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InTheEndॐ last won the day on May 24 2022

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About InTheEndॐ

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    Money making.

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  1. Telegram: @intheend2021 Discord : Dementeॐ#3347 Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/hyperspamofficial
  2. Worked for: - https://warthrone.com/ - https://stageofglory.fun/ - https://l2eigis.com/season2/ - https://l2enmity.com/ Limited spot's for Lineage Project's. Thanks for the trust!
  3. Trance always shares something amazing. Good job here,I didn’t knew something like this existed.
  4. You should let all the informations given by the user that have been scammed,its kinda your responsibility also letting that toxic dog existing in Maxcheaters community. KaraDog should not be around any internet forum,such a shame reading his response & how he can fck up whole projects because he is an unskilled piece of shit... Brut,xdem are the only actively good developers tbh
  5. To get maximum targeted audience the solution is
  6. From bad to worst as we say on Greece xD
  7. Added Twitter services. Contact informations have been changed. If you're about to contact me to advertise a Lineage II Server,i only do big branded servers,i have no time to handle small ones.
  8. I can agree totally with BruT on this part,there are alot of things that can a moderator do to handle such situations,replying like Vision did,is unacceptable. High Staff should be mature & have the expirience to calm the waters,not throwing oil in the fire,Vision you should change your point of view because i see alot of arrogant threats to maxcheaters users,im barely online in here anymore & i just roam the topics,if you can't handle your position then give it to someone that will use it to make something better out of it. About Playinnova,he was selling "pride pack" for a couple of K and some other shits that pointed him as a sus,trying to fix his rep & bad rep with some "shares" that he doesn't even make,doesn't change the facts.
  9. Και εγώ μπήκα Tele και διάβασα κάτι για 8-10% bonus από ότι κατάθεση έκανε ο εκάστοτε που έμπαινε από το affiliate link. Όποτε δεν νομίζω το κέρδος σου να ήταν 1 usdt.
  10. Ελπίζω να μην «επένδυσε» κανας αγαθός νομίζοντας ότι θα βγάλει λεφτά,το “Project” έκλεισε πριν καν αρχίσει,και melron θα έπρεπε να ντρέπεσαι που έκανες τέτοιο post για να βγάλεις λεφτά εις βάρος ατόμων του Maxcheaters.
  11. So απλά δίνεις πόνο και προσπαθείς να βγάλεις αυτά που επενδυσες και να κανεις withdraws συνέχεια ώστε να μην σε πονέσει το drop? xD
  12. Θα συμφωνήσω φαίνεται πολύ sus η φάση,με bonus κατάθεσης και ιστορίες...σαν βόμβα που περιμένει το κατάλληλο πόσο για να εξαφανιστεί.. Βεβαία ποτέ δεν ξέρεις.
  13. You clearly say in the chats that you are the one handling the payment.
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