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GFX Team in Maxcheaters? Apply here.


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Well guys , i see a lot of you have skills in designing , rendering, drawing etc and i decided to make a team for you.



In order to apply this team you have to show me:


- Some of your work.

- Your portfolio (if you have any).

- Your designs/skills in any way.

- Any other additional information you got.


(Client Modders cant join the team).

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- Some of your work.
- Your portfolio (if you have any).
- Your designs/skills in any way.
- Any other additional information you got.



- Some of my work:















- Portfolio -


Haven't got any, yet.


- Your designs/skills in any way. -


Classed as Moderate/ Low Intermediate GFX Designer.


- Any other additional information you got. -


Weekends = Free time, as well if i got the position i'll try to be active atleast once a day, i'm busy bee going on university and studying. 

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- Some of your work.
- Your portfolio (if you have any).
- Your designs/skills in any way.
- Any other additional information you got.

Some of my work











Large piece http://i40.tinypic.com/vh9t6u.jpg 




I dont have a site profolio yet. soon to come.


Your designs/skills in any way.


Classed as Moderate to  Intermediate with some semi pro works.


Any other additional information you got.


Hm i started designing like 2 years ago i think i improved alot since then , i open photoshop at least 1 time a day its like a drug to me , i got some free time to help people here and help em improve, and mostly i love making sigs for other people u can see that on my works =D , And the last part i am willing to Spend my free time to help people improve making tuts and classes to teach them the things i know till now.

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- Some of your work.










This image have been minimized



















- Your portfolio (if you have any).


I don't have any.


- Your designs/skills in any way.


Classed as moderate to  intermediate with some semi professional works. I have stop creating signatures

and avatars and I focus on photo manipulation.


- Any other additional information you got.


I am using Photoshop for 7-8 months and GIMP for 1 month. I am using Photoshop around 10+ hours in a week. Photoshop will be my work too in the feature as a programmer and web designer. I am everyday logged in MaxCheaters for 1-2 hours, I am spending around 30-40 minutes on Photoshop section. I have create some logos for some stores in my village.


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(Client Modders cant join the team).


why? :( i will post for fun xD




Tutorials by me:














My designed skills:






Client designer,game designer, 3 times GUI designer


ps: i dont want to join in gfx group or w/e this is xD but i will like to be part of it :P

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Well guys , i see a lot of you have skills in designing , rendering, drawing etc and i decided to make a team for you.



In order to apply this team you have to show me:


- Some of your work.

- Your portfolio (if you have any).

- Your designs/skills in any way.

- Any other additional information you got.


Providing that my old account will be unbanned I am sure that I can fulfill all the requirements in order to become a part of this team.

At first,I am one of the oldest that are still active here as I am member since 2008.In addition the most of the gfx'ers have showed me plenty of respect which means I am capable of handling this section.Furthermore,I have a huge variety of HQ and professional resources which would be shared with our community!

Answering to your questions now:


-=Some of my work(will show-off my latest)=-

















I've made one in teh past but I was too busy to update it so I consider making a new one with DaRkSLaYeR(<3 bro :P)!

Will show it once I will be finished with it.


-=My design skills in any way=-

I've been photoshopping about two years and last summer was my peak.I started following tuts and learned everything from zero.

Now I've become a good graphics designer mostly experienced in signatures,large pieces and some projects I've been working on lately.

I have also started using "Cinema4D" and "Adobe After Effects"!


-=Further Information=-

All you need to know is mentioned above.

I think I am suitable for this position since few are the members that overcome my experience in here,and by saying that I mean that I've seen and done a lot!

You have my msn but w/e--> st.jimmy77@hotmail.com

Choose Jimmy and ensure your designed future :D


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Seriously, you can't compare Blane's or Sofia's skills with GodPower's.

He is still a newbie at a few things, if you want my opinion.

Yes, I agree but take a look at his last creations.For instance, ED's sig, his sig, the sigs he made for bloodywarrior.

They are perfect imo.

And I'm not saying this because he's a good friend.

Take a look especially at Bloodywarrior's topic.


EDIT:PS:NAB will always be a skilled GFXer ;>

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And now more srsly, what about tutorials? showing your sigs to others wont help so much you know..







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And now more srsly, what about tutorials? showing your sigs to others wont help so much you know..

If you read what I said,I am premium and regular to the proest gfx websites and I know what the newbies need since I,myself started from zero without being taught a shit.

I've helped many of our -today- ps users and about my skills,teaching and making,coyote is the one who can talk about them in a better way,I guess.


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