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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Λίγο αργά δεν θυμήθηκες να ανοίξεις το γνωστό τοπικ που ανοίγεις για να κλαφτείς γιατί δεν έχεις και κάτι καλύτερο να κάνεις ούτε έχεις δουλέψει και ποτέ σου για να απασχολείς το χρόνο σου με κάτι χρήσιμο? Τέσπα, έχω μια Α άποψη και όλα αυτά είμαι 3D Artist και ξέρω από design τα παν και άλλοι... Αν θες να ξέρεις άσχετε designer της πούτσας πρώτα πρέπει να ξεκινήσει με έτοιμα για να μπεις στο πνεύμα και μετά να ξεκινήσεις drawing δηλαδή 100% δικιά σου δουλειά δηλαδή δικά σου γραφικά είναι ανέφικτο να αρχίσεις από την αρχή σου με δημιουργία γραφικών. Άντε άνοιξε κανα 500 topics ακόμα να περάσει λίγο η ώρα κράζοντας τον κάθε ένα εδώ μέσα βλήμα.
  2. I see only talking/spamming and nothing as a result. If you want to request for (others) make your own topic for god sake don't spam in a topic without a reason.
  3. Ρε αυτός από mxc δεν είναι?
  4. Vision

    Pokemon Go

    Crap I can't find anything :)
  5. Δεν σε πιάνω εκπεμπεις ψηλά στη λελα.
  6. εγώ έχω 100 στο κεφάλι χαχχα
  7. According to the GFX rules [RNC] Rate And Comment Tag is used only to rate and comment content that is related with GFX only and not going off-topic talking about anything coming to your mind. For that reason, the 3 pages of spam you had has been deleted. Respect where you are and think before you do your thing. Else, talk about the video and nothing more it's the only thing I can accept.
  8. Ναι λολ γιατί είπα για
  9. Για σου Κώστα μετά από καιρό εδώ Universe. 1) Μη δίνεις αξία στον AcessDenied 2) Τι καημό είχες να μπεις ? Να κοροιδεψεις λίγο τον access? 3) Πάρε permissions για ένα μεσαωρο κάνε ban IP τον βλακαμαν Hearthstone κακώς που δεν έχει ε ξέρεις την κατάσταση εδώ..;)
  10. If it's something ironic,not mature and ruin my guide in GFX Boards that I'm responsible yes I will delete your comment every single time because I know that is the only thing you do since you are log in, in this forum just to ruin everything because you are 10-11 years old and you don't have anything else to do just to post any bullshit crosses your mind. So, im not gonna accept that and because is you I delete your posts. If it was someone else I wouldn't do that I know what you do I'm tracking you and not only me but the whole staff. All in all, do not cry to get some attention. You are just pathetic. Please, if you want to continue it, it will not be good for you. So stop it right there and don't even think to post like this again in GFX Boards this is the last time you ruin one more thing in our forum. PS: They way you act in this forum and you answer is the reason that you pissed me off. Even if you know so much about designing you wouldn't comment like that.
  11. Hello again, This time I came up with one "Large Art Piece" which is not something at all, but it turns out to be something good :) The way I use some things in this kind of dimensions doesn't mean that you can do them in lower dimensions so be careful. If you wanna try something like that make sure you are using the same Height and Width. All in all, this piece is not easy for anyone to make it because it requires a lot of masking and the way you will organize in order to look good. Piece: http://orig15.deviantart.net/14f3/f/2014/328/5/8/ziggs_from_league_of_legends_l_a_o_t_f_21_entry_by_sectone-d87j10e.png Video:
  12. And what are you offering for this job to be done?
  13. Η κατερίνα κάπου λείπει για αυτό δεν σε απάντησε η ξεκίνησε να δουλεύει στις Μυστικές Υπηρεσίες για να το χει private :P
  14. Vision


    Vote for this one.
  15. Λελε ποτέ.

  16. Hello, After Vladimir's Signature we are moving on, in a different tag of mine it was pretty serious work and I'm kind of proud of it. Less words, more teaching check the video to see and get inspired if you want try something like this. Enjoy and feel free to ask any question you might have. Cheers. Outcome: Video: PS: I know for some people this is advanced skills but I'm here to answer any question you have :)
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