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well this allow you to set a server name for time.

what i mean?

You can config the SVR time is 11:09

so it will became SERVERNAME Server Time Is : TIME (GMT+2)

You can change the SERVERNAME And Greenwich Time

Default is

L2J-Frozen and (GMT+2)

time to start.

in head-src\com\l2jfrozen config.java

find this

	public static boolean NEW_PLAYER_EFFECT;

and add bellow this

	public static String SERVER_NAME_FOR_TIME;
public static int GMT_TIME;

then find this

			NEW_PLAYER_EFFECT = Boolean.parseBoolean(frozenSettings.getProperty("NewPlayerEffect", "True"));

and add bellow this

		SERVER_NAME_FOR_TIME = frozenSettings.getProperty("ServerName", "L2J-Frozen");
		GMT_TIME = Integer.parseInt(frozenSettings.getProperty("GreenwichTime", "2"));


save it and close.


in head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\network\clientpackets EnterWorld.java

find this

		activeChar.sendMessage("SVR time is " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));



and replace it with this

		activeChar.sendMessage(Config.SERVER_NAME_FOR_TIME + " Server Time Is: " + fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) + "(GMT +" + Config.GMT_TIME +")");



save it and close.


go now to gameserver/config/frozen/frozen.prop

find this

# Show Server Time to player on start
ShowServerTimeOnStart = true

replace it with this

# Show Server Time to player on start
# Show Server Name to player on start , Default = L2J-Frozen
# Show Greenwhich time to player on start , Default = 2
ShowServerTimeOnStart = true
ServerName = L2J-Frozen
GreenwichTime = 2


save it, close it, build and you are done.

well it's a small config but usefull i think for l2jfrozen users

i need feedbacks if something going wrong







Dude you had L2J-Developer rank before (as I remember)

I dont think that you cannot make one patch?

you remember wrong :)

i had never became l2j-dev

i had a little experience but 1 month ago i take all things from the start cause some things was null.

anyway it's a new starting


Its great mod if you have players in your server from other countries because they cannot know when the for example the olympiad will start. I am using L2J Frozen pack and its really usefull. :D

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