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Poppy,the pwnage PUNCH!

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  • 2 weeks later...

poppy is better with AP..if he make his ulty and his 1st he will kill him :D


Ah ye, u are pro i see












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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i prefer frozen mallet on poppy than Trinity Force.i may lose the sheen effect but it is getting more hp (slow cant be lost from tf) ;) poppy with ulti can kill the heavy carry and can continue for double/triple kill ;)


poppy ownz hard



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i think that the most stopped playing poppy, i have to see a poppy about days :D.


Hmm maybe , but still i love poppy .


i prefer frozen mallet on poppy than Trinity Force.i may lose the sheen effect but it is getting more hp (slow cant be lost from tf) ;) poppy with ulti can kill the heavy carry and can continue for double/triple kill ;)


poppy ownz hard




i prefer frozen mallet on poppy than Trinity Force.i may lose the sheen effect but it is getting more hp (slow cant be lost from tf) ;) poppy with ulti can kill the heavy carry and can continue for double/triple kill ;)


poppy ownz hard




Hmm, i havent test it so i am not sure how good it's.But i wouldnt change the trinity force it's just awesome

for me.Also warmogs will give you life so you dont want any else from other items.


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