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My Vote Reward system (individual reward | Verry easy)+ how to install

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======update 2======

some1 requested it for l2jfrozen pack

i've modifed the banking, the rest must be the same.. but i don't have a l2jfrozen server so i can't test it, the only thing that may be wrong is the import

you can download it here


change the factory import to :com.l2jfrozen.util.database import L2DatabaseFactory to fix the script


i have made a 2.0 version of this but i don't feel like shareing it...

but you can check it live on http://www.l2epicwarriors.org/


One important thing! : Hopzone dose not allow this type of system, you will get warnings and maybe even the server removed from them, any other sites dose not have a problem(as far as i know)



for 2 data base and one connection









if (!$con){ die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());}

echo '<br/><center>';



            mysql_select_db($DBLName, $con);



                  mysql_select_db($DBName, $con);

if($SiteId > 0 && $SiteId <1+ count($SiteUrl))


i didnt test the update cuz i dont have a server but i dont see any reason why it wont work...

and if you need to different conection just make another one for the login and use it where the DBLName is used....


WAS It THIS HARD?....realy...

========1st post=========

Hi ppl!


Today i will share my vote reward system!


Some time ago i've seach mxc and other forums for some reward system but what i could find was the system with mass reward and one couind of similar to this one but a lot more complex, and i didn't like them!


SO i've made my own one ... all credits to me... notice:i didn't even look at that similar system:P



To use it you will need a php server


Lets Start:


1) download links:






How To Install it:


1. copy verify.php to your root www folder

2.config verify.php:

  (Sorry i was to lazy to delete my configuration... but this will help to explain it easyer:P)


at the 1st lines of this fille you will see this...go one and modify it like i explain



Replace AresKnights with your server name


$ReardName="AK Slver Coint";

Replace Ak Silver Coint with your reward name ...Gold Bar or whatever u use



for the next part be shore to use this layout 1=>'value1',2=>'Value2'....

You can put as many websites you want but make shore you don't make mistakes


$DelayTime=array(1=>43200,2=>43200,3=>43200,4=>(12*60*60));//in secons


is the delay between votes on that site in seconds ....for hopzone is 12h you can even yous somthing like this to make it easyer :4=>(12*60*60)



i wanted to give more reward for some links...and i have added this:)









Put the url's of your voting page...to get this click to vote for your server and before entering the cod for confirmation copy the url







Put a name for every vote page ...this name will be visible for players on the select box


Next data base and we are done!:P






i don't think this needs more explication .

for security reason i recomand to make other user and replace root with that one and give right to that user only on votesystem and votesystemtime tables!


3) go to navicat open your data base  right click on it  and click on 'execute Batch File..' and open fotesystem.sql that you just download it.. click start and close the navicat:)


4)copy bank.java to your \gameserver\data\scripts\handlers\voicedcommandhandlers and replace the old one


5) configure the bank.java:


private int itemid = 3470;

replace the 3470 with your reward item id


activeChar.sendMessage("you have got "+(votecount)+" AK Silver Coints");

replace ak silver coints with your reward name....


activeChar.sendMessage("First go to aresknights.ucoz.com and vote!");


replace areskingts.ucoz.com with your server url(sorry abount my lazyness)



Notice: I have made this system for the last l2j revisions...for older packs you will not need to replace the bank.java ...you will need to make somthing similar by yourself:P





this is my second php scripts ...my 1st one was the top pvp/pk/online/rbstatus ..you can find them on mxc a GREAT FORUM!!!


All Credits to me (HardStyle) again and i'm waiting for feedback and i'm know that some things can be done better ...so please help me improve myself :D



I'm seaching for ways to get mac address of client using php cuz this system can be spam if the player changes his ip address (but how cares...you get the votes :P)



Edite: use .reward in game to get the reward:P

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php? it isn't allowed on hopzone. thanks anyway.


i have seen similar systems on other servers  and i don't see any reason why hopzone won't allow this system and allow that mass reward... you don't force players to vote and its not a script that spams ore vote w/o user's aware...

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hopzone become one big -.- so you must be friend of kadar to have such system, all others cya :)

dunno which vote site is still not corrupted :) gs200 - edit votes,topzone - owner dont even check sites, hopzone kadar do what he want... strange era of l2 voting :)

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/960/virtual/www/subdom/milenium/verify.php:1) in /data/web/virtuals/960/virtual/www/subdom/milenium/verify.php on line 91


What am I doing wrong?

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/960/virtual/www/subdom/milenium/verify.php:1) in /data/web/virtuals/960/virtual/www/subdom/milenium/verify.php on line 91


What am I doing wrong?


i don't see why you get this error ....the script is tested ....but still try this:


replace this:



echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">window.location=\''.$SiteUrl[$SiteId].'\'</SCRIPT>';



i recomand to first check the:







to see if you write something wrong

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Hello, i'm trying to insert this to Interlude server, but i'm having this error when i'm trying to compile. What's wrong here?


    [javac] C:\Users\DarkCore\Desktop\L2G\L2jFrozen_GameServer\head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers\BankingCmd.java:91: cannot find symbol

    [javac] symbol  : method addItem(java.lang.String,int,long,com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance,<nulltype>)

    [javac] location: class com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.PcInventory

    [javac] activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Gold Bar", 3470, votecount, activeChar, null);

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Hello, i'm trying to insert this to Interlude server, but i'm having this error when i'm trying to compile. What's wrong here?


please highlight in

activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Gold Bar", 3470, votecount, activeChar, null);p

where the little arrow points. i mean in what word or sth. i guess addItem?

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