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Everything posted by justex

  1. I tested your server before i wrote that you use java... have fun! Doen't need to have knowledge about you to judge your files.
  2. Java server!!!
  3. Updater crashes
  4. http://www.l2olympus.com/
  5. Is that beta server?
  6. Auto-attack is really bad
  7. I've already tried with chrome/opera/ie same problem.
  8. Can't register on forum!
  9. it's java ofc
  10. Reuse of dagger skill's is fcked up... 10 sec reuse for deadly and lethal blow. bb
  11. I hope admin fixed mages there! Sps with AM +0 give 850 dmg on 1.5k m.def! quite big imo :S
  12. Pvp was pretty balanced.. but really i don't want to play in a server where my char has 1.5k hp less than normal! I talked to gm 2-3 times but nothing happened and no serious answers given to me!
  13. it's l2gambit/l2xsyx exact same server! Admin don't fix anything and fail again and again! When you make 3rd class on Treasure Hunter your Hp reduces by 1.5k! Epic jewels cost about 120 vote coins and the reward is max 3 coins! -1 from me
  14. server could have great balance if admin removes tatoo that gives tons of stats! +30% attack/casting speed is really too op
  15. no costum with titanium armors nice :P
  16. http://l2-hallows.eu/
  17. but still you have a java server not off :P
  18. Java files guyz.... not even try!
  19. No blessed enchants is great unbalance for me.. I expain right now! All people need epic jewels witch I believe gonna be hard to find (votes or hard farm or kill boss) so none will enchant his epics jewles more than safe! So server will have max pdef but low mdef! I hope you got my point
  20. i don't understand something... Interlude or Hi5 server?
  21. I don't play ever in subs like you or your pro members.. I play dagger in every server that's my class! Go heal your clan m8s that make bsoes when they don't have you behind them! I never said that Jerk is not good player... i said sorc is op! fck off now and go make carrier on beta server! btw i don't have clan maybe see ghosts with my name and pvps in pi with clan vs clan....
  22. When you talk about wars what you mean? Your 5 people clan vs 4 people of taraxopoios? That server not have over 20 active players and not balance at all! If you wanna join make sorceror and feel god... CU Erik
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