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Everything posted by takhs7

  1. here is mine (gosh it came out horriblee.. im out of creativity lately :/) preview
  2. ok i tryed and its not possible with the gracia ukx files (i tryed from hellbound too.. nothing) so the only way is by making new ukx.. with gildor's program. too bad but i cant help.. i dont have the tools :/
  3. heh i havent played everquest xD i guess everyone copies someone in same way :P
  4. LOL! .......... thanks for this one
  5. well IF the ukx files from gracia are working on interlude then i can do it (tho u will need LineageMonsters.ukx, LineageMonsters2.ukx, LineageMonsters3.ukx, LineageMonsters4.ukx wich are in total 700mb or ~300mb compressed in rar) if they are not wroking then its possible only with 1 program that makes custom ukx readable by l2 and it costs 100$ (i dont have it... so... cant help if thats the case) so if its ok with u that it will be like 400mb... i can give it a try.. what do u say ?
  6. here is mine.. damn i love the sword on back :D this aion so copy of WoW btw.. a total copy ::) its like WoW v2 (coz of improved graphics) ;D
  7. nice job man :) but personaly i dont like daggers :p would be cool to make a same style big sword (2handed) :P
  8. lol i cant believe this topic is still not locked :S .. this "no phx" is tottaly useless :/ all i can see here is spammers that they have no clue of what they are doing posting "thanks for share" w/e ...
  9. dude that one has textures missing (like i also posted in that topic) from floor and also some animation files are missing (those little colored-fly things) and dont post bullshit without knowing what u r talking about... :/
  10. Hello all xD well i downloaded gracia plus pts client yesterday and i riped the login screen, splash screens, loading image etc from it.. and here i share with you ... Login Screen: Well this is the only COMPLETE gracia plus login screen u will find... its doesnt have animation and textures missing like the other share ... Splash Screens: well they are exactly like the gracia final ones exept they write "Plus" instead of "Final" in them.. pretty lame if you would ask me but anyway... ::) Loading Screen: well it kinda reminds me other game than l2.. but w/e :P Mini Logo: Thats the logo u see on the top left corner of the login screen.. (only difference from old one is again the "Plus" instead "Final") Download Gracia Plus Login Screen Gracia Plus Splash Screens Gracia Plus Loading Screen & Mini Logo or AllGraciaPlus.rar (contains all the above) note: for the loading screen & mini logo i created a new utx tha contains them so u dont have to replace the entire L2Font-e.utx! ;) all u need to do is change localization.ini to read the images from the new utx.. or just paste the already modified .ini that that i have included in your system (i have tested it only on gracia final client) Credits goes to me :P lolz
  11. cinema 4d.. 3ds max.. maya.. blender.. u name it.. u can do with pretty much any 3d prog :P
  12. glad sofaki liked it ^^ i used 3ds max and after effects.. no ps :p and btw i agree about "i like more the simple things." but cant help it xD [gr] oti thelei o admin mas :p kane m ena pm ama thes me ti protimiseis exeis xD
  13. hi all cheaters.. i made a signature for the best female dev i have ever seen.. to welcome her back with her old acc. xD any comments are welcome.. ;) i hope she likes it and use it as her sig :P edit: for some strange reason it looks laggy for me in firefox and ie (it skips some frames at the end and doesnt loop right) :-\ (tried with opera and its fine) i hope it looks ok to you edit2: i think i fixed it now.. looks ok on ff ie and opera now..
  14. ye the old one works too.. but since dstuff updated his tools.. i thought i should too update the fileedit xD lol
  15. damn! i was making something like this <.<... lol not that green though :P .. hmm i guess i will make something else then xD anyway gj
  16. indeed wb sof :) someone will probably rip them from the patch and post them here.. so why bother ? <.< lol xD
  17. hi all, here is latest l2fileedit using latest l2encdec and asm-disasm from dstuff. http://rapidshare.com/files/284751662/L2_FileEdit_CT2.3_v2.rar this version is using l2encdec_2.9.3 & l2asm-disasm_1.3.1 enjoy and have some good and creative client edits xD
  18. ty leni xD btw i forgot to ask u on msn where is that char from? :p
  19. hahaha omfg muahaha! cool topic!! i rofled xD ... well if someone is interested to know why this idiot want to "hack" my server .. its simple really.. becouse i am not corupted and i didnt gave him euro in game... actually.. i gave him! a few euro to start ! but he canceled the trade! why? because he wanted full set and full tattoo and who knows what!... so we are talking about a 10 year old kid thing here so childish.. as about what he said that i gave full item to my "friends" and things like that, thats a total lie :/ maybe i gave a few starting euro to few new players (like i would give to him right?) and he doesnt have any proof about that anyway.. why then he said that? simple becouse some players that actualy are not noobs.. farmed faster than him :/ as simple as that.. for anyone doesnt believe i have log from msn asking for euro etc... i can send untouched xml file from msn log with time stamp on it :/ hmm.. and about hacking my server.. what can i say.. go ahead :/ if u like... all u will do (iiiiiiiif u ever manage to do that with your super intelligence lol) is to hack a server that the owner of it (me) is actually paying from his very own pocket for the whole costs.. just for some ungrateful ppl like yourself to have some FUN .. and there is nothing more into it.. ok enough of wasting my time i guess :/ :-\ [greek] oso gia esena re file "mr. glikoulis" opos aftoapokalise ;D.. ti na sou pw den to perimena afto apo esena se eixa gia kalo paidi.. eisai kai gamw.. bravo sou! ama eisai antras kai exeis kai orxeis ela na ta poume pantos.. sto msn sou eimai den se exw kanei block .. gt na xalasw ton xrono mou na se kanw etc kai alios :-\ ante geia.
  20. yo guys, server is not from my pc forget about old times.. we have dedicated server with 1000mbit connection.. no lags .. only thing is we dont have many players yet. so come and join :) oh im the admin btw
  21. dude "font" is another thing.. gosh.. thats called "loading screen"........... and yeah i haven seen more ugly than those.. sorry.
  22. sage ?? 0ax0axa0 ela re extreme (TK-Master edw :P)
  23. IF there is a tool to extract the MU armor/weapon meshes in a usable format (lets say .3ds or .obj) then its possible to do what u want. BUT if there is no way to extract them then its not possible.. SO search for a way to extract the meshes from MU. but one piece of advice.. dont expect someone to do the job for u.. search and learn how to do yourself.
  24. http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/eq4/ http://www.ovh.co.uk/products/dedicated_offers.xml den exw vrei pio ftina apo afta.
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