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The test server has been updated to version 3.


Most notable changes:
- Completed Farming Zones (Monsters and Drops)
- Vote Reward System added (vote on l2topzone and then type .getreward ingame)
- Limited time boost items added. You get one from voting(lasts 12h) and one from farming(lasts 2h).
Boosts are around 10 to 20%.

- Special Shop added. (Includes option for test server players so they wont have to farm).
Once the server goes live the test server option will be removed.

- TvT and Ctf Events fully configured.


Make sure to download the new system patch.

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After the latest updates the server is almost ready. A lot of bugs were fixed and lots of content changes were made. Right now i am fine tuning the economy and later i plan to add some stuff i left for last (codex,Ls etc.).


I was hoping to be able to launch the server on the first days of July, but i decided to keep working on it and make sure things will be as good as possible before opening, thats why i want you to login to the test server and start PvPing, You dont have to farm for end game items on the test server. Theres a "Special Shop" that sells all the things you will have to farm for in the live server (button with the smiley face).


About farming, i know people these days are used to the instant pvp servers but thats not real lineage2. Instant everything takes away the joy of building your character up and actually make your time spent worth a damn.


Anyway enough of that. I will let you know of the latest changes as soon as there are some.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Response is good.

Since the day we became public again the site has more than 3000 unique visits.

Also we had more than 800 characters created on the test server and new people try out the test server everyday.

Average 20 new accounts are created everyday.

We cant say for sure how many people will be at the opening yet but i believe there will be more than 100 wich is pretty good estimate considering the state of Lineage 2 these days.

We are still working hard to improve the server and each day that passes things get better and better.


Opening has been scheduled for the 9/7/2015.

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Wishing you guys the best luck, it's absolutely amazing to see these old projects coming back to life. I dare to say you'll hit 500 if you advertise a bit more!

Thank you, and as i said before i opened the last L2FX in 2010, even if 20 people join i will be happy. :)

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server seems cool,but forum is kinda inactive...how many ppl do u expect?

Would it really matter? These days all servers have fake players/counters.


Anyway server seems ok, i used to play there back in the day but i dont remember much.

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