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Everything posted by Vision

  1. It's all around about patch and OS. Either, each developer will announce specific patch which fully supports windows 10 or, you need to wait until one stable version of win 10 is out and not RTM and Insider just windows 10. It's just matter of time. Until then, use windows 7 or windows 8.
  2. Let us know if you have any other question...Is this solved?
  3. Wtf with you lememer are you psychotic? Anyway, read the rules you have to describe it in English because we don't have only Greeks here Have in mind that.
  4. Όχι, στα offtopics το κάνε ότι σου ρθει το ανοίγεις Off-Topics @krauser12345 Τράβηξε ένα video με το κινητό να δούμε τι γίνεται και κάνε το post δεν μπορούμε να μαντέψουμε ποιο είναι το πρόβλημα. Η μια φωτογραφία κάτι.
  5. Πρόσφατο: Tα capital controls υποχωρούν μόνο για συναλλαγες μέσω Internet που περιλαμβάνει (PayPal, Moneysafe κλπ). Έχει βγει Υπουργική Απόφαση για αυτό το θέμα. Απλά είναι θέμα χρόνου.
  6. Για σου man αν θες ΙΕΚ μόνο δημόσιο είναι το μόνο μέρος στο όποιο ούτε σου χαιδεύουν αυτάκια αλλά και ούτε πληρώνεις ένα τόνο λεφτά. Μιλάω απο προσωπική εμπειρία.
  7. @kingez did you find what you are looking for?
  8. Trust Versus he isn't a liar or a wannabe developer here. We know him...
  9. Reason? Owner of this thread: Please fill your website info because of what I can see this a non-sense website or else, it's going to be locked due, to lack of info.
  10. Rules are rules if anything has similar things with any share or, with less words it's something that is already shared it's a lock. If you wanna code something from zero start by doing it right. Create something it's not shared and unique and you will have the respect of the individual dev work you are looking for. Have a nice day.
  11. Κλεψε κάνα avatar εσυ...
  12. The third tutorial featuring one beautiful splinter cell focal is there. Actually, it's something simple. It's just the technique I used with clipping masks that makes it so nice. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. Outcome: Video:
  13. I can do that.. It's very easy to show how to apply a lightsource and the brushes I have. Actually, about the brushes search in deviantart and in Google once you collect all your brushes you copy the . abr files (brush files) and paste them to the specific folder of Adobe Photoshop. You know where you installed the Ps. In there you will find folder named brushes you paste them there. Re-open Ps search for them and you will find all these I have but I have a lot it took me 10 hours to collect them all.
  14. Hello, the second video is just right there. It's kind more complicated than the previous as we move on more things added in any piece of mine. Feel free to question me anything you like. Enjoy..! Outcome: Video:
  15. This is my try unfortunately I couldn't work in 500x200 so this is my try... You can use in about me page if you like.
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