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Everything posted by GsL

  1. Elfo malakizese apo tote p se thimame sto forum :P pote ta fraga sto mualo .. apla oti s mpei sto kefali to kaneis xd ( no hate ) <GR>
  2. i wont use it but i love such shares , keep this crap forum alive
  3. koita sta magic skill ti lines exei k bgale oti exei na kanei me lvl an kanei normal dmg psakse mesa stous codikes p ebgales na deis ti pezi
  4. this could be used for bot protection as well? or its waste of time , could be bypassed easy ?
  5. if u could create animated videos for cheap prices i could order u some
  6. give us any link to take a taste how our life look like when it comes xd
  7. https://maxcheaters.com/profile/228265-edithfinch/ now the whole topic is deleted from marketplace
  8. me and jhonboy13 i dont remember his name exacly comment something like this Looking great , i hope this guy is not Kara is this for delete ? same for the other guy... i told u 100 times its 100% covered by some1
  9. So you dont say about the mod that ALWAYS CLEAN his NEGATIVE replys SO THE IDIOT NEWBIE READ them , and u say about unlocky and newbies that wanna save money why in SGUARD we all say out opinion and at ONE ULTRA MEGA SCAMMER have clean his replys always ? for real i cant understand u all , sad
  10. i m here since 2007 , u dint bored open servers without 1 unique feature ? one fucking complee your idea , no more , just one
  11. 1. Adrenaline/helper(paid versions) - 200$/1 month. 200 per month ? for block adrenaline ?
  12. You will never have acces to source. You provide us with the server you want. We build it for you. you shoulnt allowed sell such files here no source means your customers are your slaves
  13. explain me then why some1 mod delete our replys that we say , I hope this guy its not Kara ? just wonder dude i dont care the only guy that lose in this case is Maxtor and random newbies
  14. can u explain me why some1 mod deleted for no reason x2 replys ? that we was wondering if that guy was Kara ? its not help to scam ? anyway the only guy who should care about this is maxtor , anyway
  15. i think there is a protection that stop adrenaline ... sguard cant stop it .. so no reason to buy it , my opinion... well it blocks some other free bots
  16. Hello guys Few days ago we saw a topic into MarketPlace , me and another guy we say GZ , and we hope this guy dont be Kara again ... after 2 days our replys was deleted , we ditn say anything negative for that guy .. we dint knew what was Kara So what we see here ... propably @Designatix did this bcs i think he cover him all of this time .. if i m wrong sorry for sure a mod help a scammer and help a scammer means that mod also is scammer also if u wanna stop this mister @Maxtor do the proper bans i dont lose something mister maxtor , i know how to work in this forum , i m afraid of new devs
  17. the weird in this case is what we reply at his topic me and another guy and we wonder if this guy was Kara .. few days later our posts was deleted , mail adress is greek , kara is greek .. @Maxtor
  18. better pay a dev to do such staff if u dont know
  19. You Ruin this legacy armor with your server , opening a server for money and u add doom armor ? old school players shouldnt play .. my opinion
  21. its possible to add this domination into another engine like nexus ? or its not worth the time , just wonder xd
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