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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. I need if item is biger (>) from itemId 9208 disable normal scroll enchant
  2. if(normalarmorscroll && item.getItemId() >= 9208) //ItemId check { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } i try this from the begining but doesnt work >.<
  3. Hello i wondering in many L2Servers there is only english npcs, If for example i use russian npc but use words like "аксессуар" to "aksessuar" have point,i mean you understand it? or you need this "аксессуар"
  4. I will explain you how npc html works,is simple .. you find the NPC ID,open database(navicat) search for NPC ID,find the TYPE of NPC and go to html's of your server (in the case the grand olympiad manager id is 31688 and type L2OlympiadManager) now we go to our htmls (data/htmls/olympiad) and there is everythink you want to know.. P.S if this is not enought you must go to 2 different directions 1) -> gameserver/model/actor/instance -> L2OlympiadManagerIstance 2)-> gameserver/model/entity/olympiad and there is 4 .java files (olympiad.java,olympiadgame.java,olympiadmanager.java,olympiadPERIOD.java,olympiadstadium.java) I hope this was helpfull
  5. You must create an Handler like NoblessCustomItem.java name it Donateruneitem.java then copy/paste what nobless handler got inside .. change all the important thinks and the check you want to have like if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { activeChar.sendMessage("This Item Cannot Be Used On Olympiad Games."); } if (activeChar.isNoble()) { activeChar.sendMessage("You Are Already A Noblesse!."); } Then change the with setdonator or however is the command to set someone donator else { activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16)); activeChar.setNoble(true); activeChar.sendMessage("You Are Now a Noble,You Are Granted With Noblesse Status , And Noblesse Skills."); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); playable.destroyItem("Consume", item.getObjectId(), 1, null, false); activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Tiara", 7694, 1, activeChar, null); } and for the last go to Config.java check how noblesse work somethink like that: if (Config.NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS) // this is inside NoblessCustomItem.java public static boolean NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS; // this is inside config.java NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("EnableNobleCustomItem", "true")); NOOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEM_ID = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("NoobleCustomItemId", "6673")); # ------------------------------------------------------- # Noble Custom Item Configuration - ///////////// <--- This is inside config.properties # ------------------------------------------------------- # When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Noble Status. EnableNobleCustomItem = True // Is the NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS in config.java # Id Itemn Need's NoobleCustomItemId = 10085 // is the NOOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEM_ID in config.java well from the time you got allready the "command" instance is very very very easy to make it usable from an item
  6. Hello and good luck with servers answer me this,in website server source code is based on L2Jfree source code so what exacly is it?
  7. With this i disable the whole enchant (blessed,normal,crystal) for the ids who is >9208 i need disable only for normal scroll p.s:request still unsolved >.<
  8. Hello can someone guide me how to set this for normal enchant also? I made this in order to disable/enable blessed,crystall enchant scrolls for some itemsids but i cant understand how normal scroll can be made like that Project:L2JFrozen Requestenchantitem.java file patch -> click if(crystalScroll && item.getItemId() <= 9208) //ItemId check { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } if(blessedScroll && item.getItemId() >= 9208) //ItemId check { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } i allready try mane ways like this for (final int normalarmorscroll : NORMAL_ARMOR_SCROLLS) { if (scroll.getItemId() == normalarmorscroll) { if(normalarmorscroll && item.getItemId() >= 9208) //ItemId check { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } } } or this for (final int normalarmorscroll : NORMAL_ARMOR_SCROLLS) { if(normalarmorscroll && item.getItemId() >= 9208) //ItemId check { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } } or even this T.T if(normalarmorscroll && item.getItemId() >= 9208) //ItemId check { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } but cant find the correct method .. thanks
  9. Thanks both of you @Sweets yes i dont have idea i thought i could just add the id in the getocjectid to bypass it so simply .. but it isnt so simple xD @Reborn thanks both of you i will find it right now !!
  10. How i supposed to do this line while click bypass get item id example 29044? sb.append("<br><a action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_baseClass\" >get</a>"); i try this one but no work sb.append("<br><a action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId(29044) >Base Classes.</a>"); any idea ? :|
  11. Change start items go to chaar_templates and go to items1,items2,items3,items4,items5 and change the ids if you would like to delete all adena drops from all npcs you have to go to droplist table and find the ItemId 57 and delete all lines with items 57(adena)
  12. i got also L2Jfrozen 1132 rev and i dont have this "problem" baium is normal in rock !
  13. Is project issue report it on Tryksell if there are for real this problem and he will fix it for next rev for sure because retail you dont need cntrl in order to touch an enemy clan member (also be sure there is enemy and no alliance)
  14. well the circle as i understand work with flag so if you pk a player you get red name but in background flag work normal so flag after some seconds leave so circle too so in order to keep circle until karma get 0 you must set PvP to 1 (never leave flag) until player clean karma
  15. I suggest you put some photos or link from onother topic about your "trust" would be better for your sales .. also good luck!
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/168184-lineage-2-gracia-final-x64-extender-by-maxcheaters/
  17. L2JSunrise H5 https://www.l2jsunrise.com/index.html Go down and download now also about how to setup your server live you can use one of the 192 guys arround this forum
  18. If you still on and need help you can pm me to help you via teamviewer
  19. Propably the problem is on _init_.py You tag a list with "event" like this .. This is inside _init_.py if event == "73": st.takeItems return "1.htm" st.setState(State.COMPLETED) this is inside html bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCBuffer 73 p.s this is for l2jfrozen but i dont think acis work different
  20. Thank all i will use the te0x way is more easy thanks again :)
  21. In order to do it from RequestEnchantItem.java i should edit the case L2Item.CRYSTAL_S: crystalId = 1462; switch (scroll.getItemId()) { case 960: case 962: case 6578: if (itemType2 == L2Item.TYPE2_SHIELD_ARMOR || itemType2 == L2Item.TYPE2_ACCESSORY) { enchantItem = true; } break; } break; i cant find the way which RequestEnchantItem Connect S grade scrolls with S items thats the only point who i have found until now .. if someone can help some farther please reply on this topic,thanks
  22. Hello guys this is what i want 1)Create a custom armor but put only a specific scroll to enchant it (no normal,blessed) lets say only crystal In order to do that the best way is to: 1)Create new grade Like "E" and add crystall Scrolls (d,c,b,a,s+e) and would be enchantable only with Crystal 2)Just edit the source on enchant.java to make crystall scrolls only enchantable for specific armors ids? p.s: i dont want other scrolls enchant this armor
  23. You can propably delete if (!members.isInsideRadius(npc, 2000, true, true)) <--- if member is in radius correct check and put this after continue members.getInventory().addItem("Noblesse Tiara",7694,1,members,null); <--- change the ids and give to all party the item which you like to members.sendMessage("You Are Noblesse now."); <--- chance the msg or delete it P.S i didnt test it live if its work but one way is for sure
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