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No serious reasons ? rofl...


Ok then. ::) ::) ::) ::)


You try to pretend to be someone else fred to give me shit, Well I do not care.


Jesus christ, ok, take it as you want.


It's nice to see you play innocent to turn everything against me.



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1) Dual Faced Man, Threat People Good and -beep- then in the Back :D

2) Money stealer, yeah he stole all the cash from old mxc :D

3) He uses others work to gain money with (COEP) for example, ok he can code some stuff but its just a loser,

that can`t do decent stuff himself, but yeah claiming for (invisible stuff, like trusting in god can be done) lol.

4) There are things way better than his stuff, and honestly paying 120 euro for shit (LOL) and yes i know people that use his work and it sucks, will take nice time until it reach enough quality, but it will be late.

5) Compatible w/ Vamp IL / Vamp HB or C4 ? (Outdated Shit lol, who buys it is being rapped :D)

6) Not compatible with ND ? What a noob is this lol :D


Anyways have fun buying its n4bs =D.

lol this is not Fr3DBr this is me, face it noob, you are a piece of shit.


You are already breaking this forum rules, and your account created only for flame purposes, either you have the other account, either you are retarded kid.

Anyways, you can say w/e you want but i trust manton, he never scammed me or made a joke of  me. And he is not stealing stuff from others... as he knew my root logins over 4 months and nothing happened.


So in short words, he is trusted and his mods are well made, can be modified at your needs.

I vouch for this guy.



P.S. The incidents you got at lineage server (as i heard) should not affect this thread in any way.

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I have many happy and satisfied customers.


This is how Fr3DBr reacted in his entire life. When there are others that also offers a module, and he feel that he will lose money on it.


It is not the first time.


Funny thing is that you Fr3DBr wrote exactly the same as "Pro Antrax2K10" to me once before. It is a bit strange.  :)

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I decided to add Auto announce system to the core license ;)

Why do people continue to add features which already exist?


Better question, why do people continue to BUY features which already exist?


Auto announcements has been in the L2Server since even the c1 leak... sooo wtf is the point?

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