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MaxCheaters Project [L2OFF Server] Register here!

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I have much experience and I think I can be one of your best/trustful/active staff members in this new server...

I speak english fluently and I d like to be part of one of the following groups:


Head GM/Admin (Builder Access 1/2)

Support/Event GM (Builder Access 5)

Support GM (Builder Access 9)

Global Moderator (Forum)

English Section Moderator (Forum)

Greek Section Moderator(Forum)




Full GM commands and job knowledge

Friendly / Patient

Perfect English(2 Certificates 1 Proficiency)

Perfect Greek(ofc)

A bit French

I have dealt with many big communities such as yours and I have been player of interlude L2MxC so I have lots of ideas about the server..

Best regards

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i can help with this things .

Forum Moderators Team/Beta Testers Team/GameMasters Ingame Team/Webdevelopers/Webdesigners Team

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I can help u being a ingame Supporter/Event GM.I can be online many hours a day.And i have 3 years experience as a Gm and 1 year as a L2JDeveloper (But i think the Java development dont matter.).


Edit: Your current support Gms have to be replaced as soon as you can. This is just a suggestion from me.

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Basically i will wait for L2Java one,but also i can help here as forum moderator.

Some infos about me.




Experienced:At 3-5 more l2server as forum moderator.

Abilities:Keep the forum clean and without problems, for the best of all members.

Hours per day online:8-13h per day

And much more in action.


Thnx for hearing.

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Head GM: Head GM will have 98% access ingame but without the priviledge of summon items. He can also decide rb spawns / siege times / oly times / events and many more. He will manage all other Event/Support GMs and inform HeadGM for news in server.


 - I have a lot of experience in LineAge official (3 years), I know the respawn time of the Raid Bosses also I can make a Custom spawn to create more balance the same think on siege and olympiad.I can manage other GM's for Events/And support and I do inform asap a Admin when I deal with any kind of problems.


I can also be a Support/Event GM: Event GM will be repsonsible for all Events that may happen ingame. All Events must be first announced in Forum/Portal before they been made. Also they have to inform Forum Moderators Team for all Events they make . (Results/Prices/Awards)


  - Indeed I'm  responsible for the Evets in game and the rewards also how to keep the community active and happy.


Beta Testers: Beta testers will have access to play on beta server. They must be oldschool, old players skilled, burned who know much and played official in the past. They will test skills/items/shops/drops/rates etc ingame and inform the rest of the team for nessecary fixes/updates/changes.


Well since I play this game for over 5 years I know how all skills, drops, rate and some items must work.


Please contact me.

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