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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Web-site is back!! great work  sido <3

well im sad cuz we lost some data, mainly because i dont have access to a pc every day...


but well now is up and as far as i understood safe.


I buy aCis domain


for 24 months have fun to don't write stupid ilive

good that acis>>>IL<<< is not stupid i-live :))


if you want to help us with this, transfer the domain in our account and we will put it up :)

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Well to answer to Sethek, no I'm still not bored doing that :). From the moment it stays a fun, and I got time to make it, no reason I stop it.



Ty Vahlior for domain name, but I would be glad you don't do things on my back, or eventually consult me before doing it. I thought you (by your own words, that's the reason - or at least the supposed reason - you deleted your own forum account remember ?) weren't involved anymore by aCis' future (yeah I got good memory).


Real forum name is http://acis.i-live.eu/ - I don't support the use of http://acisil.eu/ until Sido agree with (security problem so far no ? If he changes one day the redirection to a copy of aCis forum - and I won't be amazed it can happen  ::)). Paranoia FTW.



Registrations are up again (antibot added back), the forum is 'cleaned' of old topics aswell.


Around 5 to 10 quests max have been lost. If you downloaded them to test in past, consider PM fernandopm to give him back the quests. That will avoid he rewrite them. Ty in advance.


Changeset 197


Baium, Archers AI, quests, misc.


Baium is now almost retail like*

- Angel AI has been implemented. Angels stop to attack when you disarm your weapon, and they got a chaotic behavior (shuffle targets).

- angels are put as raid minion (avoid champion behavior for example) and are setted to running mod by default.


Archers AI : the behavior of archers is now OFF-like.

- They got bigger probability to dodge, they dodge always according to your position (never cross your path), and the new position is not random anymore, they go now farer ("300 fixed" instead of "random 100", leading to stupid behavior such as moving near you).

- As the behavior is only for archers, the npc_ai_data as been cleaned up of dodge infos (all is hardcoded). Check is only made on the AI Type.

- L2J topic : http://l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=23743



- addition of Q158, Q159 && Q160. Ty fernandopm, as always :).



- you can now attack NPCs. Restriction is removed as now NPCs are immortal, and skills don't effect them aswell.

- canTarget method is moved from L2Npc to L2PcInstance.

- the target system of pets as been cleaned up. It was kinda messed.


*There's still an issue about teleToLocation (waker doesn't see complete animation).

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It's a pain in ass to redo something again. Fernandopm, next time keep backups on your pc. :)

I agree. Fortunately, the loss is low compared to first estimations.

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I'll try a test server too see how the progress is going after so many months of trying :P


It's not a trying, it's a huge work, which Tryskell already did.


L2jfrozen development is "trying", not aCis. -_-

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Olys got a patch in developement, but until no one tests and report it, Treaser will stop the developement.


Sounds fair to you ?

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Olys got a patch in developement, but until no one tests and report it, Treaser will stop the developement.


Sounds fair to you ?

i can be a tester
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