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  1. Don't know if it's the same on L2jFrozen, but on High Five you only needed the right bypass for it. Instead of <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell xxxxx"> it was like that <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell xxxxx"> It's basically an exchanger, hence the "exc".
  2. Sorry for doublepost, but I fixed it. In case someone tries to change several IDs within itemname-e.dat, don't forget etcitemgrp.dat which needs to be adapted to these IDs too. I thought this file wouldn't matter in the first place so I could change it at a later time, guess I was wrong. Can be closed, thanks for reading anyway :)
  3. Hello, I've stumbled on a really weird problem with editing files which I never had and after several tries, I don't know where to look anymore. Maybe someone hopefully had this problem before and can help me out? First I want to say, that I've a working itemname-e.dat from my old server and wanted to copy some of those custom items to a new itemname-e.dat in order to assign them specific ID ranges (like 30000 - 30500 for armors and so on). To my surprise, l2.exe crashes when I want to start it. There's nothing different between the old file and the new one, just different IDs, how could it even crash? So I tried to detect the problem by adding those customs step by step because I thought maybe some line could cause the problem but that's even pointless for the fact, that I didn't change anything outside the IDs. Oddly enough, l2.exe crashes when itemname-e.dat somehow exceeds the number of letters. Now let me say this: The old file has way more(!) lines than my new one and it's working like a charm. Am I missing something or is the client literally trolling me?
  4. // Voiced Command Handlers StatsVCmd.class, // TODO: Add configuration options for this voiced commands: // CastleVCmd.class, // SetVCmd.class, (Config.L2JMOD_ALLOW_WEDDING ? Wedding.class : null), (Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ENABLED ? Banking.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_CHAT_ADMIN ? ChatAdmin.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_MULTILANG_ENABLE && Config.L2JMOD_MULTILANG_VOICED_ALLOW ? Lang.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_DEBUG_VOICE_COMMAND ? Debug.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_ALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD ? ChangePassword.class : null), Res.class, That's how your voiced command handler section should look like and Wedding is already there. If it isn't, then I dunno what H5 you're using :)
  5. Well it isn't correct at all. I see that you're using H5, so delete that loadVoicedHandlers method and only add this class in the voiced command section above: Res.class, Wedding is already integrated. For the next time, any + you see before the lines means they should be added and every beginning has an end, meaning methods start with { and end with }.
  6. The 30041 files in H5 end on .htm instead of .html, you should check that :)
  7. Just so you know, it's already been years when they moved from SQL to XML. Dunno why you're explaining in some threads, that they did that "lately". It's more likely that you were using an old version which you haven't updated ever since. There are so many shares in the other section (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/42-server-shares-files-l2j/), including some of your list too.
  8. Yeah I actually never played summoner and I haven't played for a long time now, so Party Recall was the only one that came to my mind. No need to be ashamed of not being perfect ^^ Just like it's a "sad storka" for people behaving like this, always loving those :)
  9. Actually it's EE who can recall his party and since it's a healer, it's also restricted too. If there's anything that I don't know about summoner being able to recall other people, then my bad. Either way, you can block this skill in this zone too. But I as a player wouldn't like to end up in Giran just because I clicked a button to where I'm not allowed to enter. Just let me stay and go elsewhere :P
  10. I was talking about the Gatekeeper, not the onEnter itself. Teleporting twice is pointless, that's my point.
  11. Why would you even teleport a restricted class? A proper way to handle it if the character is a support class, then GK should just send a message without teleporting him.
  12. The number shouldn't matter, it's probably the false understanding of what penalty means. Decreasing weight penalty means increasing the point where the penalty debuff is applied. It has nothing to do with the weight display in your inventory. Just try to get 70% weight and you'll have the debuff Weight Penalty Lvl 2. Then buff yourself with Decrease Weight Lvl 3 (unchanged value -> 9000), you should drop back to Weight Penalty Lvl 1 which allows you to move faster with that weight you have. Edit: Forgot to add something. And also because you disabled Weight Penalty, you can carry as much items as you want till max weight and still move fast. That's why you won't see anything.
  13. Great server with good and enjoyable features, it's all about PvP and nothing else matters, which exactly is the point :)
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