talking about dont i? .... edit: im 99,999% that u cant change login port in any ini/dat/int file.. probably in some dll ? :-\
  16. then why u post? :/ he said what he wants clearly... what more info?.. lal im interested in this too btw.. i have no idea how u change ports client side.. never searched about it tho.
  17. its opened days now btw.. but my opinion is that those guys are huge thieves :P (i changed 300 euro paysafe cards to paypal few days ago.. and its about 220 euro to paypal... they take about 25% of the money ... <.<). they are pretty fast tho..
  18. enoeis oti vazeis etoima ta arxeia sto system k oxi mia mia tis grames me fileedit ? :/ egw tha elega na matheis 2-3 poli basika pramata prota k meta na anoikseis server... tecpa postare toulaxiston afta pou thes na sou ftiaksoume... k isws kapios kanei tin douleia gia sena (egw den tha to ekana pantos) k to mail ti to vazeis? les k tha kathisei o alos na se valei msn. tecpa
  19. well either way this is not a 3ds max help section or forum :/ your knowledge at 3ds max is obviously near zero. i suggest u watch some basic 3ds max video tutorials or go post at an other forum that has to do with the prog. 3ds max isnt like any program.. some spends years and years and still not fully mastered it.. how can i say this.. its a whole new "world" if u like, thats why there are hundreds of forums just for it. even if i told u how to center the axis to the object u wouldnt get a thing anyway. so u need to spend alot of time with it.. its not like a lil tool like unrealed that u can learn with a couple of guides.
  20. just released first working fileedit for epilogue... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=107353.0
  21. well he should add in last line but thats not the problem.. As i can see in the screen the line u add is clearly for other chronicle... u need to adapt.
  22. UPDATE 27/05/2010 Hi again.. here is the v1.0 version that can open all dat files now. Mediafire - L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v1.0 Hiz ppl, Well... seems i have (again) to save the l2 client modding community huh?... np, here is my xmass gift for you... 3 2 1 0(?) a 100% working (well not exactly :P) L2 FileEdit for Gracia Epilogue (!) Click Me or Something.. Since Dstuff havent released new l2asmdisasm yet i had to fiix the ddf files myself (<.<) well i didnt bother to fix Logongrp.dat coz i doubt anyone edited this file anyway.. and also i didnt bothered to make ddfs for the new dat files (that doesnt exist in gracia final or older) such as BRItemgrp.dat & Charcreategrp.dat, thats why i call this v0.9 anyway.. all dat files exept these 3 i mentioned are working tho. Guess u can expect a v1 as soon as Dstuff officialy release the new asmdisasm ;) ok so the future of l2 client modding has just been saved :P but lets take a look at the past.. did u ever wanted a one-click-n-done system patcher that works in all clients regardless of chronicle, date or even language :P (ex korean, japanese client), doesnt leave 500 files inside your system (patcher.exe, l2encdec.exe, gg-bps.dll.. blabla) and even works on future thrones ? well i wonder why nobody made such a simple thing before :/... anyway here you go... 1 2 3 (etc :P) L2 Universal System Patcher :o Click Me Too or F... :P Just unrar the .exe inside your system .. double click it.. and... dun dun dun :P (u can delete it from system when done). I hope you find these usefull (ofc u do xD).. hmm wth did i forgot :/... (after 2 min) ow yeah well merry xmass guys ;D Edit: mirrors!... (coz seriously.. yeah... rapidshare sux big time..) 4shared - FileEditCT2.4-0.9+UniversalPatcher.rar Mediafire - FileEditCT2.4-0.9+UniversalPatcher.rar
  23. lol i hadnt noticed that :S ... really wierd... well the only way to make similar effect would be with matterial sequence i guess. but it needs much more work. damn that sux :/
  24. simply u have confused textures man.. your texture in your screen from unrealed is not for dwarf male... possible u try to add human texture to dwarf or something. ::)
  25. sorry to disapoint ya guys.. but u wont find jail's textures inside for ex. T_17_10.utx .. i have tryed that.. only way would be to view all textures with umodel and find it. exept if someone here knows the utx and save us the trouble.
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