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  1. Crescendo Owner tipota allo den exw na pw!
  2. Go and check opskins.com it's fully trusted. I sold my Karambit TT there and after 4-5 days i received my money in paypal.
  3. Are you retarded or what? What is my patch? What is my server to begin with?
  4. Where do u actually see a threat? Leeching is also bannable then, so tell him not to use other server's patch.
  5. You will be ddosed as fuck on your live. As far as you use L2AEPvP patch.
  6. o Scar den einai elinas, kai 3erw ton xdem irl ara diskolo na lew psemata ston eafto mou.
  7. idk about beta, check the forums, but the opening is this Sunday..
  8. that block should be static aswell.
  9. afaik every opening has different HGM / GMs except Scar the admin.
  10. lol im done answering to retards
  11. HOW DID IT FAIL MORON ? XDDDD Its the best server but it lasts 4 months, the word "failed" is a stereotype. I had crazy fun the first months this server opens, but Im 25 now, not 15 and I get bored fast. gtfo sheeps 4 months failed server, sure..
  12. otan eklise ixes idi paratisei kai ston server ixane minei 40 10xrona. Ase tis malakies. Twra gia xristopanagies sta agglika den exw 3ana akousei.
  13. Renaiscence = Gracia Final / AEPVP = Interlude Renaiscence = Shared leaked files bad coded / AEPVP = Best custom interlude files coded by xdem ofc not shared! Renaiscence = Admins are kids and have no idea about JAVA/hmtl/xml / AEPVP = Mature admin maybe bad administrator but still mature and for knowledge fuck it their pack was coded by xdem nothing more to include! Renaiscence = Owned by a Some clan member the worst of all (if you used to play pride you will know what i mean) I played Renaiscence but then i saw these posts and i quitted instantly:
  14. Im active player on renaiscence, my whole clan spams that they will move to aepvp with their friends. Tell your GM buddy to check the chatlogs if you got me wrong....
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