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« Server Rates and Description »

• EXP / SP: 500x

• Party EXP / SP: 2x

• Vitality lvl: 4

• Adena: 500x

• Drop: 1x

• Raid Drop Items: 3x

• Spoil: 1x

• Quests Items Drop: 5x

• Sub-Class lv. 85 3x Max Sub-Classes.

• Noblesse Manager Npc by Payment

  (Game Coin, Not Real Money) from lv. 78 and above.


« Enchance Rates »

• Safe Enchant: +4 (a part) / +5 Fullbody (Upper and Down)

• Max Enchant Weapons, Armor, Jewelry: +16

• Scroll of Enchant Weapons / Armors Chance Rate : 80%

• Scroll of Enchant Blessed Weapons/Armors Chance Rate : 100%

• Element Enchant Chance Rate : 70%


« General Information »

• Auto Skills Learn lvl 85

• Fortresses Sieges: Works 100%

• Castles Sieges: Works 100%

• Perfect GEO-DATA

• Olympiad Period: 7 Days

• Automatic TVT Event (every 1 hr)

• Farming Areas With Custom NPCs

• GM Shop

• Banking Exchanger

• Gatekeeper

• Buffers

• Show TOP Status Npc (PVP, PK Players, Clans, Richest Players)

• Raid Bosses Re-spawn Time Informer

• Buffs / Songs / Dances Time: 4 hours

• Free Teleport to Everywhere

• Active GMs

• Friendly GM Community.


« Detailed Server's Descriptions »

• This server uses L2J, a project founded by L2Chef

  and developed by the L2J Team at « l2jserver.com »


• L2J Server Version: « 4420 »


• L2J Datapack Version: « 7667 »


• Copyright 2004-2011




• Single XP/SP: 500x


• Party XP/SP: 500x2


• Vitality lvl: 4


• Spoil Drop: 1x


• Adena Drop: 500x


• Custom Economy type: Balanced


• Quest Drop: 5x


• Raid Drop: 3x


• Normal Enchant Chance Weapon, Armor & Jewelry: 80%


• Blessed Enchant Chance Weapon, Armor and Jewelry: 100%


• Element Enchant Chance: 70%


• Attribute Max State: lvl 7


• Server is oriented towards PVP without giving up the PvE or PvP.


• New armor sets added: Moirai, Eligia and Vorpal fully functional

  (3 attribute types per armor part).


• New Weapons added , all Freya Weapons and PVP weapons, moving

  animations and also upgradeable to PVP.


• Seed of Annihilation fully functional with unique drops, Seed of Infinity

  instance, Plains of Lizardmen and much more added.


• Vesper masterwork and vesper pvp masterwork weapons and armors

  added and upgradeable.


• ALl freya skills added and functional and much much more!


• Clan Airships added.


• Masterwork and Foundation weapons and armors

  added (from a grade to S80).


• Grand Bosses / Epic Bosses added retail like

  (24 hours respawn / 1x Drops).


• Olympiad Hero Records.


• Territory War System.


• Clan level 11 and clan level 11 skills added.


• Rim Kamaloka: mobs, skill added.


• Geo-Data & Path-Node are fully functional.


• TVT event manager spawned every 1 hour in Giran and you have

  to talk with so you will be in the event registration list.


• All skills reuse time / effect updated to Freya Client.


• New Epilogue exclusive Agathions and accessories added (over 112

  agathions and hundreads of accessories, epilogue exclusives).


• Mail system added. You can send a mail to any player or character,

  including attachments (items) or request paymant too.


• New pets and summons added: Guardian strider, toy knight, dyenichus,

  spirit shaman, owl monk, turtle ascetic.


• MyTeleport function added.


• Antifeed system for PvP / PK / Clan Reputation Points.


• Offline shops added (make shop, log off, your shop remains online

  (just do "exit" after your shop edit)


• Skill Transfer (Certification Quest) is a system that allows you to learn

  some of the skills possessed by other classes in your field. In order to

  use this system, you must have completed your 3rd class transfer,

  which means you must be level 76 or above.

  In addition... (more on forum).


• New accessories added, new agathions added.


• PvP Weapons and Armors works.


« Monday 19 September 2011 NEWS »

• "128 New Awakening Goddess of Destruction Weapons" with over than 7 days of really hard work into: glow effects, hero glow effects, icons, status and description maintenance / modification by "Dev.Se7en" (Shared by Oroshimaru, Dual Swords, Axes, Daggers, United & Modified by Dev.Se7en for LII HellRaiser 2011).


• "4 New Awakening Goddess of Destruction Armors" (Shared by:

SaphireUniverse, Items Status by Se7en for LII HellRaiser 2011).


• "2x each character's Race/Sex New Awakening Goddess of Destruction Hair Styles " (Shared by: lilcoconut20, Items skill, even the item Re-modified by Dev.Se7en for LII HellRaiser 2011).



• "8 New Awakening Goddess of Destruction Classes Cloak(s)" (Shared by:

Oroshimaru, Items Status by Se7en for LII HellRaiser 2011).


• "10 New AION Wings" (Custom re-edited items by "MarucaMetal" - Items icons & status by Se7en for LII HellRaiser 2011).


• "7 New Freya Hi5 Weapons" (Items icons & Status by Se7en for LII HellRaiser 2011).


  and much more!

• Cloaks can be weared even if not castle lord. See special shop,

  no more class based.


• Accessories augmentation added.


• Gracia Areas are Populated with Mobs.


• Subclass skills for main class functional retail like.

  Divine Transformations have working skills.


• Spawn Protection 30 seconds. Nobody can hit you while porting

  if you don`t move for 30 seconds.


• Elemental Skill Enchants added for ALL classes.


• It`s all free and the system is balanced between PVP and PVE.


• New lvl 81 and 83 skills included and functional, including skills

  such as Hide, Star Fall and many more.


• PVP Weapons and Armors working and added.


• Attribute system functional (attribute stones, elemental crystals,

  elemental Jewels and ENERGY max to 120/300!!!).


• New Mounts (Steam Beatle, Lion and Rideable Horse).


• New Exlcusive Gracia 3 Final Pets (Fairy, Warrior,

  Weasel and Fox Shaman).


• All the new accessories and agathions are included

  (over 100 new accessories and 90 new agathions).


• New Epic Raids. Lindivor The Wind Dragon and more. Gracia

  and Freya & Raid Bosses Added.


• Rates are optimized for a balanced gameplay with a main focus on

  the pvp side of the game.


• S84 Vesper Weapons and Armors PVP edited.


• Custom Castle members Cloacks with extra status (passive).


• Team vs. Team event every 20 minutes with special rewards.


• Special events: Monster Invasion, Raid Boss Event, Hide and Seek

  Event and much more.


• Hellbound areas are available only by the quest (retail).


• Attributes stones drops in custom areas too.


• Gracia area Mobs, Gracia + Epilogue Areas have special drops.


• GM Shop, Global GK price system don't unbalance the game.


• Buffer features 4 hours of buffs.

  Standard 45buffs and 22 songs/dances.


• Champion Mobs have the title "Champion" and they dropping 100%

  Glittering Medals and gives higher EXP/SP than a regular mob.


• Wedding System Implemented.


• Aerial transformations, skills working, airships,

  Gracia Continent with mobs.


• Enchant rates are 70% Regular and

  100% a Blessed Scroll chances of succes.


• GM support daily. No bans for anything, except attempts

  of botting and exploits or in very extreme cases.


• Constant Development of the game guarantees an up to date and

  improved gameplay. Because We care and respect our players.


• Server Hardware constantly upgraded.


• Server's prices are Balanced for a stable long running economy.


• Olympiad System, Normal Nobless System by payment (Game's Coins

    Not Real Money!!!). Payment coins is not a hard thing to collecting, so the

  killing of Quest Monster is not necessary! (Also the Quest works fine!).


• Game testers are constantly adding new feature and

  balancing the system.


• Glittering Medals and Golden Apiga earned in the TVT Event, by droped

  of Mini Bosses and every custom mob in our

  Server's "EXP & Farming" areas.


Perfect Freya Geo-Data / Path-Node.


• Anti-Boting system.


• NO WIPE - N E V E R !!!

What are you waiting for? Start Playing now !!!


For more details and full descriptions visit us at:





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It's a new server, almost 3 months old, not so good population. We can't support our servers with money at the moment. We give our very best of us because we love

that thing. By the way "L2 mother" will hunt soon all of privet servers to protect her "own child" again, like she did before, in C3 times! No mutter if we (all of un-official servers) have donation system or not! -- L|| HELLRAISER servers are not supported by players m0ney or companies of any kind!!! --


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{This is from website statistic}~> PVP Accounts: 50 / Characters: 144 / Clans: 15 

People online at PvP server? 5? 10? i think there arent more....


Anti-Boting System includes L2Net? or not?


Is domain free? i think it is!


Server is dedicated or homehosted?


Give us more informations....



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