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zemaitis last won the day on August 1 2021

zemaitis had the most liked content!


About zemaitis

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  1. Account created only 2 weeks ago Keeps pushing me to pay first Refuses to go first with account access (even though I have good reputation in forum) Talks about vague "advertising business", told me to contact l2oops, contacted and got answer that he doesn't know about this guy Claims PayPal will refund if something goes wrong (lol) I don't recommend trusting this guy
  2. Where did you get the files?
  3. Main point here is that you are untrusted mate and you were crying so much to Maxtor, me and Celestine to get back here. So now you are back. And now look what you do? Still shitting on people. I bet 1 year later I open mxch and see u either still shitting on people or finally banned for good, just like Vilmis. I'm not even mad at you, just dissapointed. Imagine what you could have achieved if you found a decent job where u would grow profesionally. Now what you have is powertripping over noobs. What a waste.
  4. No worries next time (when you disappear for 5 years and try to make a fragile ego comeback) you will know.
  5. It's funny how @Kara is trying to talk down others when in fact, @Kara himself delayed his work delivery for multiple clients (Including me) many times for multiple months. Boy always is trying to bite more than he can chew I guess only way of coping with his own incompetence is shitting on others. He was not even able to develop a decent antibot captcha. Totally self taught amateur dev who's still using eclipse in 2022, doesn't know how to use GIT and never even writes unit tests for his logic (which results into many bugs during runtime where you need to chase him down so he would fix his shit), all the while he claims to be another hotshot. Fucking hilarious. Probably still lives with his parents and codes for occasional kebab.
  6. My point was that this topic was dead in 2017 and suddenly 5 years later it's being resurrected by profiles with big gaps in activity. Maybe better to create a new topic? I see you think you are a hotshot but maybe take down that arrogance a notch? Your'e just another codemonkey with fragile ego, so know your place. This lithuanian boy is probably older than you (correct me if I'm wrong) greek boy. Yeah I checked your activity. 2 years silent and then only topic where you communicate is this topic.
  7. Say what you want but last 2 comments look like from dead/fake accounts. Why even this topic was resurrected from 2017? Maybe make a new topic...
  8. Maybe if you wasn't a scammer nobody would downvote you, but you are a scammer.
  9. How can someone save entire wiki website with tens of thousands of articles? Sit for 5min and think about it.
  10. SO you are reselling shared updater and just added extra buttons + changed background and charging 30-40eur?
  11. I would not buy anything from this guy. He sold me one domain name and it took him 4-6 weeks to transfer it to me. After the transfer he started pretending that he is another person now. He's the same grankain guy.
  12. What is the base you are using? Or did you create this from 0? I remember update like this shared.
  13. Because it looks fishy. Claiming that you have original pride files and then locking the topic. Only way people are able to express themselves is emoji lol and u want to take even that away. Open the topic and ask them what is the problem.
  14. 30 people online? I guess still better then that nonexistent project link in your signature? How much onlines u have? Post us some ALIVE link, let's see big boy what you have. What started as trolling is now looking pathetic, get some help. You got no clue what you are talking about. All you do is shit on people in this thread. If you had a shit day/life maybe take a xanax or something? No need to attack others in order to feel better about yourself.
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