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dude i dont think so because he have anti-packet system i mean if you try to send 1000 packets then you get kicked! you have to send the maximum xD


dragonhunter i think you told me about one year before to buy b00ks and Start Learning i do it and i am here if you want provements then ask me to make a program ! i have an attacker for l2C  :) i just make it i make it to send 50 packets disconect connect ! correct packets ! if you want to test then unblock me or add me xD ! and for the server i mean to make a Zombie List to seed the server to make a better connection!

Rev22 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/22

Fixed some bugs

Added some checks if the client has sended the first 2 packets: Version, Auth


rev23 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/23

some more anti-attack... and some packet checks


have fun attacking ;)


Rev22 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/22

Fixed some bugs

Added some checks if the client has sended the first 2 packets: Version, Auth


rev23 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/23

some more anti-attack... and some packet checks


have fun attacking ;)


with a Shell Booter? The Same?


Can You Send Me The Game And LoginServer To Check my Attacker :)


I don't understand one thing, to make the whole project alone needs some 10 years and with your activity "10/02/2010: 2 changes / 10/04/2010: 1 change / 10/05/2010: 2 changes / 10/09/2010: 3 changes / 10/15/2010: Today 1 change" In the near future something else will appear, so your work is useless.. Maybe You did it to increase your skill in C# but You can increase it in other ways.


-Poof, xAddytzu


Now we are finally able to see some mobs, npc's ingame ;)

Too bad we need to use everytime //respawnarea to see them..


Created new command: //respawnarea

This command will just respawn all npc's/mobs in the area ur at


and some more nice updates






rev 28 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/28


Created new packets:






Fixed a bug at re-login

Created a simple npc AI, all the mobs/npc's are moving now in the same direction, but hey we are having some movement


And many changes..


rev 36 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/36

new command: debugconsole

With this command ur able to redirect all the console logs to lineage2

So your able to watch the console ingame, pretty cool ha


New command: teleportto

with this command ur able to teleport where ever u want to..

usage: //teleport to x y z


Added a new weapon: Short Sword

Created a weapon loader

Kinda fixed the UnselectTarget but it has 1 bug... the selected target will be teleported to u

instead of removing it from the screen


Created UseItem packet

And some more changes ;)

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