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About maverickbomber

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  1. correction link is offline I quickly updated the download link to correct incorrect idTemplates.
  2. Link the sourcer please, thanks!
  3. The link soucer and system are off, reup please, thanks very much @HypeH
  4. the links are offiline, could you reupload them please, if you have other versions of h5 or c6 could you share them too, thanks!
  5. Good morning my friend, nice post, thanks for sharing with us. And this server there with the items and etc shown in the video, can you post it for us?
  6. this one is just an example go to the files loginserver.bat and gameserver.bat click edit and open them in notepad it will look something like this @echo off title L2JMegaPack - Gameserver Set Path:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.13\bin << the path where is your java 11 installed, this is an example! try it color 02 :start echo Starting GameServer. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo.
  7. Good morning, can you post the link to the file, or send it by private message? thanks!
  8. Hello, good afternoon, how can I see the .java files, because it says it is private
  9. follow the download link! https://workupload.com/start/kyDxd4K9M5T
  10. Good morning, could you tell me why you are detecting viruses? https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/24509d3aaf9dc3f5b358f40a4dd00be66b672e819bf4f901ea6caa996b3b6f07
  11. I just ran virustotal, and it found several viruses, can you explain this to me? https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0c1b585d7d8bcc5b18259bbb71ea96e2cf3ef657e80819f36d2c3fda6a4a1ab7?nocache=1
  12. what is the password of your google drive link, dos file collection
  13. Good evening, thanks for sharing the files with us!! Note: could someone post the compiled review please. because I'm not able to compile
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