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Everything posted by takhs7

  1. oh gj sofie! perfect for kamaels ;)
  2. ......... edit: to guide mporouse na einai pio kalogrameno k pio analitiko. thanks
  3. good job babe :) :D
  4. avatar: .. seriously font sux.. looks too simple like arial or smt.. its just a bg (not yours i guess) and a black text.. nothing special signature: .. dragon's cuted wing is waaay too noticable.. i think u could find a way better render.. borders are bit too huge u should make them like on top and bottom only (like your final fantasy sig by sof.) not all around the sig.. font its again really simple like arial or w/e .. bg needs work... well its your first attempt anyway.. just keep those things in mind and try other fonts next time..
  5. eh ok lets say this looks like glass (:P :P) but the glows wasnt like that by their own was they? anyway keep it up :)
  6. wrong section... and explain a bit better... what video in ukx are u talking about? :/
  7. exactly.. if u manage to do that (u obviously will need some java knowledge to do it) it will probably create security holes(packet hack for the win :P).. what i would do is make a script with python...
  8. 1 6373 0 3 4 4 0 dropitems.drop_MFighter_m012_t88_u_m00 mfighter.mfighter_m012_t88_u 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.armor_t88_u_i00 -1 7620 46 1 0 0 1 21 1 Fighter.MFighter_m012_u 1 mfighter.mfighter_m012_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Fighter.FFighter_m012_u 1 FFighter.FFighter_m012_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 DarkElf.MDarkElf_m010_u 1 MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m010_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 DarkElf.FDarkElf_m006_u 1 FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m006_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Dwarf.MDwarf_m008_u 1 MDwarf.MDwarf_m008_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Dwarf.FDwarf_m008_u 1 FDwarf.FDwarf_m008_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Elf.MElf_m004_u 1 MElf.MElf_m004_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Elf.FElf_m004_u 1 FElf.FElf_m004_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Magic.MMagic_m013_u 1 MMagic.MMagic_m013_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Magic.FMagic_m012_u 1 FMagic.FMagic_m012_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Orc.MOrc_m007_u 1 MOrc.MOrc_m007_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Orc.FOrc_m007_u 1 FOrc.FOrc_m007_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Shaman.MShaman_m008_u 1 MShaman.MShaman_m008_t88_u 1 0 255 1 1 Shaman.FShaman_m008_u 1 FShaman.FShaman_m008_t88_u 1 0 255 1 2 Kamael.mkamael_m009_u 3 mkamael.mkamael_m009_t89_u mkamael.mkamael_m009_t89_ut 2 Kamael.Mkamael_m000_w_ad00 119 95 Kamael.Mkamael_m009_l_ad00 108 95 2 Mkamael.Mkamael_m000_t00_w mkamael.mkamael_m009_t89_ut 2 Kamael.fkamael_m008_u 3 fkamael.fkamael_m008_t89_u fkamael.fkamael_m008_t89_ut 2 Kamael.Fkamael_m000_w_ad00 119 95 Kamael.Fkamael_m008_l_ad00 108 95 2 Fkamael.Fkamael_m000_t00_w fkamael.fkamael_m008_t89_ut 1 1 0 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 ItemSound.armor_metal_alt_6 ItemSound.public_armor_04 ItemSound.shield_steel_1 ItemSound.shield_steel_8 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_lightmetal ItemSound.itemequip_armor_lightmetal 1 0 2 5 0 205 0 0 4 try this.. i didnt checked it tho..
  9. about your pm, nop i cant sorry..
  10. ehh dude just use the mesh and texture as draconic then since its exactly the same... edit: actually looks like u missed a texture in armorgrp.
  11. +1 :P :P btw in ms paint u can do alooot better than that ::)
  12. after my fail on my 3d try i decided to try a 2d one :P .. here are the results v1 v2 v3 well i think its much better now :P PS: maxtor reply and answer our questions please ! we need to know when the competition ends :P
  13. the camoflage shield is cool (i dont like the rest tho :P) thanks
  14. we have sun tho.. lol :P
  15. hahahaha xD agree but.. oh well its for all races... :P
  16. Here is my latest work (requested by my girl.. SoFaKi)... High-poly hat made using 3ds max and zbrush + high rez 1024x1024 textures. previews: Download Hats_CT2.3_By_TK-Master.rar I hope you like them.. enjoy and please comment
  17. (magec.. to paidi lei ena aploustato bug ..) ean ola ta raidboss to kanoune afto tote afto einai java side bug kai poli apla einai gia petama to pack.. omos opos les merika to kanoune afto.. opote gia na to fixareis apla pas me navicat sto table "npc" .. vriskeis to mob p exei to provlima kai tou vazeis aggro 0 .. apla .. meta tha varaei mono ama to ktipiseis protos.
  18. open your database with navicat.. go to "Backup" and then New Backup (pres start etc to create it) and once its done u can find your .psc file somewhere in navicat's install directory or if u use latest version of navicat u can find it in Navicat\MySQL\servers folder in your documents
  19. katarxas pas me navicat sto npc i custom_npc table kai vazeis to id tou infinity bow px sto column rhand .. meta anoigeis me fileedit to arxeio env.int .. kai ekei p exei.. EnchantMeshShow=4 EnchantEffectShow=7 vale 0... k logika tha sta dixnei me ta glow kanonika meta..
  20. simply open ALAudio.int .. and u will find [LobbySound] LogInSound=xxxfilenameblabla and there u can set the name for your new ogg file or w/e...
  21. actually next is something like this .. Sword on back ;D damn i love this one.. gonna be my fav creation.. i will create a set of 3-4 swords like that.. maybe duals on back to.. will see :)
  22. the spawnlist table is empty maybe? if not then check the configs for AltDevNoSpawns = false
  23. lol.. just put the pack on the recycle bin and find a proper one.
  24. here is another one of my strange creations ::) This took me some time... :o Special thanks to SoFaKi for the idea! Download School_Bags_CT2.3_By_TK-Master.rar note: i didnt had the time and mood to make second armorgrp for updated system.. sorry
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