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Everything posted by takhs7

  1. do u see custom_armor, custom_weapon, custom_etcitem (etc) tables? cause i sure don't lol and ontopic.. just copy another armor/weapon from a xml file and copy them to a new .xml file (for example make CustomItems.xml) and edit the ID's and stats of course.
  2. not that bad, this is probably the best custom soulshot effect but, IMO the original is still better.. i would not use that in my server
  3. why in the world u bumped an ancient and useless topic mate? xd this should not even be in client section actually lol
  4. You cannot edit l2 .unr files... best case scenario you could extract them and edit them in 3ds max.. but you totally cannot import them back successfully.. at least not without some modified unrealED (nobody is going to do that, trust me) however you could theoretically replace some world areas with blank ones by replacing the .unr file with a blank one. for example.. take 15_19.unr which is pretty much blank.. there is no terrain in there. decode it with l2encdec rename it to (for example) 22_19.unr (contains Oren town) encode it back with l2encdec and finaly replace it with the original 22_19.unr that theoretically would make Oren area disappear leaving a big hole (or something) .. i have of course not tested this, just saying but.. let me ask this.. 1) why in the world would you wanna do that? :/ no offence buts IMO it's stupid.. and 2) you can make an area that auto-teleport you out of there server side (if you know java) and also the gracia content tab is hardcoded in the client.. so no you cant remove it as far as i know.
  5. it's hardcoded in client and also you would need server side support too.. so in other words no you cant
  6. it would be nice to have a clean English version though.. this is full of russian .. in confirmation dialogs.. in l2encdec logs.. the tooltips etc.. that's a bit annoying
  7. .exe? :/ ? just create a bat file in your system that has inside: L2.exe -L2ProtocolVersion done.. lolz edit: sorry i didnt saw the other replies...
  8. learn a bit java.. thats easy ::) :/ ........ what? like suicide? ;s i dont get what u mean.. if u have a server with 20 ppl or its a low rate and not much pvp is going on then ok.. else this will be reallyy .. like really really annoying to players...
  9. if the others can see u then its bad server side coding :/ so they can see u only in private servers.. no way it works in retail..
  10. yeah keep on using cheat engine "hacks" like every nab.. and then post it and ask for karma.. i loled :/ and ofc the others CANT see u run fast.. duh i wonder if u even try your OWN cheats. thats only usefull if u wanna explore the world fast thats all.. so.. w/e
  11. IF i would add that.. i would make it only for lvl1 chars.. but its a bit too .. hmm whats the word for that.. fancy.. for my taste
  12. put it somewhere in l2pcinstance dude.. doesnt really matter where.. just dont put it inside another void or something ;d
  13. yea when i saw that topic first i though it was a java share.. then i saw it was client side :/ lol and indeed its better on java. btw if the time on server machine is wrong then also the times will be wrong using this but oh well.. who has wrong time on a computer :P
  14. actually .. my bad .. make it like this.. RightMouse=CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease | UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 65535 | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MinZoomingDist -65535 now u can do infinite zoom in.. even throu walls.. its not the best wall hack ever but it does the trick i think.
  15. no sorry i dont have time to rebuilt utxs right now.. i just said what u can do.
  16. RightMouse=CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease | UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 65535 | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MinZoomingDist -200 if u remove the red part i think u can do zoom through walls .. (with -zoom in- only not zoom out.. i think.. )
  17. yea for testing.. i didnt said no :/ i just said that replacing its not the "final" solution.. and who said ur noob? ;s
  18. SoFaKi is still right tho.. u need java part too.. coz replacing striders ? :/ thats not a client modding.. thats a client messing..
  19. for inf zoom open user.ini find RightMouse and make it like this RightMouse=CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease | UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 65535 | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MinZoomingDist -200 that should be enough i think.. and about the screen msgs u need to edit systemmsg-e.dat .. check SoFaKi's share ..
  20. u mean u can find a model on net and then create a ukx with OAUKX_C6.exe (?).. thats not what i was talking about. i was talking about animations and actually MODEL the mesh.. anyway w8ing to see your new share (lol). btw GrisoM may i know why my reply was considered as spam? ??? i thought forums are to say our opinion freely :/ and it wasnt a 3 word reply or totaly out of topic so spam? ;s.. anyway.. big deal.
  21. u have to extract the textures with umodel and rebuilt the utx all over. and btw probably u want L2UI_CT1.utx not L2UI.utx...
  22. hahah the license and author part is funny.. well u have some good guides Coyote.. will help alot of nabs here that have no clue what they doing :P i plan on making a full detailed guide "coding an event from scratch" and i will be coding a ctf or dm there.. but probably i wont soon since im a lazy ass.. xD edit: btw u maybe wanna add somewhere in the guide that in epilogue instead of "net.sf.l2j" u need to put "com.l2jserver" (or something like that.. i dont have it in front of me right now)
  23. there are hardly any shares for epilogue.. just find for older chronicle and adapt..
  24. lol if u expect anyone here.. to model it.. uvw map it.. texture it.. then rig it.. animate it..and then share the ukx and utx for free then ur dreaming.. way too dreaming xD
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