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Everything posted by justex

  1. You want people on a server and you camp at tp of farm zone with healer behind you with l2tower and pk all newbie... Gzz
  2. when server gonna open? A post at topzone write 20.00 gmt+2 but still nothing
  3. Your personal bot healer failed to heal you and cry? You are the fail here not the server!
  4. yes that balance rocks... tyrant give 6.7k dmg on full +20 draco set and full clan skills! When you make 3rd on saggi you hp decreased about 1k ... mages simple hit 600-800 and archer mx critical on robe 1.8k!! Really nice job admin
  5. Features Servers: - Estralita: Interlude Rates: - XP/SP: 23x - Adena: 5x - Spoil: 15x - Drop: 15x - NPC prices decreased by: 3x - Mats drop quantity: 3x - Mats spoil quantity: 3x - Quest XP/SP: 23x - Quest adena: 2.5x Custom: - Several quest drop rates changed (for more info click here) - Songs/dances changed to 5min duration - Shyla NPC: XP Decreaser & gambler - Shyla NPC: 2nd class transfer marks buyable - Offline stores - Daily TVT Event (Willow NPC in Giran Castle Town, more info) - Starting equipment adjusted (better armor, gloves, boots, shield added) - Fate's Whisper: Added option to get 100 Blooded Fabrics instead of getting Red Pippette Knife. Server information: Backups of database are made hourly! l2max.com
  6. !no corruption.... balance pvp.( ahahah) ... last time i logged there i give to mage 900 critical with bow and he give 900 simple hit... 4 passives each player and 1 active... King you run out of donators and tell friends to say good works for your server? nice try
  7. i played on your server from 1st day all these online number of people was fake from 1st time...
  8. y for sure 100-180 :3 = 33-60 nice
  9. i say bullshits? so there is no player with name Erik in your server? go check i saw your npc and what need to get items! every part apella need 5 votes, every epic jewl need 15 votes, 2 x top ls need 15 votes, 3 x high ls need 10 votes, crp coin need 10 votes am I wrong versage? Aden altar in giran center just to see that i was on 2 hours ago! btw you are not in vote site yet so 3 dayz no epic no costum....
  10. I logged there... this server is based on vote rewards! APella/Epics/LS top and high/crp coins need vote rewards! server stuck with 1 people online
  11. could you tell us how the clan system works on your server? Crp item drop from that raid or clan eggs? You must make clan with 120 people to raise to lvl8? ty
  12. Go tell that shit to kids from Trikala not to me...yesterday all day server announce spam for donate... your server is still polulated for 1 reason... no other servers on...
  13. Another donator archer hit 4k dmg and take back 700 critical :P pro pro pro (Irida)
  14. no protection at all...
  15. [GR] Μηπώς τελικά δε φταινε τοσο πολυ τα νεα ατομα στο l2 αλλα οι admin που ακουνε το καθε 12χρονο που κλαιει επειδη εφαγε ψοφο απο καποιον που ξερει να παιζει και αρχιζει να λεει για unbalance κτλ και για να τον κρατησουν στον server nerfaroun τον αλλον; Εσεις ποιος θα θέλατε να μεινει στον server σας ο ανιωθος 12χρονος η το ατομο που νιωθει; Παντως εγω στον server μου θα προτιμουσα να εχω 50 ατομα που παιζουν για την καυλα τους παρα 200 μιξιαρικα που οι μονοι servers που εχουν παιξει ειναι χ5000 και δεν ξερουν τιποτα απο l2...
  16. Raid jewls only by votes... Raid bosses retail lvls so none can farm QA/zaken cause of raid curse! Make jewles farmable and put other items with vote stones! I really don't want to w8 2 dayz in giran afk to play pvp! Just advise nothing more.. it's your server!
  17. why use bad words? See anyone call you idiot?
  18. kid... learn buffs... bla bla bla! So this saturady night where you go for drinks? I suggest you Peggy Zina-Paola
  19. Fuzzy you just failed... The only reason open that server is to make some money to buy drinks on saturday... Another 1 week fail server!
  20. Man i just gave you an advise... It's your server! If you want a server with 150 online and 110 of them Giran bots I really don't care! Gl with your server... I never said remove votes but i prefer to give my vote coins for ls or something else not Rb Jewles...
  21. Ofc new players have no chance to kill raids when big clans full equip w8ing for the spawn... Just make these items hard farmable by coins.... More fun more equal terms for all people and not only zerg clans!
  22. so your server is only for clans that can kill raids... What about solo players?
  23. are you kidding us? Epic jewles only by votes or kill RBs.. That's not all items farmable!
  24. Fail server.. Unbalanced classes.. Archers hits 3k at least on daggers no augments!!
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