Good morning my friend, nice post, thanks for sharing with us.
And this server there with the items and etc shown in the video, can you post it for us?
this one is just an example
go to the files loginserver.bat and gameserver.bat
click edit and open them in notepad
it will look something like this
@echo off
title L2JMegaPack - Gameserver
Set Path:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.13\bin << the path where is your java 11 installed, this is an example! try it
color 02
echo Starting GameServer.
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good morning, could you tell me why you are detecting viruses?
I just ran virustotal, and it found several viruses, can you explain this to me?
Thank you for sharing your work with us, do you intend to move this project forward? because, i know you won't post to soucer, but if i want to contribute something, you can be chatting etc?