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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Changeset 100



"Because and For You !"  -  acis.i-live.eu


"Because and For You !"  -  acis.i-live.eu[/center]

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I'm happy to say revision 100 has been reached, and then 102 is currently in test/debug (augmentations).


Sido made a signature, and I followed his idea, reworking the actual logo aswell. Feel free to use it. This is my actual sig, and the header of the post n°1 of this thread.




I'm happy some people spend their free time, share things, give infos. Ty for your support :).


Revision 102 is up.


Augmentations refactor


Yeah, fully working. What more to say...

- augmentations are added when unequip/equip items, and loaded with inventory.

- I used Freya, and deleted all accessories part, plus useless stuff (yellow array, useless method,...)

- augments are now deleted with items, when a character is deleted aswell.

- active augments got their cooltime stored.

- some security checks added in concerned packets.


About DP :

- c/p of the skillmap (go from 58ko to ~530ko)

- if there are problems about eventual postIL skills, tell me on forum. But from what I know, all are in the 3100/3200/3300.

- added a couple of configs.


Misc :

- drop of getItemGrade(), which called getCrystalType(). Why it existed, I have sincerly no idea. And you can't say dev was drunked, because he did the javadoc, and said on it "it is the same". Lol.

- mini reorganization in Config.java, in order to make lines less big. Just spaces basically.

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Rev 103 is out!  :o


ClanHalls refactor + Singletons


Well, it begun with a correction of singletons, and it ends by a clanhall update Smiley.


CHs / Auctions

  - Added the missing 22th auction, (Gludio or gludin) Moonstone Hall.

  - Corrected CHs loading process (Contestable aren't considered as auctionable)

  - Corrected week leases of all CHs (c/p freya), and descriptions.

  - Many typos, improvements and singletonizations of related instances.



  - Some singletonizations.

  - Added RequestExMagicSkillUseGround packet content (signets), ty Zerador for info.

  - Manufacturing checks are now made in clientpacket, not in serverpacket.

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Rev 103 is out!  :o


ClanHalls refactor + Singletons


Well, it begun with a correction of singletons, and it ends by a clanhall update Smiley.


CHs / Auctions

  - Added the missing 22th auction, (Gludio or gludin) Moonstone Hall.

  - Corrected CHs loading process (Contestable aren't considered as auctionable)

  - Corrected week leases of all CHs (c/p freya), and descriptions.

  - Many typos, improvements and singletonizations of related instances.



  - Some singletonizations.

  - Added RequestExMagicSkillUseGround packet content (signets), ty Zerador for info.

  - Manufacturing checks are now made in clientpacket, not in serverpacket.

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Rev 103 is out!  :o


ClanHalls refactor + Singletons


Well, it begun with a correction of singletons, and it ends by a clanhall update Smiley.


CHs / Auctions

  - Added the missing 22th auction, (Gludio or gludin) Moonstone Hall.

  - Corrected CHs loading process (Contestable aren't considered as auctionable)

  - Corrected week leases of all CHs (c/p freya), and descriptions.

  - Many typos, improvements and singletonizations of related instances.



  - Some singletonizations.

  - Added RequestExMagicSkillUseGround packet content (signets), ty Zerador for info.

  - Manufacturing checks are now made in clientpacket, not in serverpacket.

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Rev 104 is out!


Cursed weapons refactor, 1 skill XML



  - added propers messages at cursed owner login;

  - debugged cw_add (missing time task activation, and bug when you added 2 weapons on same character);

  - singletonizations, typos, missing checks, code actualization;

  - cursedWeapons.xml renamed cursed_weapons.xml, following the general XML naming convention.

  - GrandBosses, feeded beasts and guards can't drop them.



  - All freakin typos errors "equiped"/"unequiped" are now "equipped"/"unequipped".

  - "DropIt" => "dropIt"

  - refreshed the reward method (doItemDrop) in L2Attackable.

  - Added 5100-5199 (signets working without force condition, but they work);


Go post "Tryskell is right, you're all noobs" here : http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=22092

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freya copy paste project it will looks in few months like freya server in interlude client xD

tryskell You changed draco bow recipe materials... in interlude draco bow have other materials

I wish You good luck with project :)

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freya copy paste project it will looks in few months like freya server in interlude client xD

tryskell You changed draco bow recipe materials... in interlude draco bow have other materials

I wish You good luck with project :)


Quote of rev 77 :

The recipes.xml comes from Hellbound, minus the dynasty stuff. It's normally the same stats (to be honest I checked 10 random values to see if they fit and that fitted). If by any hazard values aren't the same (NCZoft's logic is sometimes strange), you're allowed to cry on forum.


So ty for report, but instead of saying such things here, you could report in forum and give all Ids, or even do the changes and share on forum, as it's only a values problem.

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tryskell ppl like to eat sh!t why u disturb them ?


Well, informations are fine, but they come a little late (30 revs later), and not in the good forum. Without any infos to correct it (I suppose it's not the only recipe changed if there is one...).




By the way, all skills XMLs are now done. Ty to all people who helped to rewrite/check them. Some errors are still up, and I still need you to check skills behaviors / misfunctions. When some changes were obvious to my mind and I made changes "on the fly" (such as Invocation), some changes can be more misty/out of my mind. It's time to polish skills :).




I would like to remember to all this is a free project, it hasn't any intention to be paying, and timeline is currently leeched by privates because of the quality. So don't be stupid, and help aCis to become the number 1 both on free and private IL projects. And fock all others who try to make money on your back selling lame copies of good work.


When I got no problem to be leeched, I got a problem to be the only one working. It delays the project's live statut aswell.


When I got no problem to be the only one to commit and organize work, I never said "no" to help. Help ways are multiple (you can see all differents possibilities here).


Goal of aCis is obviously to be the main core of all future IL servers, in order you find quality IL packs in future, like L2J/L2JFree IL in his time. Think a little to that.


In mostly of cases, people creating their forks leeching aCis are stuck to follow aCis timeline. Mainly because they lack of competence. So don't waste your time && money. They generally got no idea of what they copy, nor got ideas if they copy errors or no. When they (by a miracle) find errors, they don't report to me. So help free packs and fock private, cause their main goal is only to make money, not to sell you quality.




IRC channel and CTS (Crappy Test Server) are officially given up. I got no news about Bane (IRC channel creator), and Bodie2003 can't update server anytime, so server was staying low revision anytime, plus I was lazy to do it (when I didn't fail to update lol).

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Rev 107


ConfirmDlg? refactor, SummonFriend? fix


  • you can now add multiple things in ConfirmDlg? (popups for ress, summon friends, wedding accept). Timer, Zone area and many more are now supported.
  • Timer (30 seconds) and requesterId (fix bugged accept issue) added for Summon Friend. The popup shows too the zone where the requester is.
  • corrected an issue (when charm of courage will work, it would make the accept button buggy aswell).
  • modified the generic wedding popup generic for another (normally correct the "?" typo).




  • IsInCombat? fix. Fix "pets stuck in combat" issue (couldn't unsummon if you "attack" then "stop" the attack before the pet attacks).



Rev 108


AdminCommands? refactor, HTMs spring clean


  • deletion of //set (if I got many whines on forum, I will add it back, but not on this version anyway). I know it can be useful (modifying configs ingame directly), but not this form (or you have to memorize each godamn config).
  • drop of AdminTest? ; the only survivor, //st, has been moved to AdminSkill?.
  • merge of AdminShutdown? && AdminLogin? (read DP side).



DP side


  • remove of //recall_npc ghost button
  • accountinfo cleaned, charskills updated (add of removereuse button + broken link fix)
  • merge of shutdown && login, to maintenance

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Changeset 109


Skills fixes (signets restrictions, ChanceSkillTrigger)


- ChanceSkillTrigger debug (work now on any L2Character instead of L2Playable). Debug mirage and all augments using this type of effects.

- RemoveTarget effect now deletes completely the attackstance (it was keeping attacking even with target off, lol).

- Added back Battle/SpellForce.

- Deleted EffectForce. Old ruin of past memories. Or something like "very very old thing" :).

- Added right conditions for signets cast. They now work (near) as they should.


I decided to use the generic "work everywhere" systemMessage 113 for skill's unavailable forces number condition. If you find a cooler or the exact message (if it's the wrong message), tell me.


In another hand, if you think I missed a check on FusionSkill, tell me aswell. Don't wait 40 revs to say "hey, you got a problem here". It normally checks following states : death, under attack, party break, subclass change.

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  • Posts

    • Let's make one thing clear here, you don't have a patch/rev, what you have is a complete theft of codes, and if you are a real man, admit it, because my BR friends know very well that you are known for being the so-called interface copy/paste, because you don't create anything, you take advantage of years of work from people and steal it and sell it and you have the courage to talk about my patch, be ashamed of yourself.
    • i dont know why im the topic here if this is not even my patch, it seems you love me, even know my whole story... xd but good old times when we would EXCHANGE stuff betwen our selfs to make interfaces to our usage and likening... never talked to much with OMGz, but seems like a good guy   good old times when was all just having fun and editing stuff and playing, today is all about clout and money, i have that u dont hahahah   they will never come back..   i already left anything beside long time ago idk why think on me too much, just want to enjoy my free time to play some games and have fun.. but looks like somehow find a way to relate me to something, maybe you think on me to much idk, kinda weird.. unfortunately, you are looking at this code thinking that  "oh it has his name and abreviation, its from him" but i must say its not... i dont need to stay here saying that this and that happened, because i know very well that you know exactly what happened... peace for all PS: and.. my main language is pt br, not spanish like in the src...
    • Hi, i copy patch from L2acdc but have problem with 2 things... HP indicator, target animation... some1 know fix it ? i think need edit .dll files for it. Or its working it here in this patch ? thx    
    • so your guarantee is 0%, I'm sorry, it's his, just look at the interface.u codes, shameless even variable names or file calls with the name vraekar and vk, I know who this guy is, he's not even a programmer, he's a data analyst, who shamelessly stole the codes from omg and silent, mainly from omg, from whom the theft was shameful.
    • Yes, I can add it. This is my work for Costume skills. Soon will be reworked to handler. And about bow skills its my custom work.. preventing to use bow skills if you dont have arrows 😄  
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